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thg 3 6 2024

COOLJEK Jadi Pemain Baru Cold Chain Asal Indonesia

COOLJEK Cold chain adalah sistem rantai pasok dengan temperatur rendah untuk menjaga kualitas produk-produk yang rentan rusak ( perishable ). Di Indonesia, sektor logistik rantai dingin ( cold chain ) mengalami peningkatan yang pesat. Tercatat rata-rata pertumbuhannya mencapai 6.9% setiap tahunnya. Pertumbuhan ini didorong oleh meningkatnya pengguna e-commerce yang memilih untuk berbelanja kebutuhan pokok seperti makanan secara online. Serta, permintaan pasar akan produk makanan beku dan segar, minuman, suplemen, obat, dan produk lainnya yang sensitif terhadap suhu kian meningkat lantaran

Talent Connect: Solusi Employer Branding bagi Perusahaan Anda

karena terkesan lebih murah. Alhasil, sering kali produk yang sampai di tangan konsumen sudah dalam keadaan rusak. Padahal, tujuan dan penanganan dari bisnis rantai dingin berbeda dengan bisnis ojek online biasanya. CEO COOLJEK Nathanael Christopher membagikan langsung cara kerja bisnis logistik secara menyeluruh, termasuk tantangan awal beliau meniti bisnis startup hingga pelajaran-pelajaran yang bisa dipetik melalui proses untuk mengembangkan COOLJEK. Baca lebih lengkap: COOLJEK Jadi Pemain Baru Cold Chain Asal Indonesia Nonton rekapan ulang: Merintis Bisnis Logistik Cold Chain
Cover Letter
thg 3 6 2024

Contoh Surat Lamaran Magang dan Cara Membuatnya!

lamaran kerja magang ini, saya bermaksud melamar untuk magang di Departemen Produksi PT. Unilever Indonesia. Sebagai seorang mahasiswa Teknik Industri, saya bertekad untuk menambah pengalaman saya dengan magang di perusahaan consumer goods terbesar di Indonesia. Saya telah mengambil penjurusan Supply Chain . Dalam beberapa kesempatan, saya juga mengikuti pelatihan-pelatihan teknik logistik yang diselenggarakan pihak Universitas Binus bersama beberapa pabrikan terkemuka seperti PT. Astra Internasional dan PT. Indah Kiat Pulp and Paper. Contoh isi surat lamaran magang dalam bahasa Inggris: I

Supply Chain Manager Resume: Examples & Writing Guide

valuable points to be put: Licenses Language Proficiency Courses Additional Activities (like community volunteer) What is a good career objective for a supply chain management resume? A supply chain manager resume objective is an alternative for candidates who lack supply chain management experience. It emphasizes your career goals and how they relate to the job you’re applying for rather than outlining your experience. To create a strong career objective in logistics and supply chain management resume, follow these five

How to Include Projects in Resumes (Samples, Tips, Templates)

align with their company's vision and needs. Personal projects can also showcase your passion for the field. For candidates lacking work experience, such as students or recent graduates, projects on a resume can make up for that deficiency. Career changers with impressive projects in their resume can be highly valued as they bring knowledge and skills from various areas of the industry. 📖 Further reading: What is a Resume? [Definition, Element, Writing Tips, and Examples] Types of Projects to

Best Dispatcher Resume Examples

right dispatcher resume format could still deliver your outstanding profile to the employers and thus land you a chance for an interview. But first, you need to understand which of the 3 types of resume formats makes the best dispatcher resume format for you. You can consider between the reverse chronological and functional (skill-based) resume format according to your experience history. 🔎 If you are a seasoned employee looking for a career change , the reverse chronological resume format t...
Cover Letter
thg 3 6 2024

Guide to Craft a Driver Cover Letter from Scratch [w/ Examples & Template]

allowed me to make the best use of my training, time management, and analytical skills. I feel that my commitment to the highest standards of service and accountability as a Truck Driver will be of the greatest benefit to 101 Logistics Service. I would appreciate the chance to further discuss the position and speak with you about my qualifications. Thank you for taking the time to review my application. Best regards, Benjamin Garnette Bus driver cover letter sample Dear Hiring
Cover Letter
thg 3 6 2024

Cover Letter for Executive Positions with Examples and Tips

has always been a company whose value and business integrity I look up to. With my expertise in agile management and developmental integration, I am confident that I can help your company realize its mission. During my time at Parallel Logistics, I implemented a marketing initiative that resulted in 20% of growth in revenue receipt, and my design of the customer service procedure was proven effective according to the increase in the customer success rate of our Saas product. I

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