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Mengenal Profesi Promotor: Tugas, Gaji, Hingga Caranya [+Contoh CV]

besar promotor bekerja di perusahaan ritel dan manufaktur yang menjual makanan dan minuman, produk kecantikan dan perawatan, fashion , dan barang dagangan lainnya. Di artikel ini, kamu akan belajar lebih lanjut mengenai arti promotor, tugas promotor, skill yang dibutuhkan promotor, gaji promotor dan tips untuk menjadi promotor. Apa itu Promotor ? Secara umum, promotor adalah seseorang yang tugasnya mensukseskan atau mendukung suatu acara, misalnya dengan menyebarkan informasi kepada masyarakat luas. 📝 Ada berbagai jenis promotor, antara lain: Promotor bidang pendidikan , biasanya promotor
Career Development
Mar 6th 2024

25 Teknik Closing Rekomendasi Untuk Meningkatkan Sales Perusahaanmu!

Puncak klimaks dari sebuah negosiasi adalah keputusan akhir yang disepakati bersama. Hal ini pun berlaku dalam dunia bisnis, terutama dalam dunia sales dan marketing , yang biasa disebut sebagai teknik closing . Apa itu arti dari teknik closing ? Bagaimana menjalankan teknik closing yang efektif dalam penjualan? Baca terus artikel CakeResume kali ini dan kuasailah teknik-teknik closing yang ada! Daftar isi: Pengertian Closing Sales 25 Teknik Closing Sales yang Bisa Dicoba Pemahaman Closing Sales Teknik closing adalah cara yang dilakukan oleh sales
Mar 6th 2024

Building a Professional Art Portfolio: Tips & Examples for Students

Created by CakeResume In this article, you will learn about: What Is an Art Portfolio? How to Make an Art Portfolio - What to Include Tips on How to Make a Digital Art Portfolio Tips for Creating an Art Student Portfolio More Art Portfolio Examples As an artist, promoting your artwork either online or in-person is a part of running your own art business and living as a creative entrepreneur. Your art portfolio is the first place where people
Mar 6th 2024

How to Make an Online Portfolio [+ Tips, Examples, Guide]

easily. ⚠️ Attention In the field of finance, the term portfolio (or also known as investment portfolio) is used to describe one’s collection of financial investment products such as stocks, bonds, commodities and other assets like real estate or art. The main purpose of an online portfolio is to showcase yourself - your skills, experiences, passion and potential - in a compelling , creative , interesting and convenient way. Having a professional portfolio increases your credibility, as it allows employers to see the
Mar 6th 2024

Best Video Editor Portfolio with Examples [Porfolio Making Guideline]

Created by CakeResume A video editor portfolio is an art gallery where it displays peoples’ masterpieces, waiting for people to visit and find out what is inside. It is a collection of videos that have been put together in a carefully designed way to better deliver the video editor’s concepts. So, are you one of the video editors who are still scratching your head struggling to create the perfect portfolio that belongs to you? If you are planning to
Mar 6th 2024

Creating an Impressive Photography Portfolio Website [+ Examples & Tips]

A photography portfolio is a concise collection of your photos to present your works in a professional manner. It’s equally important to have a photographer website/photography portfolio as this is the only, and yet, the best way to promote your business to potential clients. With an impressive site for photos, you can also showcase your skills and value as a true artist. In this article, you will learn: What Is a Photography Portfolio? How to Make a Photography
People Operations
Apr 4th 2024

Advice for Employers – Ways to Prevent Discrimination in the Workplace

Ways to Prevent Discrimination in the Workplace Feeling welcomed and included at work is a crucial aspect of employee satisfaction; yet 83% of employees have witnessed discrimination in the workplace at least once. Companies often set the expectations for employees through a formal code of conduct, which outlines what behaviors are not tolerated in the workplace. Discrimination in the workplace can have serious implications for both employees and the company’s reputation, as many countries have placed anti-discrimination acts
Resume & CV
Mar 6th 2024

Baker Resume Writing: Objective, Summary & Essential Skills

in manufacturing facilities, and “ retail bakers ” who work primarily in grocery stores and specialty shops or own a bakery. Check this article out to learn how to write a professional baker resume to secure a career in the baking & pastry arts. You'll learn: How to write a great baker resume? What is a good objective for a baker resume? How to write a professional resume summary for a baker job? What are some great skills to put on a
Resume & CV
Mar 6th 2024

Best 3D Artist Resume Examples | Summary, Objective & Skills

Created by CakeResume You'll learn: How to write a great 3D artist resume How to write a professional resume summary What is a good objective for a 3D artist resume? What are some great skills to put on a resume for a 3D artist? How to write a junior 3D artist resume with no experience 3D Artist Resume Sample A 3D artist is usually someone detail-oriented, creative, not afraid of criticism, and patient enough to produce still and
Resume & CV
Mar 6th 2024

When and When Not to Put a Photo on Your CV

Created by CakeResume In this article, you will read about: Why You SHOULD NOT Put a Photo on Your CV Why You May Want to Put a Photo on Your CV Tips for a Decent CV Profile Photo Attaching a photo to your CV is getting more popular as we’re living in a world of images, memes, GIFs, and emojis. However, this topic has aroused much controversy among both recruiters and employers. Some agree that job applicants should put

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