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Career Development
3월 6일 2024

7 Cara Menjadi Programmer Profesional Bagi Pemula

Daftar Isi: Pengertian dan Tugas Programmer Skills yang Harus Dimiliki Seorang Programmer Cara Menjadi Programmer Tips Mendapat Pekerjaan Bidang Programing Seiring berkembangnya dunia teknologi, semakin banyak tech-company/tech startups (perusahaan yang menawarkan produk berbasis teknologi) bermunculan. Hal ini menyebabkan kebutuhan akan seorang programmer meningkat. Banyak startup membutuhkan programmer untuk mengembangkan suatu teknologi di perusahaannya. Dikarenakan jumlah seorang programmer terbatas dan permintaan pasar yang tinggi, gaji di bidang programmer terkenal sangat besar. Selain itu, menjadi seorang programmer dianggap punya prospek
Resume & CV
3월 6일 2024

Registered Nurse Resume Samples [+Job Description & Tips]

Created by CakeResume You'll learn: Step 1: Pick the best layout for your registered nurse CV Step 2: Choose the right format for your registered nurse CV Step 3: Start with contact information and basic personal details Step 4: Create an intriguing registered nurse resume title Step 5: Craft a professional registered nurse resume statement Step 6: Include skills and abilities relevant to the job Step 7: Highlight your best experience and accomplishments Step 8: List educational qualifications and
Career Development
3월 6일 2024

Ingin Jadi Business Development? Ketahui Tugas, Skill Sampai Gajinya!

perusahaan dapat membuktikan bahwa produk/jasa yang mereka tawarkan dapat disukai pasar. Aktivitas yang dilakukan oleh BD di tahapan start up sangat beragam dan lebih berfokus ke arah sales dan product development .  📝 Contohnya tugas business development di early-stage startup Melakukan riset pasar dan mengidentifikasi pelanggan potensial Penetrasi ke pasar baru dan mendapatkan pelanggan Mencari karyawan dan memberikan pelatihan Mengembangkan produk sehingga dapat menciptakan nilai tambah Mengetahui keadaan industri dan kompetitor Banyak perusahaan startup yang gagal karena di tahap
Resume & CV
3월 6일 2024

Interpreter Resume Examples: Templates & Samples

Created by CakeResume In this article, you'll learn: Step 1: Pick the best layout for your interpreter resume. Step 2: Choose the right format for your interpreter resume. Step 3: Start your interpreter resume with contact information. Step 4: Write a captivating headline for your interpreter resume. Step 5: Craft a professional resume summary or objective statement. Step 6: Include skills and abilities relevant to the job. Step 7: Highlight your best experience and accomplishments. Step 8: List educational
Resume & CV
3월 6일 2024

Write a Successful Desktop Support Resume in 10 Steps (+ Examples)

Created by CakeResume In this article, we'll cover: Step 1: Pick the best layout for your desktop support resume. Step 2: Choose the right desktop support resume format. Step 3: Start with contact information and basic personal details. Step 4: Create an intriguing desktop support resume title. Step 5: Craft a good desktop support resume summary. Step 6: Include skills and abilities relevant to the position. Step 7: Highlight your best experience and accomplishments. Step 8: List your educational
People Operations
3월 21일 2024

Best Practices for Overcoming Multigenerational Workforce Challenges

Best Practices for Overcoming Multigenerational Workforce Challenges With the U.S. Bureau of Labor estimating that almost 25% of workers will be 55 years or older by 2031, it’s time to start thinking about the multigenerational workplace. Which means that it’s time to start rethinking how to manage your multigenerational workforce. From less turnover to greater productivity, there are plenty of benefits of multigenerational workforces, it’s just finding that sweet spot that all five (if not more
Career Development
3월 6일 2024

Practical Tips for a Seamless Work in Taiwan Journey 2024

Taiwan has strong and growing engineering, IT, healthcare and semiconductor industries, where many international companies have set up their own branches. Alongside this, Taiwan is heavily promoting and investing in startup companies, and has an exciting startup environment. Whether you are a junior or experienced professional, if you have experience or expertise in one of these areas, you can expect to find a job relatively easily in Taiwan. Other industries are also open to hiring foreigners, however this will depend
Industry & Job Overview
3월 6일 2024

Apa itu Angel Investor? Cara Kerja dan Cara Ampuh Mendapatkannya

Daftar isi: Pengertian Angel Investor Bagaimana Cara Kerja Angel Investor? Jenis-jenis Angel Investor Kelebihan dan Kekurangan Angel Investor Bagaimana Cara Mendapatkan Angel Investors? Kamu sedang membangun perusahaan rintisan atau startup ? Agar bisnis dapat berjalan dengan baik, pada langkah awal pastinya membutuhkan modal. Biasanya modal ini bisa berasal dari dana sendiri atau dari pihak luar atau investor. Bagi para entrepreneur startup, istilah angel investor adalah sesuatu yang sering didengar. Peranan yang sangat membantu dari angel investor adalah dalam memberikan dana
Career Development
3월 6일 2024

Apa itu Hackathon? 5 Alasan Kamu Harus Ikut Hackathon!

Daftar Isi: Apa itu Hackathon? Alasan Kamu Harus Ikut Hackathon Kegiatan dalam Lomba Hackathon Contoh Hackathon di Indonesia Perbarui CV Kamu dengan Pengalaman Hackathon Apakah kamu seseorang yang beraspirasi untuk membangun startup ? Atau kamu adalah seorang programmer, desainer grafis, atau seseorang yang ingin mengasah beberapa keterampilannya sekaligus, membangun jaringan profesional, dan menambahkan pengalaman untuk CV? Jika ya, maka berpartisipasi dalam acara Hackathon adalah langkah yang tepat untuk kamu! Nama Hackathon terdiri dari dua kata, “hack” yang artinya “meretas” dan “marathon
Resume & CV
3월 6일 2024

Entry-Level IT Resume Examples: Complete Writing Guide

Created by CakeResume You'll learn: Step 1: Pick the best layout for your entry-level IT resume. Step 2: Choose the right format for your entry-level IT resume. Step 3: Start with contact information and basic personal details. Step 4: Create an intriguing resume title. Step 5: Craft a professional resume summary statement. Step 6: Include skills and abilities relevant to the job. Step 7: Highlight your best experience and accomplishments. Step 8: List educational qualifications and background

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