求職信(Cover Letter)

Free Job Application Forms (+ With Tips and Guide)

to consider. Step 1: Instructions for filling out the form. Job Application Form Instructions  When applicants fill out the form, it is best if you have incorporated the instructions. These instructions will tell them how to fill out the form, and what happens if they leave the slots blank. For example, you can mark down some required sections like their names, contact details, and work history to inform them that those are the ones that must be filled in. Yo...

Bí kíp viết CV tiếng Nhật khiến nhà tuyển dụng trầm trồ

Lưu ý khi làm CV xin việc tiếng Nhật Mục lục: Khi nào cần tạo CV tiếng Nhật? Những mục cần có trong CV tiếng Nhật Lưu ý khi tạo CV tiếng Nhật Mẫu CV tiếng Nhật file word Trong nhiều thập kỷ qua, Nhật Bản luôn đứng top đầu trong các quốc gia đầu tư mạnh mẽ vào thị trường Việt Nam. Việc học tiếng Nhật kể từ đó chưa bao giờ có dấu hiệu “hạ nhiệt” và ngày

Trello Adalah: Fungsi, Fitur, Kelebihan dan Kekurangan [+Contoh Penggunaannya]

visual untuk manajemen proyek. Visualisasi proyek dan tugas ditujukan untuk membuat proyek menjadi lebih mudah dimengerti. Ini dikarenakan anggota tim dapat melihat gambaran besar dari proyek yang dikerjakan. Kemudian, tim bisa menyesuaikan apa yang perlu dikerjakan. 3. Menyimpan dan Berbagi File Trello adalah aplikasi yang bisa digunakan untuk menjadi sarana menyimpan dan berbagi file terkait dengan proyek atau tugas. Semua anggota tim dapat membagi dan mengunduh file dan gambar secara langsung dalam card (kartu). Karena semua materi proyek tersimpan dalam

Performance Review Handbook for Great Result

Created by CakeResume Although performance review is a common practice nowadays, you might still find yourself looking for performance review templates, performance review questions, how to write performance reviews, or performance review phrases to be better prepared. This article is filled with essential knowledge and practical examples that would come in handy to employers, managers, and employees. During performance review, employers are allowed to assess their employees' job performance and offer constructive feedback. This essential practice serves as a compass
產業 & 職位介紹

想應徵韌體工程師?先了解 FW 工程師薪水、工作內容與面試重點

如何成為韌體工程師?韌體工程師的薪水、工作內容和該具備的能力又有哪些呢? 想成為韌體工程師(Firmware engineer, FW 工程師)的你,對韌體工程師找工作的相關資訊了解多少呢?CakeResume 整理了我們 求職平台 上的

4 Contoh CV Sarjana Hukum yang Diminati Rekruter

Daftar isi: Cara Membuat CV Sarjana Hukum yang baik dan benar Kumpulan Contoh CV Hukum yang direkomendasi Tips Membuat Curriculum Vitae Hukum Sebagai lulusan sarjana di bidang hukum, profesi menjadi pengacara (lawyer), hakim, jaksa, dan juga sebagai notaris adalah sebuah pekerjaan incaran yang ingin didapatkan. Apalagi yang notabenenya ingin bekerja di law firm yang level menengah ke atas. Pastinya persaingan pun cukup kompetitif. Selain karena gaji yang menjanjikan juga, bekerja di firma hukum yang ternama merupakan kebanggaan tersendiri bagi para

Owning the Group Interview: Tips, Sample Questions, & Answers

Created by CakeResume In this article, we'll cover: ​​ What is a Group Interview? Why Employers Use Group Interviews Tips for Succeeding in a Group Interview Common Group Interview Questions Questions to Ask in a Group Interview Group interviews are increasingly common when employers need to hire many people at once or need to fill their positions quickly. During a group interview, a single person will interview numerous applicants at once, which is a fast way to narrow their pool

How to Write a Good Cover Letter? Score Your Dream Job with 5 Paragraphs

Cover Letter Outline  Part 1 - Introduction  Part 2 - Motivation  Part 3 - Qualification  Part 4 - Supplementary Information  Part 5 - Contact Information In this era, unless there are some special reasons, I believe you must have a Facebook account. Let us imagine that a stranger sent a friend invitation to you today. Before you accept it, he sent an image file of his business card to you. How would you feel? Won’t you be a bit surprised? In fact, similar situations

Actuary Resume Made Easy with Examples and Tips

Created by CakeResume In this article, you will learn about: Which format is the best for an actuarial science resume? What should you include in an actuary resume? 5 tips on how to write a compelling actuarial science resume What actuary resume template is the most successful one? Actuary resume sample In a wide range of organizations and companies, from consulting firms to governmental to insurance companies, you can expect to find an actuary. An actuary is responsible for: Creating

How to Write a Legal Assistant Resume: Guide and Examples

Created by CakeResume In this article, you will learn about: How to write a legal assistant resume? What to include on a legal assistant resume? Tips for writing the best legal assistant resume How to write a cover letter for a legal assistant position? Legal assistant resume sample A legal assistant plays a fundamental role in the everyday activities of a law firm. As a legal assistant, you are responsible for preparing legal materials for lawyers, so you will need


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