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Resume & CV
Mar 6th 2024

4 Contoh CV Akuntansi Profesional dan Cara Membuatnya!

Berpikir kritis Bekerjasama dalam tim Manajemen waktu Problem solving. 6. Informasi tambahan yang relevan (bersifat pilihan) Informasi lainnya seperti lisensi, sertifikasi, kegiatan volunteer, dan kegiatan relevan lainnya juga dapat kamu masukkan dalam CV akuntan mu. ✏️ Informasi lainnya: Certified Management Accountant (CMA) Certified Financial Analyst (CFA) Certified Public Accountant (CPA) Volunteer accountant for Indonesian Humane Society. Tips Membuat CV Akuntansi Di paragraf sebelumnya, CakeResume telah membahas mengenai hal-hal yang perlu diperhatikan saat membuat CV lulusan akuntansi. Selanjutnya, yuk lihat
Cover Letter
Mar 6th 2024

How to Write an Accounting Cover Letter [+ Big 4 Sample Cover Letters]

resume/CV. Due to an increase in demand for accountants, a strong accounting cover letter will undoubtedly distinguish you from other candidates and increase your chances of landing the job. Check out our complete guide to writing a killer accounting resume, plus samples and templates . Cover Letter Examples for Different Accounting Jobs Accounting manager cover letter Accounts assistant cover letter Bookkeeper cover letter Accounts payable cover letter Senior accountant cover letter CPA cover letter Tax accountant cover letter Accounting manager
Resume & CV
Mar 6th 2024

英文 CV 怎麼寫?英文 CV 範本 & 8 大內容教學全攻略!

備內容,超詳細的 CV 範例手把手教你寫出最吸睛的英文 CV! 本文大綱: CV 跟 resume 有什麼不一樣? 英文 CV / resume 必備 & NG 內容 英文 CV / resume 的 3 大格式、範本下載 英文 CV / resume 8 種內容解析 同場加映:英文 CV / resume 該不該
Resume & CV
Mar 6th 2024

5 Contoh CV Staff Keuangan (Finance) untuk Melamar Kerja

Financial Planning Risk Management Memproyeksikan Keuntungan 6. Sertifikat untuk staff keuangan Selain dari pendidikan formal, ada beberapa sertifikat yang bisa menunjukkan bahwa kamu memiliki pengetahuan dalam bidang keuangan. Bisa disebut juga, dengan menuliskan sertifikat pada CV finance, hal ini menjadi nilai lebih untuk mendapatkan kepercayaan dari perusahaan yang kamu lamar. Contoh sertifikat di bidang keuangan: Chartered Financial Analysis (CFA) Certificate in Finance, Accounting and Business (CFAB) Certified Public Accountant (CPA) Certified Financial Planner (CFP) Sertifikat lainnya yang bisa dicantumkan: S...
Resume & CV
Mar 6th 2024

15 Contoh CV Bahasa Inggris Menarik dan Cara Membuatnya!

menjadi plus poin Jika melihat contoh CV Bahasa Inggris, jarang sekali ditemukan hal personal seperti: agama, ras, status pernikahan karena hal ini dapat memicu diskriminasi dan stereotype pada kandidat pelamar kerja. 2. Deskripsi Diri dalam CV Bahasa Inggris (CV Summary/Resume Objective) Salah satu hal yang tidak kalah terpenting pada CV bahasa Inggris adalah CV summary atau dalam bahasa Indonesia deskripsi diri . Dengan adanya deskripsi diri yang baik dan benar, tentunya akan membuat CV Bahasa Inggris semakin menarik dan stand
Interview Skills
Mar 6th 2024

“Why Should We Hire You?” - Best Answer Examples for Your Interview

question, you can save a lot of time for thinking and give hiring managers a proper answer that highlights your self-awareness and professionalism. 3. Talk about your experience in the industry. Recruiters and employers may have read your CV/resume already but they will still ask you some more about your background and experience in the industry. If you have held similar positions in the past, sharing relevant experience will be the best answer for “Why should we hire
Career Planning
Mar 6th 2024

Successful Career Change Guide: How to start a new career? [Ideas, Resume, Cover Letter]

prerequisite is to try. In this article, we’ll dive into different phases of a career change. You'll learn: 3 surefire signs for a career change 3 pieces of career-change advice Career change ideas for nurses, teachers, and accountants How to write a resume for a career change? How to write a cover letter for a career change? 3 signs showing you should plan for a career change 1. Frustration and Underperformance Every morning, day after day, you
Resume & CV
Mar 6th 2024

Bookkeeper Resume: Templates & Formats [Skills, Objective, Summary]

that bookkeepers manage smaller businesses while accounting clerks usually operate under larger company accountants. Preparation for landing a position as a bookkeeper has a similar process. You will want to study and plan out how you will create a strong resume for the recruiters. Impress potential employers with your professional bookkeeper resume using a few tips and tricks. How to write a great bookkeeper resume? 💡 1. Adopt an ATS-friendly bookkeeper resume format. Companies want to take as little
Resume & CV
Mar 6th 2024

CFO Resume: Samples and Writing Guide

Created by CakeResume You'll learn: How to make a great Chief Financial Officer (CFO) resume? What to put on a resume for a Chief Financial Officer (CFO)? Tips for writing the best Chief Financial Officer (CFO) resume How to write a cover letter for a CFO? Chief Financial Officer (CFO) resume sample A Chief Financial Officer (CFO) is the key to a company’s success. As a CFO, you are the leading role of the company’s finances and
People Operations
Mar 6th 2024

Pre-Employment Testing: What to Know & How to Choose

Pre-Employment Testing The main challenge in the hiring process is assessing which candidates are fit for the job. On one hand, you could be sorting out numerous generic resumes from applicants who mass-distribute. On the other, there may appear to be a large pool of suitable candidates, all with resumes that highlight similar skills. What happens if you simply do not have the time and resources to comb through every application? Furthermore, how do you tell qualified and

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