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Mar 6th 2024

【Google PM】前進矽谷:產品經理面試 3 流程 4 策略成功拿下 offer!

因 二、我的求職背景簡介 三、 Google 面試的 2 大流程 一、決定 Google 面試的原因 經過薪資平台統計, Google 人才在 MBA 畢業後的 Level 4 PM 薪水平均為 $251k USD,而較為資深的 Level 5 薪資甚至可達 $341k USD,成為眾多 MBA 畢業生的
Cover Letter
Mar 6th 2024

What Is a Motivation Letter for a Master’s Degree & How to Write It?

In this article, you will read about: Why You Need a Good Motivation Letter for Master’s How to Write a Good Motivation Letter for Master’s Motivation Letter for Master’s — Examples Tips on How to Write a Motivation Letter for a Master’s Program Motivation Letter for Master's Degree Example Most universities have some requirements for applicants who are undergraduates and above to accomplish before getting the admission letter, especially for MBAs. Not only will you have
Resume & CV
Mar 6th 2024

你履歷照片再這樣放,offer 直接跟你說掰掰!- 以 CakeResume 為例

之前在新創公司工作時,有時也需當第一關面試的負責人,幫忙老闆過濾誰能進到第二關,約有負責面試 10 幾個實習生與正職的經驗(但我的工作不是 HR,但新創都一個人當 5 個人 XD ),從台大 MBA
Student Guide
Mar 6th 2024

10 Prospek Kerja Administrasi Bisnis Menarik dan Gajinya!

jurusan ini dan tanggung jawab yang akan kamu pegang untuk pekerjaan jurusan ini. Mengenal Jurusan Administrasi Bisnis Administrasi bisnis atau yang dikenal dengan administrasi niaga adalah sebuah program dengan gelar Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) atau Master of Business Administration (MBA), yang mempelajari tentang segala sesuatu yang terkait dengan kegiatan operasional bisnis atau yang dikenal sebagai manajemen bisnis. Kegiatan yang dimaksud mencakup marketing, finance, akuntansi, sumber daya manusia, project management dan global business. 💼 Tanggung jawab seorang yang bekerja dalam
Cover Letter
Mar 6th 2024

Investment Banking Cover Letter [Examples, Template & Tips]

to guide you on how to craft a top-notch how to write a cover letter for investment banking jobs. Investment Banking Cover Letter Examples General investment banking cover letter Dear Hiring Manager, My name is Kellie Huang - a recent MBA graduate from National Taiwan University. I was introduced to your firm via Professor Kuo and was excited to see the junior investment analyst opening at your firm, Barclays. With my educational background and former Morgan Stanley internship experience, I
Success Stories
Mar 6th 2024

業務如何勇闖海外職涯?Microsoft 美國總部 Customer Enablement Manager Jenny 的跨職能經驗談

例子。台大社會系出身的 Jenny 畢業後先是在人資領域發展了四年,爾後前往巴黎高等商學院 HEC 就讀 MBA,並在 2017 年以 AE(Account Sales)的業務角色加入台灣微軟。 2021 年,在 Microsoft 邁向第四年的 Jenny,一共換過 4 個職位、2
People & Culture
Mar 6th 2024

Farina Situmorang on Founding AI Startup Pensieve Technology and Navigating Career Journey

probably fix it. ” Farina mentioned. During her tenure at IBM, Farina gained extensive knowledge in the field of technology and honed her skills in sales and marketing. After a few years at IBM and Microsoft, Farina decided to pursue her MBA degree at Northwestern University - Kellogg School of Management. After graduation, Farina landed an offer to go back to her internship place at a company called BlackBerry. She worked for BlackBerry in their corporate headquarters in Canada for a couple
Success Stories
Mar 6th 2024


學習、突破,累積了美國 Target 百貨、麥當勞、eBay 和 Meta 的跨領域、跨職能經歷,目前則是成為了一名創業家,與 MBA 的同學一起創辦了 AI 的男裝租賃新創 Taelor,開啟了新的打怪之旅。 回頭省視不斷轉換職涯的路程
Cover Letter
Mar 6th 2024

Crafting a Standout Social Media Manager Cover Letter [+Templates & Tips]

com/in/annchen August 8th, 2022 Mark Chuang Senior Manager XXX Fashion 123 Street, CA 90008 Dear Mr. Chuang, I am writing this cover letter to express my interest in XXX Fashion’s Social Media Manager position. I completed my MBA program in marketing at Northwestern University and have worked as a social media manager at two different companies. I am confident that my experience in analyzing the fashion market and managing social media platforms makes me the best person
Resume & CV
Mar 6th 2024

Chi tiết cách viết CV xin học bổng bằng tiếng Anh + Mẫu tham khảo

Được tạo bởi CakeResume Để “săn học bổng” du học thành công, bạn không những cần chuẩn bị nhiều giấy tờ cần thiết mà còn viết CV xin học bổng sao cho thuyết phục và ấn tượng hội đồng tuyển chọn nữa. Về cơ bản, nội dung CV xin học bổng sẽ chú trọng vào kiến thức và kỹ năng học thuật của ứng viên. Bên cạnh đó, hình thức của loại hồ sơ này cũng sẽ tối giản hơn

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