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Mar 6th 2024

Farina Situmorang on Founding AI Startup Pensieve Technology and Navigating Career Journey

startup there. However, after being laid off in Silicon Valley, Farina's career took a turn when she returned to Indonesia to participate in the 2014 presidential election campaign. Inspired by the successful 2008 Obama campaign that used technology and social media to mobilize voters, Farina was fascinated by the potential impact of AB multivariate testing, a strategy she had experience with from her previous technology work. She worked for Mr. Jokowi in the presidential election campaign and eventually started
Resume & CV
Mar 6th 2024

14 Contoh Soft Skill dan Hard Skill dalam CV yang Disukai HRD!

Marketing Skill dalam marketing dan desain adalah contoh skill yang selalu diperlukan banyak organisasi. Apalagi seiring perpindahnya pemasaran yang serba online, skill desain dan digital marketing pun semakin populer dikalangan anak muda. Contoh keterampilan desain dan marketing dalam CV meliputi: Social Media Marketing, UI/UX Design, Graphic Design, Email Marketing, Content Planning, Content Strategy, SEO, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere Pro dll. 3. Skill Komputer Zaman sekarang, mayoritas pekerjaan membutuhkan setidaknya keterampilan komputer dasar. Alhasil skill komputer dalam CV menjadi nilai

Apa itu Copywriter? Kenali Tugas, Skill Sampai Gajinya!

ulang hasil copy terus-menerus hingga tepat. Gaji Copywriter Gaji copywriter tentunya berbeda-beda tergantung daerah, perusahaan, dan level profesinya. Melansir Indeed , gaji pokok rata-rata seorang Copywriter adalah Rp 4.658.179/bulan. Jenis Copywriter Ada Apa Saja? 1. Social Media Copywriter : Fokus untuk membuat konten yang menghibur, berharga, dan melibatkan audiens agar mereka dapat mengingat merek perusahaan. Social Media copywriter juga fokus untuk menyesuaikan konten dengan platform yang digunakan seperti Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, dll. 2. Marketing Copywriter
Cover Letter
Mar 6th 2024

Writing a Business Development Cover Letter (with Samples)

risks, and close over 120 deals. I am also a versatile team player and collaborated with both sales and design teams to provide feedback for our website purchase funnels and create ad campaigns to identify 20% more customers on our social media channels. As an active DECA member from high school to now, I have participated in coordination and leadership initiatives. My role as a DECA officer at BSU has offered me the opportunity to arrange meetings, lead event coordination

Chief Marketing Officer (CMO): Peran, Tugas, Kualifikasi yang Dibutuhkan!

baru, dan lain-lain. Tanggung jawab sehari-hari CMO bervariasi tergantung besarnya perusahaan dan produk atau servis yang ditawarkan. Contohnya, seorang CMO dari sebuah perusahaan barang konsumsi kecil lebih fokus pada strategi pemasaran langsung dari Business-to-Consumer (B2C) seperti, social media marketing, branding produk, dan riset pasar. Di bawah ini adalah 4 peran CMO: Pendorong perkembangan sebuah perusahaan  Salah satu peran penting dari CMO adalah meningkatkan angka penjualan dan keuntungan, dan memastikan angka Return on Investment (ROI) positif dari
People Operations
Mar 6th 2024

15+ Unique Ideas for a New Employee Welcome Package (2024 Update)

new employees that motivate new hires also have the potential to spur on better performance when the real work starts. This motivational factor is especially important when it comes to the first thing your new hire will do - post on social media. If a new hire is excited by the first day/week or by the new employee welcome package, social media will be the first to hear about it. Utilize this opportunity and harness this authentic form of marketing
Resume & CV
Mar 6th 2024

Marketing Director Resume Guide with Examples

greatest achievements. Digital marketing director resume summary examples: Marketing Director in charge of multi-million digital marketing programs, extensive experience in strategic planning, budget management, execution, and ROI tracking. Led a team of 10 marketing professionals focused on executing email, social media, and content marketing. Marketing Director with 10+ years of strategic marketing experience in startups. Designed and managed a series of digital marketing campaigns that boosted customer base by 360% and annual revenue by 80%. MBA graduate with strong
Career Planning
Mar 6th 2024

Digital Marketing là gì? Hiểu đúng về công việc của Digital Marketing

khả năng hiển thị của website. Pay-Per-Click (PPC): Mô hình quảng cáo có trả phí nhằm thu hút lưu lượng truy cập vào trang web, chi phí sẽ được tính theo mỗi lần nhấp chuột vào quảng cáo. Social Media Marketing: Một trong những hình thức marketing phổ biến nhất, tận dụng các nền tảng mạng xã hội để tiếp cận tới khách hàng tiềm năng và quảng bá sản phẩm. Content Marketing: Nâng cao nhận thức về
Career Development
Mar 6th 2024

Apa itu SEO? Ini Cara Kerja dan Panduan Lengkapnya!

SEO mendatangkan trafik ke website 1,000%+ lebih banyak daripada trafik yang berasal dari sosial media. Oleh karena itu, penting bagi kamu untuk memahami cara kerja serta cara memanfaatkan SEO demi kesuksesan bisnis kamu. Karena dengan strategi SEO yang tepat, pengunjung website kamu akan bertumbuh dan merekalah yang akan menjadi customer kamu nanti. Ingin trafik yang masuk ke website mu meningkat? Yuk, simak artikel tentang SEO yang telah dirangkum CakeResume dengan lengkap! Daftar isi: Pengertian Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Jenis
Mar 6th 2024

Personal Websites - A Guide With Examples

In this article, you will learn: Why You Need a Personal Website 20 Best Personal Website Examples How to Create a Personal Website Tips for Creating a Personal Website Having a personal site is a super interesting aspect when working in the communication, marketing, journalism, design, architecture, or similar sectors where visual works reign. These are environments in which it is necessary to be able to demonstrate the work carried out and a personal web page is a perfect channel

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