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Mar 6th 2024

【專訪】最快狠準的台灣新創:營收破 2 億,再插旗歐洲、日本!Cubo AI 擴大徵才中

今年的營業額甚至突破 2 億,高達去年的 5 倍 。 而 Cubo AI 征戰無數市場都無往不利的秘密武器,就是 User Centric 的團隊文化。 用戶第一 + D2C 策略,Cubo AI 光速搶佔市場領導地位! 以用戶為中心(User Centric)看似簡單,實踐

Apa itu UI dan UX? Kenali Perbedaan, Tugas, Gaji, Dll.

Daftar Isi: Pengertian UI dan UX Perbedaan UI UX Karir UI vs. UX, Mana yang Cocok untuk Kamu? Workflow UI dan UX Cara Menjadi UI/UX Designer Pada zaman millennial ini, banyak pekerjaan baru bermunculan berkat perkembangan teknologi. Salah satunya adalah UI/UX. Akronim bahasa Inggris ini adalah singkatan dari User Interface dan User Experience . UI dan UX seringkali dipandang suatu pekerjaan yang sama walau sebenarnya dua hal ini merupakan hal yang berbeda. Belum tahu apa perbedaan UI UX? Telusuri


User Interface,簡稱UI,是近幾年開始竄紅的新詞彙,各大人力平台也常常能看到相關的職缺內容。然而UI究竟是什麼?UI又具有什麼樣吸引人的能力,讓它成為一個熱門的轉職選項? 目前擔任Adobe官方合作講
Resume & CV
Mar 6th 2024

Software Engineer Resume : Do's & Don'ts of a Perfect Engineering Resume

More than 30% of CakeResume users are associated with software engineering background. As the most popular career choice in recent years, we would like to take this opportunity to share the Dos and Don’ts of Software Engineer resume with you to help you avoid making the same mistakes as others. Generally, job applicants can be divided into two categories: first, fresh job seekers who have just graduated; and second, people who have worked for a period of time (about
Cover Letter
Mar 6th 2024

Crafting a Standout Social Media Manager Cover Letter [+Templates & Tips]

Created by CakeResume Nowadays, the numbers of social media users account for approximately 4.9 billion worldwide. It is inevitable to say that social media has become a new living necessity. Companies have also shifted their marketing target to social media branding since it is a hub full of potential customers. The role of a social media manager is to analyze the current trend of different social media platforms and come up with most suitable social media campaign ideas. It
Job Search Tips
Mar 6th 2024

How to Add LinkedIn To Your Resume

LinkedIn is a job searching and networking platform with millions of daily users. LinkedIn capitalizes on the increasing number of companies and professionals looking and offering employment online. By creating a space for companies, professionals, and students alike to engage in networking , branding, and recommending and endorsing peers, LinkedIn has established itself as an industry-leading platform. Adding a link to your LinkedIn profile on your resume comes at a time when the majority of job applications are submitted online
Resume & CV
Mar 6th 2024

Product Managers: Resume Examples, Formats & Tips

As a product manager, you build products for your customers. You figure out what users need, and you create a solution to solve their needs. As a job seeker, you build resumes for potential employers. Similarly, you need to figure out what employers want before making a resume that fits. For product managers, there is no right background, school or hard skills. Different products often require different skill sets, which means that you need to tailor your resume for different
News & Updates
Mar 6th 2024

The Wall of CakeResume

CakeResume is known as a revolutionary hybrid in between a social media-based personal site and a resume which provides numbers of users with one page platform in order to introduce them in a professional, unique and also fully customizable way. Compared with a traditional resume that is typically text only and bland this one would use multimedia interfacing in order to allow numbers of users in terms of incorporating embedded links, videos, images and some other online tools intended
Interview Skills
Mar 6th 2024

8 Tanda Lolos Interview, Sukses Diterima Kerja!

Perjalanan mencari pekerjaan bukanlah sesuatu yang mudah. Tidak jarang interview dilakukan dengan banyak tahap, mulai dari tes pendahuluan ( preliminary test ), interview HRD, dan interview user. Sesi interview pun bisa dilakukan lebih dari satu kali. Proses wawancara kerja yang panjang ini pun dapat membuat kamu bertanya-tanya akan hasilnya, diterima kerja atau tidak? “ Apakah interview sudah pasti diterima ? ”, “ Apa saja ciri-ciri lolos interview kerja, sih? ” Tentunya, menunggu kabar dalam ketidakpastian itu melelahkan. Tetapi, jangan khawatir! Ada beberapa tanda pasti bahwa
Career Development
Apr 19th 2024

Top 7 Digital Marketing Skills for 2024 in Becoming a Digital Marketer

Top 7 Digital Marketing Skills for 2024 in Becoming a Digital Marketer The digital marketing landscape in 2024 is characterized by 5.4 billion internet users, approximately 67% of the global population ​​, and 4.95 billion active social media users​​. This reflects a significant increase in online engagement, highlighting the growing importance of a digital marketing career. The following guide focuses on the top seven skills needed for digital marketers in 2024, offering insights into the competencies needed to excel

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