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Resume & CV
Mar 6th 2024

Cách đặt tên file CV chuẩn giúp CV của bạn không bị “ngó lơ"

hay không. Nếu đặt tên đúng chuẩn, CV của bạn sẽ được nhìn thấy ngay và ngược lại, nếu tiêu đề thiếu chuyên nghiệp thì chắc là bạn đã “quay vào ô mất lượt” ngay khi nhà tuyển dụng check mail rồi! Để việc tạo CV không thành "công cốc", hãy cùng CakeResume tìm hiểu cách đặt tên file CV quan trọng như thế nào và làm sao để thật chuẩn chỉnh, đúng ý nhà tuyển dụng? Tầm quan trọng
Personal Branding
Mar 6th 2024

Why Every Professional Should Have A Personal Website

you should create a personal website for your dream career! 1. It Makes it Easier to Contact You Having a personal website allows you to highlight what channels you prefer to be contacted through , whether it’s via phone, e-mail, LinkedIn or Twitter. Furthermore, including keywords such as your university, city and industry name on your website, will increase your chances of appearing higher in search rankings. 2. It Gives You More Control over Your Online Presence Your personal
Industry & Job Overview
Mar 13th 2024


者,或是在特定領域非常專業優秀、具有資歷,或是擔任過管理職,相信都曾經收過來自「 獵頭(Headhunter) 」的 e-mail 或電話,希望可以跟你建立聯繫、幫你介紹工作。 到底「獵頭」、 「獵人頭」是什麼?這些手握豐富職缺的獵
Job Search Tips
Mar 6th 2024

Contoh Isi Body Email Lamaran Kerja yang Benar dan Cara Menulisnya

agar lamaran kerja kamu dapat dilihat oleh rekruter. Dengan kata lain, body email lamaran kerja ini sebenarnya merupakan cover letter. Dalam artikel ini, CakeResume akan memberikan tips dan contoh body email lamaran kerja yang wajib kamu ketahui! Contoh Body E-mail Lamaran Kerja Cara Menulis Body Email Lamaran Kerja Body email merupakan kalimat sapaan kepada perusahaan sebelum membaca CV (curicculum vitae ) kamu. Sehingga kata-kata dan kalimat yang ditulis di body email lamaran kerja harus ditulis secara benar dan jelas
Interview Skills
Mar 6th 2024

Mẫu trả lời thư mời phỏng vấn giúp bạn tạo ấn tượng trước giờ G

đoạn văn là đủ cho một email trả lời thư mời phỏng vấn tiêu chuẩn. Đọc thêm: Lần đầu đi phỏng vấn xin việc cần chuẩn bị gì? Mẫu email trả lời thư mời phỏng vấn chuẩn Cách trả lời mail mời phỏng vấn - sinh viên Cách trả lời mail mời phỏng vấn - tiếng Anh Cách trả lời mail mời phỏng vấn - tiếng Trung Mẫu trả lời mail mời phỏng vấn - free download Cách trả lời mail mời phỏng vấn
Resume & CV
Mar 6th 2024

Should You Put an Address on Your Resume? Here Are Reasons to Consider

goes on. And we put together this article to help you make a decision that will land you an interview. Traditionally, an address was a must on the CV. In the pre-Internet era, employers chiefly contacted applicants through physical mail. But nowadays, the address has lost its relevance in the early stage of the hiring process as most companies and businesses manage their hiring process online and the applicant tracking system (ATS) is widely used. Job applicants are left
Job Search Tips
Mar 6th 2024

6 Cara Meminta Reschedule Interview yang Profesional beserta Contohnya!

menunjukkan profesionalisme dan minat kamu pada pekerjaan yang dilamar. Tak hanya itu saja, kamu pun tidak akan kehilangan kesempatan untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan impian kamu. Namun, bagaimana cara meminta reschedule interview dengan profesional? Yuk, simak artikel CakeResume dibawah ini! Contoh E-mail Reschedule Interview Contoh Alasan yang Tepat untuk Reschedule Interview Hal terpenting saat reschedule interview adalah memberi alasan yang masuk akal dan tepat. Jika kamu memiliki alasan yang sah, HRD kemungkinan akan memahami dan memaklumi kamu untuk reschedule interview. Berikut
Cover Letter
Mar 6th 2024

【Cover Letter 範例】英文求職信怎麼寫?外商、海外工作必備 5 步驟完整解析

作,毫無疑問需要一定水準的英文能力。 在台灣,所謂的求職信(Cover Letter)通常是指我們投遞履歷時在 e-mail 中簡要的自我介紹 ,也稱作求職信、應徵信、自我推薦信,是一段重要的開場白,吸引對方點開你的
Resume & CV
Mar 6th 2024

Your CV - Gearing Up for Grad School

solely on the academic data which is relevant to the program you’re applying. Here’s a brief overview of the sections which should be included in your CV. Contact Information This section includes your name, phone number, email and mailing address. The email ID should definitely be very professional, simple and recognizable. The best email ID format is a combination of your first and last name. The phone number should be directed to you. The address should be your
Industry & Job Overview
Apr 25th 2024

Discover 9 Marketing Career Paths [+ Skills Needed & Salary Ranges]

9 Marketing Career Paths Success in marketing involves technology skills, psychology, communication, and data analysis. Marketers manage campaigns across different platforms, using different content, and targeting a variety of consumers. Marketing careers are therefore dynamic, and the tasks involved are ever-expanding. In today’s fast-paced digital world, marketing is a crucial element of a business’s success, and great marketing can help you reach an audience, increase sales, and cement your brand image. In this article, we’ll

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