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Back End Developer: 5 Skill yang Harus Dimiliki, Gaji, dan Tipsnya! [+Contoh CV]

Contoh, Dll.] Gaji Back End Developer Menjadi backend developer di Indonesia bisa mendapatkan gaji rata-rata sekitar 6.5 juta per bulan. Tentunya gaji backend developer akan berbeda-beda tergantung pada perusahaan, skill, pengalaman yang kamu miliki, serta lokasi. Gaji back end developer cukup menjanjikan? Yuk, persiapkan dirimu :) Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab Back End Developer Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab Back End Developer Nah, selanjutnya CakeResume akan membahas apa saja tugas dan tanggung jawab sebagai seorang back end engineer . Secara umum
Career Planning
Mar 6th 2024

How to Become a Software Engineer from Scratch: Ultimate Career Change Guide

Back-End Engineers use Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) to deal with the undergoing databases and infrastructure, logging systems, and caching systems. Responsibilities include creating and maintaining the structure of server-side information, debug, and realize cross-department demands. Full Stack Engineer is a combination of front-end and back-end engineering. They are able to develop a project from start to finish, tackle databases, build user-facing websites, or communicate with clients during different phases of software development. QA Engineers
Cover Letter
Mar 6th 2024

A Step-by-Step Guide to IT Cover Letters [with Examples and Tips]

letter, like any other, can be submitted in two ways: as an individual document or as an email. Let’s begin by taking a look at both through these IT cover letter samples. IT Cover Letter Sample (General) Doris Navin Back-end Engineer 4568 Court Street Saint Louis, MO 63146 636-679-7425 August 7, 2023 Lucas Harper Hiring Manager Darvo Systems 3365 Shobe Lane Denver, CO 80221 Dear Mr. Harper, I am writing to express my interest in the
Resume & CV
Mar 6th 2024

Back-End Developer Resume: Templates, Examples & Essential Skills

before moving on to the next ones. For that reason, it’s best to keep an entry-level back-end developer resume or a junior backend developer resume short, preferably, 1-2 pages long. However, if you have a senior backend developer resume or if you are applying for academic or research positions, your resume can go up to 3 pages long. What is the best font to use in a backend engineer resume ? You would want to ensure that
Success Stories
Mar 6th 2024


遞履歷! 【2018夏季資深工程師快速面試】參展企業 公司名稱:街口電子支付股份有限公司 成立時間: 2012 產業: 電子支付 團隊成員: 85 徵求職缺: Python 、 DevOps Engineer 、 MySQL DBA 、 iOS Engineer 、 SDET 、 ASP.Net 、 Backend Engineer 粉絲專頁 前往報名CakeResume快速面試
Success Stories
Mar 6th 2024


程師快速面試參展企業 公司名稱: ShopBack(回饋網股份有限公司) 成立時間: 2016(台灣子公司) 產業: 網際網路 團隊成員: 全球團隊近200人,台灣團隊20人以上 徵求職缺: DevOps 、 BackendEngineering Manager 粉絲專頁 前往報名CakeResume快速面試
Resume & CV
Mar 6th 2024

All You Should Know about GitHub to Improve Your Resume

The increased presence of technology in our lives and the influence of the internet have changed the labor market. There has been an increased demand for coding jobs. For example, companies are looking for computer programmers, web developers, front and back-end developers, computer system engineers, and many more. Anyone looking for a similar job would benefit from showing their coding skills on their resume. However, it is not easy to show such skills on a resume. Simply listing your
Success Stories
Mar 6th 2024

工程師,你想成為 Tech Lead 嗎?Grindr VP 解析技術主管必備技能

年的目標或困難點,與 VP 討論該從哪幾個點切入,另外也會跟 growth、 marketing、product、ads 等其他團隊共同聚焦之後,Engineering VP 和 Backend VP 就可以直接對接,並做出技術可行性和時間成本的評估。 Alex 在 Grindr 主要帶領 mobile(包含 Android 和
People Operations
Mar 6th 2024

20 Best Software Engineering Interview Questions

Created by CakeResume In this article, we'll cover how to answer common software engineering interview questions: Q1: What programming languages are you familiar with? Q2: Describe your process of dealing with a programming task, from start to finish. Q3: Tell me about a project you completed successfully. Q4: Describe an obstacle you encountered while working on a project and how you overcame it. Q5: Tell me about a time when you worked with other software engineers. Q6: Are you

How to Lean in and Become a Software Developer

software engineer schools for those who don’t have a formal eduction on the subject. Even though bootcamps tend to gear toward web-based programming, you should still consider bootcamps as a way to turn to full stack developer and back end skills. How to become a software developer without a degree? Join a software engineering bootcamp! 📍 Associate Degrees in Software Engineering An associate’s degree is certainly beneficial for students who want to have basic technical and academic

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