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Job Search Tips
Mar 6th 2024

Freelancers in 2022: Top 8 Most Lucrative Industries

Some are pro-technology and IT-related while others are more for creative minds. Following trends indicate what is typically in urgent needs or requiring specific expertise. Job descriptions are quite similar to those of desk-jobs. Freelancers (independent workers, remote contractors, side-hustlers, self-employed) can follow the bandwagon and know what to work on next. Technology and IT, the Top 1 Growing Sector for Freelancers In our daily lives, we’re “logged in” basically 24/7. Computers are
Resume & CV
Mar 6th 2024

20+ Accountant Resume Examples & Writing Guideline 2024

be reached via phone number for any particular reason, remember to mention your preferred contact method in your cover letter. Location information is optional as it sometimes can cause bias. This information can opt-out if you're applying for remote work, or you can mention the country instead of the city you're in. 💡 Pro Tips : You can also provide your LinkedIn URL, CakeResume profile, portfolio, or social media handles (if relevant). 2) Resume Headline A resume headline
Student Guide
Mar 6th 2024

Mau Kuliah Sambil Kerja? Ini 7 Tips Sukses dan 9 Pilihan Kerjanya untuk Mahasiswa!

adalah mahasiswa. Atasan kamu akan memberikan kemudahan akan waktu bekerja jika suatu saat kamu harus izin karena adanya keperluan yang berkaitan dengan kuliah. 3. Kerja Online Kemajuan teknologi di era ini mendorong akan banyaknya pekerjaan yang dilakukan secara online atau remote . Oleh karena itu, kemungkinan untuk kerja online sambil kuliah pun semakin besar. Contoh pekerjaan untuk anak kuliah yang bisa dilakukan secara online yaitu pekerjaan freelance , baik itu di bidang menulis, membuat konten, mengedit video, mendesain, dan keahlian lainnya. 📚
People Operations
Mar 6th 2024

Making a Candidate Persona: Examples + Template

Dissatisfactions : small firm, low pay, lack of company culture Current Role : HR manager, people & culture officer Previous experience : HR manager, People & Culture officer in a mid-to-large scale firm Preferences: Location : Greater Jonestown Area Off-site : Can work hybrid/remote Communication/Work style : Leader, assertive, in person and online Motivations : qualitative feedback, monetary bonuses As you can see, both candidate personas have the same categories with subtle differences in skills, motivations and experiences. Having more detail and variety within

Kenali Pekerjaan Network Engineer: Tugas, Gaji, Skill, dan Prospek Karirnya

menyelesaikan nama domain, dan mendiagnosis masalah konfigurasi DNS. Network Sniffer : dapat membantu mengatasi berbagai masalah jaringan seperti kesalahan protokol, celah keamanan, alokasi bandwidth, dan penurunan kinerja. Port Scanner: membantu pemecahan masalah jaringan seperti aturan firewall, ketersediaan layanan, dan port forwarding. Remote Access : dapat digunakan untuk mengatasi masalah jaringan seperti perubahan konfigurasi, update software, analisis log, backup dan restore . 3. Jaringan dan Routing Network engineer perlu menguasai berbagai arsitektur dan jenis jaringan untuk menunjang pekerjaan. Tanpa penguasaan skill jaringan, network engineer
Recruitment & HR
Mar 6th 2024

12 Tips to Motivate Your Employees and Be the Best Manager

to motivate them in a company. Another way to motivate your team members is by fostering the employee autonomy . This leads to increased job satisfaction and positively affects employees' well-being. Avoid micro-managing employees and allow them to work remotely/independently. Motivated employees will work harder to reach the milestones you set for them. Here are some team motivation ideas that you can use as a reference: Set rewards based on milestones Allow employees to take extra paid hours
Career Development
Mar 6th 2024

Hustle Culture: Pengertian, Dampak, dan Cara Menghadapinya

tujuan atau ekspektasi yang kurang realistis Membandingkan diri dengan orang lain Penyebab Hustle Culture 1. Perkembangan Teknologi Tahukah kamu? Perkembangan teknologi yang semakin canggih merupakan salah satu penyebab adanya fenomena hustle culture , lho! Sekarang, banyak pekerjaan sudah bisa dilakukan secara remote . Komunikasi pun sudah dipermudah dimana orang tidak lagi harus bertemu tatap muka, rapat, telepon, kirim pesan dan data dapat dilakukan yang penting ada internet. Kemudahan ini mendukung hustle culture di Indonesia maupun di negara lain karena pekerjaan dapat dilanjutkan
Career Planning
Mar 6th 2024

Taiwan's Effort in Recruiting Talents in the Digital Field for the Upcoming Decades

working professionals wanting to relocate to the tropical island of Taiwan. The Gold Card is also a great working visa in Taiwan for those with a travel buzz. Allowing for both full-time and part-time employment, in-office or remote, the Taiwan Gold Card makes it easy to zip out on a cheeky holiday with an unlimited re-entry permit. So, whether you're working in Taiwan as a US citizen, working in Taiwan as a foreigner, or intending
Career Planning
Mar 6th 2024

Top 10 Good Reasons for Leaving a Job & How to Explain

Leaving a job surely is a tough decision for most of us. But, from HR's perspective, they are used to the fact that people come and go, regardless of their position. Therefore, it is completely normal for employees to resign and change jobs for better career opportunities. Once you’ve made up your mind to quit, the next thing to be prepared for is telling the reason for leaving your job. That is because you’ll definitely have to
Interview Skills
Mar 6th 2024

How to Successfully Negotiate Your Salary for a Job?

Created by CakeResume In this article, we will cover: Why You Should Negotiate Salary How to Negotiate Salary Tips on Negotiating Salary Salary Negotiating Email Samples Negotiating your salary is definitely not an easy task. Think about this scenario - you have just received a job offer from your dream company and now they are asking about salary expectations, yet you are not sure how to negotiate a salary that meets your expectations while not coming off as too demanding. You

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