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Mar 6th 2024

Cách viết CV UX/UI designer giúp hồ sơ xin việc của bạn “tỏa sáng”

liên hệ với bạn. Do đó, việc trình bày rõ thông tin cá nhân, đặc biệt là thông tin liên lạc như email, số điện thoại là vô cùng quan trọng. Bên cạnh đó, đừng quên thêm liên kết đến portfolio online vào CV cho UX/UI designer. Trong trường hợp không có portfolio, bạn có thể thêm web cá nhân hoặc tài khoản Facebook/LinkedIn của mình. Ví dụ về "Thông tin cá nhân" trong CV UI designer: Hoàng
Mar 6th 2024

8 Unique Web Design Portfolio Inspirations

and showing your passion in your own field. 8 Web Design Portfolio Examples There is no such thing as the one best web design portfolio, as each designer has their own colors and ways of showcasing their works. Here we have 8 portfolio website inspirations that stand out, which hopefully can give you some inspiration for your own portfolio website design. ROONISM Web design portfolio by ROONISM ROONISM is a UI/UX designer and freelance illustrator from Taiwan. She showcas...
Mar 6th 2024

Tạo portfolio ngành nghệ thuật sao cho “nghệ” và “chất”?

UI/UX. Công đoạn này sẽ mở rộng quan điểm và giúp bạn tạo portfolio của mình theo một cách mới. Đọc thêm: 7 website làm portfolio online siêu đỉnh ❌ Để portfolio “dậm chân tại chỗ” Điều gì sẽ xảy ra nếu một khách hàng tiềm năng hoặc nhà tuyển dụng hỏi về tác phẩm gần đây nhất và bạn không có gì để hiển thị chỉ vì không cập nhật portfolio nghệ thuật thường xuyên? Portfolio cá nh...
Mar 6th 2024

Best Front End Developer Portfolio Examples [+How-to guideline]

ultimate list of ways to create (or optimize) a winning front end developer portfolio along with some examples. We'll discuss what content to put on your portfolio for front end developers, explore the steps to create a front end portfolio from scratch, and unveil industry tips to improve your front end developer portfolio. And remember front end developer portfolio is not a resume . Why You Should Have a Front End Developer Portfolio A high-quality portfolio for front end
Mar 6th 2024

How to Make a Graphic Design Portfolio [What to Include & Examples]

20. Pilgrim Creative How to Make a Graphic Design Portfolio Starting your graphic design portfolio website is going to be a challenge. Here are some steps that might help you to settle in on creating your very own graphic design portfolio: Gather ideas and inspiration. Decide the theme / style / design. Choose the right platform for your online graphic design portfolio. Select your best work to showcase. Add necessary information. Improve the UI and UX. Ensure its responsive on a different
Mar 6th 2024

How to Create a Stunning Video Portfolio [Tips + Examples]

portfolios are only for photography or videography-related roles (in the form of a videographer's website or videographer portfolio) we'll say you shouldn't limit yourself. Any of these professions below can benefit greatly from a video reel portfolio: Architects Interior Designers Graphic Designers Illustrator UX/UI Designers Producer Content Creator Director Machine Learning or AI Engineers Actors News Anchor/Presenters Models What Is a Video Portfolio? A video portfolio is essentially a collection of your best work
Industry & Job Overview
Mar 10th 2024


司則是會接觸關於色彩與紙材應用的內容,而在策展公司裡就有機會接觸到視覺統籌的工作。 2. UI 使用者介面(User Interface)和 UX 使用者體驗(User Experience) UI 設計實習 - motion graphic、平面元素、動畫設計、App 與網站介面設計
Mar 6th 2024

Cara Membuat Portofolio Online: 15 Website Gratis untuk Portofolio yang Menarik

Shots . Orang-orang ini dinamakan Player. Jika kamu pengguna baru, atau dinamai Prospect , kamu hanya dapat follow dan like portfolio designer lain, sampai kamu di-notice dan menerima undangan dari seorang Player. Portfolio Website Dribbble ✨ Fitur: Mirip dengan Behance, portfolio website Dribbble mempunyai tampilan seperti sosial media dimana kamu bisa follow dan like karya orang lain. Karya yang diupload berukuran 4:3 dan kamu bisa mengupload 48 karya per bulan. Karena komunitas Dribbble yang cenderung eksklusif, Portfolio designer website
Apr 16th 2024

【作品集範本】作品集怎麼做?參考作品集製作 3 步驟,搭配履歷拿到面試門票!

集跟履歷一樣重要,是過關斬將通往面試的入場券。往下看關於作品集的一切須知:什麼是作品集(Portfolio)?哪些工作要在求職應徵時放上作品集?一次為你整理 5 大類的作品集範本:平面設計、UI、攝影、軟
Resume & CV
Mar 6th 2024

Designer Resume Writing Guide with Examples and Tips

Created by CakeResume In this article, you will learn about: Which format is the best for a designer resume? What to include in a designer resume: 8 key sections 5 tips for a good designer resume and portfolio What designer resume template is the most creative one? Designer resume sample A designer’s job duties not only include making things beautiful, pleasing, or eye-catching. It’s also about making connections to people and how people act, interact, and understand

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