求职信(Cover Letter)

Cách viết email gửi CV & Mẫu thư xin việc 10 điểm!

phải ứng viên nào cũng biết cách viết email xin việc như này đâu nhé! Ví dụ về cách viết nội dung email xin việc: Dear Anh/Chị, Tôi là Thanh Mai - freelance content writer với 3 năm kinh nghiệm. Tôi có đọc được tin tuyển dụng của Bluer cho vị trí "Freelance Copywriter" trên group "Việc làm freelancer". Tôi đã làm việc với 15+ client trong các lĩnh vực như: công nghệ, thời trang, skincare, du lịch, và EdT...
产业 & 职位介绍


片後製等職業;若在業界累積一定人脈、技能,或擁有自己獨特的拍攝風格,也可嘗試從事部分攝影接案,逐步朝自由攝影師邁進。 延伸閱讀: 職涯專訪》Freelancer如何得到業主的信賴?——自由接案攝影師Rev專訪

CakeResume 五歲了!CEO 與 COO 最真實也精實的創業心聲

波食品大師 Trantor CakeResume 創立初期,所有的資金來源都是 Trantor 創業前工作一年半的積蓄。投放數位廣告、聘請 Freelancer、購買雲端服務,到處都需要錢的情況下,Trantor 的存款很快就消耗殆盡、進入捉襟見肘的困境。不得已

Freelance Writer Resume Guide with Samples

Created by CakeResume You'll learn: How to write a freelance writer resume? What to put on a resume for a freelance writer? Tips for writing the best freelance writer resume How to write a cover letter for a freelance writer? Freelance writer resume sample Freelance writing is the practice of earning income by writing for multiple clients, while not being hired by any employer. As a freelance writer (also known as freelance content creator), you can cover a variety

5 Contoh Kontrak Kerja Karyawan Lengkap [PKWT, PKWTT, Freelance]

Daftar Isi: Pengertian Surat Perjanjian Kerjasama Jenis-jenis Kontrak Kerja Karyawan Cara Membuat Kontrak Kerja Karyawan (Komponen) Contoh Surat Kontrak Kerja Karyawan Kontrak kerja karyawan merupakan hal yang harus diperhatikan sebelum mulai merekrut karyawan. Memasuki 2023, banyak perusahaan yang sedang aktif merekonstruksi strategi HR, termasuk menilik kembali struktur kontrak kerja. Kontrak kerja bisa terkait gaji, kompensasi, insentif , hingga pasal kerjasama yang sesuai dengan hukum atau peraturan kerja yang berlaku saat ini. Kontrak kerja harus dituliskan dengan jelas agar bisa dimengerti
作品集 & 个人品牌

Best Front End Developer Portfolio Examples [+How-to guideline]

fit the job. Without one, your chance will automatically be gone if your competitors have theirs. Increase your visibility. Having a front end developer portfolio provides a pathway for potential clients or employers to find you, especially if you work freelance. This will also help previous clients to recommend you to others who might need your service. More traffic on your freelance front end developer portfolio website means more people will know about your expertise, and there will be a

From Freelancing to Content Marketing Intern at CakeResume

letter and CV using CakeResume’s platform. From here, I found that CakeResume has a mission to help talents find and connect with their dream job, and I want to be a part of that. So I applied for the freelance SEO writing position. About a week after, I received a pre-interview invitation email followed by an interview invitation. The freelance writer interview process Before getting an interview, I had to pass and finish the pre-interview task first

Best Graphic Design Cover Letter | Examples and Writing Tips

You'll learn: Graphic Design Cover Letter Example What to put on a cover letter for graphic designers Cover letter tips for freelance graphic designers on UpWork Extra tips - Perfect junior graphic designer cover letter Extra tips - Professional senior graphic designer cover letter Cover letters, or “application letters“, are letters written by job applicants to the hiring manager, explaining their motivation for applying for a position, and their competence for the role. As a graphic designer, you’ll also need

6 mẹo viết CV editor/biên tập viên ấn tượng (kèm mẫu)

Được tạo bởi CakeResume Mục lục: Thông tin cần có trong CV editor/biên tập viên Nên & Không nên khi viết CV editor/biên tập viên Mẫu CV Freelance editor/biên tập viên Báo chí, truyền hình là một trong những ngành nóng luôn được giới trẻ quan tâm trong xã hội hiện nay. Để có được những nội dung chất lượng, thu hút người xem thì nhà tuyển dụng rất cần đến sự trợ giúp của editor, hay còn

Kumpulan Contoh CV Desain Grafis Keren dan Kreatif

Contoh CV Desain Grafis Menarik - Dibuat di CakeResume Di jaman ini, kehadiran seorang grafis desainer di sebuah perusahaan menjadi sangat krusial. Semakin banyak perusahaan yang mencari fulltimer desain grafis ataupun freelance desain grafis untuk memenuhi kebutuhan perusahaan. Baik perusahaan besar maupun perusahaan kecil berlomba untuk memiliki kehadiran di dunia online. Strategi untuk memiliki sosial media ataupun website sudah sangat umum dan dijadikan standar sebuah perusahaan yang mau go digital . Keperluan akan membuat konten untuk di posting di sosial media, brosur


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