Career Development
3月 6日 2024

On The Job Training (OJT): Pengertian, Jenisnya, dan Manfaat

kerajinan, dan bidang teknis. 2. Mentoring Mentoring merupakan jenis OJT yang bersifat one on one dan umumnya diberikan kepada pekerja tingkat manajerial. Dalam sesi mentoring , senior atau pekerja akan memberikan pelatihan secara langsung kepada bawahan mengenai tugas sehari-hari. 3. Coaching Mirip dengan mentoring , metode coaching juga dilakukan secara one one one . Pada metode ini, atasan atau karyawan senior akan memberikan arahan kepada karyawan yang mendapatkan training. Tujuan utama coaching adalah untuk membantu karyawan mendapatkan jawaban dan solusi terhadap masalah
Interview Skills
3月 6日 2024

How to Use Mock Interviews to Land Your Dream Job

well versed in many different careers, and can help you move both upwards and laterally in your ideal career. Career coaches will also help you with selling yourself, adjusting your resume and improving interpersonal skills through mock interviews. However, career coaching is a career in itself, and therefore you will probably have to pay for coaches’ mock interview services. 📍 Online interview practice programs If you would like a more dynamic approach to practice interviews, you can try finding an
Resume & CV
3月 6日 2024

Music Teacher Resume Guide with Examples & Templates

resume: To engage and excite children to become professional pianists in the future through both my exceptional piano skills and classical music knowledge. Guitar teacher resume: Looking to be a Guitar Teacher at CSG Academy where I can provide excellent coaching services and guitar performances. Music teacher resume: Seeking a teaching position in K-12 music education where I can impart knowledge and a passion for classical music. Further reading: Resume objective writing tips for freshers & students How to write
Career Planning
3月 6日 2024

Make Money With These 10 Side Hustle Ideas

If you speak another language, becoming a translator could be your side hustle. Translators work on tasks like video transcription, translating technical instructions, and speech writing. Online Fitness Coach If you’re passionate about fitness, you might consider starting a coaching business as your side hustle, where you’ll make meal plans and design workouts for your clients. Affiliate Marketer Some people promote products on their social media or personal websites, to earn commission as an online side hustle. How
Career Planning
3月 6日 2024

Why You Should Hire a Career Counselor

have been in the same position for a long time and you don’t feel that you are making progress toward your goals, a career counselor is a great person to ask for guidance. Many people want change, and career coaching services, if nothing else, are a great starting point. ❗️ When you are having work-related anxiety All jobs have the potential to be stressful, and certified career counselors are trained to speak to individuals about their anxiety and
Job Search Tips
3月 11日 2024


但 工作經驗的人。 即 使是 所謂 的「畢業生 計劃( graduate scheme)」, 有 實習 經驗的畢業 生 也比較 容 易勝 出, 所 以我在 coaching 來找我做職涯諮詢的 應屆 畢業生, 或 是在 海外 找第一 份工作的求職者時, 都 會 鼓勵 他們盡 量累
Job Search Tips
3月 10日 2024

遠端工作哪裡找?熱門職缺 & 10 大遠距工作求職管道都在這裡!

的觀點。另外,Remote.co 也撰寫不少遠距工作相關的文章,甚至還有專門分享如何遠端工作的線上課程、coaching 等等,從技巧培養到遠端工作的所有疑難雜症,都可以在這個網站上面找到資源。 延伸閱讀: 【視訊
People Operations
3月 6日 2024

績效不佳怎麼辦?雇主可用 PIP 績效改善計畫幫助員工!

需要確保評估的客觀性和公正性,同時制定具體的改進計劃,以幫助員工提高績效。主管應該運用 Coaching 和引導技巧,通過提出問題、聆聽員工的觀點,找出雙方共識,並確保員工明白他們需要改進的地
Career Planning
3月 6日 2024

How to Become a Software Engineer from Scratch: Ultimate Career Change Guide

called web developers. They often work with UI & UX designers to realize visible, tangible interactive elements using HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Back-End Engineers use Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) to deal with the undergoing databases and infrastructure, logging systems, and caching systems. Responsibilities include creating and maintaining the structure of server-side information, debug, and realize cross-department demands. Full Stack Engineer is a combination of front-end and back-end engineering. They are able to develop a project from
Cover Letter
3月 6日 2024

Computer Science Cover Letter: Cracking the Code for Your Path to Success

Created by CakeResume In general, computer science degrees combine theoretical study and practical projects, providing you with the basic mathematical and scientific concepts behind computers. It is a field of study that is very promising and is currently considered to be in high demand in the job market. The job prospects for this field are projected to grow by 21% from 2021 to 2031. The most popular jobs for computer science major include: Software Developer Web Developer UX Designer Mobile

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