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Success Stories
3월 6일 2024

Podcast 這檔事:攜手 KKBOX 共營聲音經濟,Firstory COO Kirk 又窮又快樂的創業歷程

變現? 小於 10 人、平均年齡 25 歲左右的 Firstory,從一剛開始的「聲音交友」產品,到如今轉型為 Podcast 節目的後盾:hosting site&播放器、錄製協助、社群經營、數據分析、廣告商牽線等, 與 SoundOn 並列為台灣市場中兩大 hosting site,也於今
Success Stories
3월 6일 2024

今晚,我想來點 Podcast!SoundOn 創辦人顧立楷剖析 Podcast 現況與展望

入屏障,其運作特性也讓整個市場較為分散,有許多可以營運和參與的空間。立楷以美國為例,光是 Hosting Site 就有數十家,經營相關廣告業務的代理商也不勝枚舉,整個產業鏈有各式各樣的機會,也造成
Personal Branding
3월 6일 2024

5 Content Marketing Tips To Boost Your Personal Brand

is likely to share their post through their own networks, bringing new visitors to your website. You can also use guest content to promote your own related content. Keep in mind, promoting your personal brand is not the goal with hosting guest content. Rather, make sure that any promotion of your content is relevant and non-invasive to the post. A simple way to ensure this is to use a widget on your site that automatically displays related posts on
Recruitment & HR
3월 6일 2024

12 Tips to Motivate Your Employees and Be the Best Manager

Team leading is one of the most influential tasks a manager takes responsibility for. Keeping high morale in teams can be tricky, but you can tackle the situation effectively with adequate methods of motivating employees in an organization. As reported by Forbes , motivation and job satisfaction lead to improvement in a company’s profitability (up to 21%) and a reduction in absenteeism (41%) as well as turnover rates (59%). Hence, team motivation should be your prioritized action point to excel
Cover Letter
3월 6일 2024

Write an Assistant Professor Cover Letter – Tips and Template

Created by CakeResume In this article, we'll cover: Sample Cover Letter for Assistant Professor How to Write an Assistant Professor Cover Letter Assistant Professor Cover Letter Template If you are ready to mentor students and pursue a rewarding academic career, an assistant professor position could be perfect for you. Assistant professors perform an important function at any college or university. They teach, conduct research, and work with students. Daily tasks can include answering inquiries, hosting office hours, grading assignments
Career Development
3월 6일 2024

Apa itu SaaS? | Software Berbasis Cloud dan Contoh Aplikasinya

sekaligus mempermudah pekerjaan, entah itu dalam bidang administrasi, manajemen, maupun penyimpanan data. Nah, Teknologi Cloud Computing merupakan salah satu contoh yang mempermudah penyimpanan data atau dokumen secara online yang akan terhubung ke sebuah server yang menyediakan layanan cloud tersebut. Sebuah sistem yang digunakan organisasi akan menjadi lebih fleksibel dan cukup terjangkau untuk biaya anggarannya dengan basis Software as a Service (SaaS) dibanding pengunduhan dan penginstalan perangkat lunak tradisional. SaaS adalah salah satu contoh sistem yang memanfaatkan teknologi Cloud . Tanpa disadari
Student Guide
3월 6일 2024

15 Prospek Kerja Teknik Informatika Terbaik [+Gaji, Info Kuliah, Dll.]

Mengenal Jurusan Teknik Informatika 15 Pilihan Karir Lulusan Teknik Informatika 📚 Baca juga: 3 Contoh CV Teknik Informatika Profesional dan Cara Membuatnya! Jurusan Teknik Informatika Apa itu Teknik Informatika (Computer Science)? Teknik Informatika atau Ilmu Komputer adalah jurusan yang mempelajari sistem komputer, perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak serta bahasa pemrograman. Mata pelajaran yang akan kamu ambil untuk jurusan Teknik Informatika dan pekerjaan untuk lulusan teknik informatika sangat bervariasi antar universitas. Berikut adalah beberapa contoh mata pelajaran yang akan kamu pelajari
Interview Skills
3월 6일 2024

Owning the Group Interview: Tips, Sample Questions, & Answers

from a one-on-one interview. Why Employers Use Group Interviews Although group job interviews can seem daunting for the applicants, they offer different benefits to the employer and might be used for different reasons. 🔎 They can compare candidates side by side. One advantage of a group interview is that the employer can compare interviewees in real time and their suitability can be easily contrasted. 🔎 They can assess applicants’ teamwork skills. Group interviews can involve some problem solving
Industry & Job Overview
3월 10일 2024

Podcaster 必看| 6 步驟製作 Podcast 教學、6 大 Podcast 賺錢方法

作,促進品牌的對外溝通。Podcast 越來越受到歡迎,也因此有了更多營利可能。 Podcast 製作教學:六步驟成為 Podcaster STEP 1:Podcast 節目籌畫 Podcast 製作第一步,最重要的是釐清節目定位和節目更新頻率等內容,可依據以下項
Career Planning
3월 6일 2024

5 Best Free Job Posting Sites for Recruitment in Singapore

Created by CakeResume Are you seeking to hire in Singapore? Here's some good news - we've compiled a list of the top 5 free job posting sites to use for recruitment. Job posting sites offer benefits to recruiters in various ways . More importantly, these sites attract a large number of quality job seekers. Some sites even offer paid options to increase your reach. Table of Contents: What is Job Advertisement? Best Free Job Posting Sites for Recruitment Employers in

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