Success Stories
3月 6日 2024

全球頂尖管理顧問 MBB 的人才趨勢分析 — Vincent 的管顧工作日常、職涯與思考

麥肯錫(McKinsey)、BCG 和 Bain 三大合稱「MBB」的顧問公司,是不少人心中的夢幻工作,更被視為職涯的里程碑。然而,相信大家也多有耳聞,知名管顧公司光鮮亮麗的高薪與成就背後,更多的是不斷追求成長與應對
Cover Letter
3月 6日 2024

Consulting Cover Letter Writing Tips (+ Top Consulting Firms Cover Letter Examples)

juice flow. Outline McKinsey cover letter BCG cover letter Bain cover letter Deloitte cover letter example Accenture cover letter Oliver Wyman cover letter Consulting internship cover letter Sales consultant cover letter Entry-level consulting cover letter Strategy consulting cover letter McKinsey cover letter Dear Mr. Peters, I am writing to apply for the Actuarial Consultant position at McKinsey & Company, Los Angeles. I am confident your clients will be able to benefit from my unique skill set to help solve their
Career Planning
3月 6日 2024

Top 5 Highest Paid Jobs in the Current Market 2023 - 2024

work them, and the corresponding compensation for these more technical positions. Jobs that pay well now are typically those that have not yet been automated or replaced by emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence. According to recent research conducted by McKinsey & Company , the job market has witnessed a shift towards roles that require specialized skills, such as technology, healthcare, and finance. Overall, the pursuit of jobs that pay well now requires adaptability and ongoing skill development to align with the
People Operations
3月 22日 2024

DEI: Pengertian, Manfaat, dan Cara Menerapkannya di Lingkungan Kerja

kerja, DEI artinya adalah konsep lingkungan kerja ideal berdasar asas keterwakilan, keadilan, dan kesempatan yang sama untuk semua individu, tanpa memandang ras, gender, agama, atau karakteristik tertentu. DEI penting bagi karyawan dan perusahaan dalam meningkatkan performa bisnis. Menurut studi dari McKinsey , perusahaan yang memiliki rating DEI tinggi memiliki kemungkinan 25% lebih besar mendapat profit dibandingkan dengan perusahaan DEI rendah. Bagi karyawan, bekerja di tengah keberagaman, kesetaraan, dan inklusi memungkinkan mereka berkembang lebih baik dari segi karir dan kompetensi diri. Dalam
People Operations
3月 6日 2024

Building an Inclusive and Thriving Workplace with DEI

s dynamic work environment, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) have emerged as essential components of a thriving and forward-thinking workplace as a guiding philosophy that transforms organizations into inclusive and equitable spaces where every individual can contribute their best. McKinsey found that companies in the top quartile for gender or racial and ethnic diversity are more likely to have financial returns above their national industry medians. Gartner shared an interesting finding that 75% of companies with “frontline decision-making
Career Development
3月 6日 2024

Apa itu Bootcamp? Tipe, Manfaat, Contoh

profesional dapat terjun langsung ke bidang yang ingin dipelajari. Training bootcamp yang sudah ada di pasar dan banyak diminati meliputi: UI/UX Design , Product Management, Data Analytics, Digital Marketing, Software Engineering , dan lain-lain. Apakah Bootcamp Efektif? Menurut data dari Mckinsey , permintaan terhadap pekerja profesional, terutama di bidang digital, mengalami lonjakan tajam hingga 80% dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. Namun, faktanya hanya sekitar 23% dari pekerja profesional tersebut memiliki kemampuan kompeten dan memenuhi persyaratan perusahaan dengan baik. Ini berarti ada kelebihan
Resume & CV
3月 6日 2024


工作的職涯發展 管顧履歷撰寫技巧 管顧熱門職缺整理 管顧履歷範本 如果想要應徵頂尖管顧 MBB(McKinsey、BCG 和 Bain)四大管顧(Deloitte、EY、PwC、KPMG)、外商或是傳統的管顧公司,建議準備 制式化的英文履歷 ,最傳統、嚴肅
People Operations
3月 6日 2024

Talent Management: Pengertian, Proses, dan Strategi dalam Perusahaan

Itu Penting Mengapa talent manajemen itu sangat krusial dalam perusahaan? Yuk simak manfaat talent management dibawah ini. 1. Meningkatkan Performa Perusahaan SDM yang profesional dan expert di bidangnya akan mempermudah perusahaan untuk meningkatkan performa untuk mencapai goals perusahaan. Menurut penelitian McKinsey&Company menyatakan bahwa talent management paling efektif adalah mengkombinasikan tiga komponen yaitu rapid talent allocation , pengalaman positif karyawan, dan tim HR yang strategik. Dalam penelitian tersebut, diantara tiga komponen keefektifan talent management, rapid talent allocation merupakan komponen yang paling
People Operations
3月 6日 2024

How to Create an Employee Evaluation Form (+ Templates)

How to Create an Employee Evaluation Form (+ Templates) Ever sat through a Parent Teacher meeting and actually discovered something helpful? No? Well, if you had, that would have been something like what an employee evaluation form is made for. Similar to performance reviews , an employee evaluation form assesses an employee's performance within a given role and overall fit within the company. Which is crucial to maximize an organization’s performance and competitiveness. For several reasons. But we’ll get
Cover Letter
3月 6日 2024

Investment Banking Cover Letter [Examples, Template & Tips]

Created by CakeResume In this article, we’ll cover: Investment Banking Cover Letter Examples How to Write an Investment Banking Cover Letter Investment Banking Cover Letter Template Tips on How to Write a Cover Letter for Investment Banking An investment banker or investment banking analyst’s major responsibilities include raising capital for businesses and individuals by issuing debt and selling equity, overseeing mergers, conducting research, and preparing legal and financial documents. Want to get into investment banking? Well, you’re

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