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Job Search Tips
Mar 6th 2024

Applying for Internships and Jobs at Startups

of the field of work you are in! Why Join a Startup? Photo by Philippe Lewicki, used under CC BY / Desaturated from original Although joining an established company has countless perks, there are many different reasons why joining a tech startup can do wonders for you. Here are a few reasons you might want to consider applying to a tech startup. Dive in the deep end. If you are having a hard time landing a position at a big company
Career Planning
Mar 6th 2024

Work Abroad in Singapore: First Step to Start Your Career at the Ideal Destination!

public order. Serving as the hub of finance and trade in Asia, Singapore embraces 1.3 millions of foreign workers, which is nearly 25% of its population, and creates a highly competitive and diversified working environment for talents. Have you started to wonder how you can embark on your journey of working in Singapore? Here are 3 tips to help you make it much easier and more delightful! What are the most popular jobs in Singapore right now? Click and

Mengenal Corporate: Jenis, Ciri dan Perbedaannya dengan Start Up

kamu yang suka zona nyaman. 2. Jenjang Karir Startup mengharuskan karyawannya untuk selalu siap dengan tantangan baru. Hal ini membuat karyawan startup banyak mempelajari skill baru, mudah berpikir kreatif serta terbiasa mengambil risiko. Semua tantangan kerja yang diberikan oleh perusahaan startup membuat karyawan mudah beradaptasi dalam berbagai posisi pekerjaan, membuat mereka mudah mendapatkan promosi. Selain itu, perusahaan startup umumnya cepat berkembang sehingga HRD sering merekrut orang baru. Ini membuat karyawan start up cepat naik posisi, dari level staff ke manager
Career Development
Mar 6th 2024

Venture Capital: Cara Kerja dan Perannya untuk Bisnis Startup

Daftar isi: Pengertian Venture Capital Proses Investasi Venture Capital Jenis Pembiayaan Modal Ventura Apa Saja Venture Capital di Indonesia? Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, muncul banyak startup atau perusahaan rintisan. Startup-startup ini beroperasi di berbagai bidang mulai dari transportasi, pendidikan, kesehatan, sampai pariwisata. Dengan menggunakan teknologi sebagai ujung tombak, para startup ini mendisrupsi operasional dari perusahaan konvensional di tiap bidang. Salah satu hal yang paling sering kita dengar ketika berbicara tentang startup adalah soal valuasinya. Misalnya, Traveloka yang sudah mencapai
Career Planning
Mar 6th 2024

4 Things You Should Ponder on Before Working at a Startup

a startup. 1. What is work ing at startup s like ? An industrial-style office, cool sticky-note meetings, a confident "pitch" – these are what most people think of startup businesses. While these indeed form part of their daily routine, startups are much more than that. If you plan to work at a startup, you must first understand the difference between a “startup” company and a “new” company. The difference between startup companies and general businesses lies in their distinct
Job Search Tips
Mar 22nd 2024

SME là gì? Sự khác nhau giữa doanh nghiệp SME và Startup?

Startup Có rất nhiều người nhầm lẫn giữa doanh nghiệp SME và Startup nhưng thực tế đây là hai khái niệm hoàn toàn khác nhau. Để nhận biết hai mô hình này nhanh chóng ngoài nắm chắc khái niệm “ Startup là gì? ”, bạn có thể tham khảo bảng so sánh dưới đây để có góc nhìn toàn diện: Đặc điểm Công ty SME Startup Khái niệm Là các công ty vừa, nhỏ và siêu nhỏ về vốn, doanh thu
Success Stories
Mar 6th 2024

創業的最強後盾!AppWorks 加速器負責人 Alyssa 的 Startup 第一手觀察

Recruitment & HR
Mar 11th 2024

【面試官技巧教學】如何面試新人?一篇掌握 OPQRST 及 STAR 面試技巧

問題準備更順利,這也是相當重要的招募面談技巧之一。 面試官 3 項事前準備。 四、人資/面試官技巧:STAR 面試 (Questioning) STAR 是近年來相當流行的面試官提問技巧之一,分別指的是 情境 、 任務 、 行動 及 結果 四個要
Success Stories
Mar 6th 2024

產品跟人才都是 problem solver!SHOPLINE 如何組建契合的團隊、協助店家將商品賣到全世界?

Tony、COO Fiona 2013 年於香港創立的 SHOPLINE,一開始就將眼光駐足在全球市場,成立的隔年就入選了美國矽谷 500 Startups、2016 年入選阿里巴巴集團的「香港創業者基金」,並陸續成為 Google、Facebook、LINE 等科技巨頭的官方合作夥伴。 海
Success Stories
Mar 6th 2024

CEO 你好,我想自己當老闆!Ematic Solutions Chia 的創業攻略與行銷科技產業洞察


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