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Career Development
abr 12º 2024

React Native là gì? Những điều cần biết dành cho người mới bắt đầu

triển APP điện thoại Phát triển bởi đội kỹ sư Facebook UI hiển thị giao diện lập trình của platform gốc thay vì tạo chế độ xem web-based React Native: Thư viện JavaScript Sử dụng trong phát triển web front-end Phát triển bởi đội kỹ sư Facebook Sử dụng công nghệ DOM ảo (Virtual document object model) Nhiệm vụ của React Native Developer là gì? Bất kỳ ai cũng có thể học React Native. Bạn nên cân nhắc
Career Planning
mar 6º 2024

For Freshers: Top 10 Most in Demand Jobs in 2020

to Build a Strong Machine Learning Resume 3. Full-stack developer The 21st-century human does everything online, therefore well-functioning websites have become basic necessities. That being said, full-stack developers have the crucial roles in developing both the front-end and the back-end of websites, aligning the interface with the customers' needs. From JavaScript, CSS, HTML, and basic visual design skills to back-end languages for databases such as Node.js, Python, Ruby, these are the basic
Job Search Tips
mar 6º 2024

9 Critical Mistakes to Avoid When Applying for a Job in IT

you're learning development to be able to showcase your skills to future employers. Having working web applications or software can go a long way to getting you an interview with a team. Full-stack If you only have limited front-end or back-end experience and have never worked in a full-stack environment, you should ramp up your skills before interviewing! While most developer positions focus on just one part of the stack, having the knowledge of how
Career Development
mar 6º 2024

Apa itu Framework? Fungsi dan Jenis Untuk Web Development

Open Source Open source merupakan istilah umum dalam software yang menyediakan layanan secara gratis. Ini juga berlaku untuk framework, dimana kode ini dapat diakses dan diunduh secara gratis. Jenis Framework untuk Web Development Jenis Framework Melihat banyaknya bahasa pemrograman yang tersedia, framework juga menawarkan beberapa jenis yang berbeda-beda. Para profesional mendefinisikan masing-masing berdasarkan fungsi framework atau bahasa pemrograman utama yang termasuk di dalamnya. Berikut adalah beberapa jenis framework yang paling populer: Front End Frameworks Framework front-end menyediaka...
Resume & CV
mar 6º 2024

15 Contoh CV Bahasa Indonesia yang Baik dan Benar

jabatan, diikuti dengan nama perusahaan dan periode kerja. Tuliskan minimal 3 poin untuk mendeskripsikan masing-masing pekerjaan. 💡 Pro Tip Fokus pada pencapaian yang diperoleh bukan pada tanggung jawab pekerjaan Contoh penulisan pengalaman kerja untuk CV template Indonesia: Full stack Developer Alfa System (2020 - 2021) Bekerja sama dengan tim analisa data untuk mengembangkan web front-end aplikasi perusahaan, sehingga meningkatkan user time on page selama 3 menit. Memantau proses jalannya program dan mengatasi 50+ bugs pada aplikasi. Berpartisipasi dalam pengembangan
Industry & Job Overview
mar 10º 2024

全端工程師找工作 大全 - 薪資情報、熱門職缺、面試技巧

全端工程師/開發者 (Full-stack Developer) 這個職稱對多數人來說,應該都是不陌生的,但事實上它是近十年才出現的名詞。然而,這並不代表全端工程師的工作內容在早期不存在,只是由於當時的網頁/軟體工程
Resume & CV
mar 6º 2024

英文 CV 怎麼寫?英文 CV 範本 & 8 大內容教學全攻略!

to【職涯目標】.Gained【應徵職缺必備的經驗或能力】experiences at【學術經驗/課外活動】, receiving/achieving【獎項或成就】. Computer Science graduate with proven front end coding skills. Currently seeking a position as a Frontend Developer at Amazon, to leverage coding & UX skills to help improve user experience and conversion rate. Gained application development experience at Tata Consultancy Services in internship programs, receiving Best
Industry & Job Overview
mar 10º 2024


職缺特搜 徵才企業 招募職缺 薪資待遇 Splashtop Fronted Engineer 840K ~ 1.8M TWD / 年 昕力資訊 Javascript 前端工程師 40K ~ 60K TWD / 月 FunNow Fronted Developer 800K ~ 1.1M TWD / 年 Conbiz Consulting Firm React Front End Developer 1.2M ~ 1.6M TWD / 年 Omnichat 資深前端工程師 1M ~ 1.2M TWD / 年 CakeResume 提供容易上手的
Industry & Job Overview
mar 10º 2024

前端工程師找工作 大全 - 薪資情報、熱門職缺、面試技巧

適合你的前端工程師職缺吧! 熱門前端工程師職缺 初階 Frontend Developer 職缺 徵才企業 招募職缺 薪資待遇 Pinkoi Frontend Engineer 40K+ TWD / 月 Tagnology Junior Frontend Developer 30K ~ 55K TWD /月 BotBonnie (Junior) 前端工程師 40K ~ 60K TWD /月 KKBOX Group [KKBOX] Frontend Engineer 720K ~ 1M TWD / 年 Tomofun Front-End Developer 60K ~ 90K TWD
Success Stories
mar 6º 2024

萌芽、茁壯與險境後的起死回生!專訪 25sprout 新芽創辦人 Alex,揭秘 8 年成長史

當全世界都在追求快速成長、最大化營收,要如何專注於真正重要的事,緩慢卻穩定地前進?遇上攸關公司存活的 50% 機率,要如何相信自己、放手一博? 打造出知名雲端問卷服務 SurveyCake 的 25sprout(新芽網路),總是

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