求职信(Cover Letter)

誰說有技術才能 MVP?專訪《科技產品與牠們愛好者的產地》社團創辦人曾仲平,讓社群成為你的創業能量!

自己很懶,其實不會主動去追科技媒體的報導,而是將吸收資訊的行為融入在生活習慣中。比如說 Product Hunt 有一個 Chrome 的插件,可以在新增一個 Tab 的時候自動顯示 Product Hunt 的最新排名與消息,就可以讓仲平

【企業 CEO 專訪系列文】CakeResume 創辦人 Trantor:大環境影響甚巨,新鮮人不要失去信心

CakeResume 的發展從履歷編輯器開始,因為創辦人 Trantor 發現傳統履歷無法好好展示自身開發過的專案,發現這個痛點之後,Trantor 著手開發初代 CakeResume ,並將成果丟到使用者分享和發現產品的 Product Hunt ,並成功獲得眾多
Personal Branding

What is Personal Brand? 3 Ways of Branding Yourself Successfully!

last decade, personal branding has received a high volume of online hits, along with the concept of social media marketing. Further reading: Blogging is the new resume: Why less is not always more by Ryan Hoover, the co-creator of Product Hunt Social media is the perfect place for distributing and amplifying your created content so that people can discover and share thoughts and ideas. With over 1.6 billion users around the world, Facebook can be a great outlet

Elevate Your Resume Design to Capture Attention [15+ Inspiring Examples]

Job hunting is treacherous and uncertain, and writing a professional resume never seems easy. Your resume that sums up who you are, explains what you’ve accomplished, and persuades the hiring manager for you. That’s crucial, but there’s also resume design. Resume design is about how you present your resume, about the colors, layout, and font choice that sends out the message about your personality. Before they even read a word, your creative resume design is actually the

Listing Promotions on Resume: Showcasing Your Career Growth [+ Templates]

Created by CakeResume Getting promoted at work is not just a reward, but also concrete proof of a person’s dedication to their job, along with his leadership and industry knowledge. Therefore, listing promotions on your resume is an important step of your job-hunting process. Promotion on resumes helps reveal your growth capabilities and communicate to the recruiting manager that you are a potential candidate for future vacancies. In this article, we’ll walk you through detailed guidelines on

CakeResume 五歲了!CEO 與 COO 最真實也精實的創業心聲

作時,利用業餘時間學習 UI 和 UX 設計,並一邊自己設計和開發出 CakeResume 的第一版產品。他將這個 MVP( Minimum Viable Product,最小可行產品 )放上一個知名的產品分享平台 Product Hunt ,獲得了不錯的市場反應,才趨使他下定決心

SEO Resume Examples (Advanced Resume & Cover Letter Tips)

optimization, it is vital to know how to make an SEO resume that will get you the dream job. This guide in writing an SEO resume will help you in all ways to rank you up in your ongoing job hunt. 6 Steps for Writing an Winning SEO Resume Step 1: Understand the Differences between an SEO Resume and an SEO CV. A standard resume and a Curriculum Vitae (CV) have some distinctions among them. The following part outlines the
产业 & 职位介绍

Apa Itu Scrum Master? Ini Dia Tugas, Gaji, dan Skill yang Perlu Dikuasai

pengembang akan berfokus pada penyelesaian serangkaian daftar pekerjaan yang telah direncanakan sebelumnya. 2. Backlog Produk Daftar prioritas yang berisi daftar fitur, penyempurnaan, dan perbaikan bug yang perlu dikerjakan dalam pengembangan suatu produk. Manajemen dan pemeliharaan backlog produk biasanya dilakukan oleh Product Owner. 📚 Baca juga: Pernah dengar profesi Bug Hunter ? Pelajari skill, prospek kerja, dan gajinya di sini! 3. Sprint Backlog Bagian kecil dari backlog produk yang berisi item pekerjaan yang dipilih untuk dijalankan pada sprint tertentu. Dalam satu sprint

Outsource là gì? Công ty Outsource và Product có gì khác nhau?

 Công ty Outsource và Product có gì khác nhau? Mục lục: Outsource là gì? Các loại hình công ty outsource phổ biến Ưu và nhược điểm khi doanh nghiệp sử dụng dịch vụ outsource “Outsource” (hay “thuê ngoài”) đã trở thành một hiện tượng toàn cầu kể từ những năm 1990. Sự phát triển của Internet và một thế giới hội nhập hơn giúp nhiều công ty hưởng lợi từ việc thuê ngoài nguồn lao động giá rẻ của

CV Design: 35+ Curriculum Vitae Designs You Should See

In this article, you'll find out: 10 Professional CV Design Templates 10 Modern CV Design Templates 10 Creative CV Design Templates 5 Minimalist CV Design Templates A curriculum vitae or a CV is a document where you include your course of life to present it to the employers/academics for a certain position. There are two types of CVs which are academic CV and job application CV. The main difference between them is the purpose that will define the


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