Interview Skills
3月 6日 2024

Ditanya “Apa Pencapaian Terbesar Anda” Saat Interview? Begini Cara Menjawabnya!

akan membagikan tips cara menjawab pertanyaan tentang pencapaian terbesar! 📚 Baca juga: 20+ Pertanyaan Interview Kerja Paling Sering Muncul [+Jawaban] Mengapa Recruiter Bertanya “Apa Pencapaian Terbesar Anda?” Alasan recruiter menanyakan pencapaian terbesar Sebelum menyiapkan jawaban, kamu sebaiknya paham alasan mengapa recruiter bertanya pertanyaan tentang pencapaian terbesar dalam hidup. Beberapa alasannya adalah: 1. Etos Kerja Recruiter ingin melihat bagaimana kamu dapat mendeskripsikan suatu “pencapaian” dan proses kamu mendapatkan kesuksesan tersebut. Dari situ, recruiter juga dapat melihat ambisi kamu dalam bekerja. 2
Resume & CV
3月 6日 2024

70+ Resume Headline Examples to Elevate Your Profile and Stand Out

Headline on a Resume/CV? How to Write a Resume/CV Headline Resume/CV Headline Examples What is a Headline on a Resume/CV? A resume headline is a phrase that highlights your value and qualities to show to the recruiters. A good resume headline allows recruiters to have a brief understanding of you as a candidate to see if you are a good potential fit for the job. You might have heard of a resume title, but there are
Success Stories
3月 11日 2024

專訪 CakeResume Consultant Team - Gareth| 置身在軟體工程師的環境做軟體招募,這種融入日常的力道是非常不一樣的。

Gareth 前身為 Apple 的 Recruiter,協助 Apple 進行大中華區的人才招募,除了於大公司擔任招募,也擁有參與新創公司草創過程的經驗,隨後帶著這樣的經歷加入 CakeResume 成為 招募顧問 。 在 Apple 的經歷讓 Gareth 對於招募顧問的工
Recruitment & HR
3月 11日 2024

如何用獵頭服務找到優秀人才?ShopBack 人資分享異業合作經驗

“本文為2月份 Recruiter 社群聚 Vivian 的講座內容 獵頭的價值 1. 高效率 有許多職位,是單憑企業招募的管道難以有效率地找到人選的。若企業的名氣不夠大,企業招募將需要花費更多時間在等待 candidate 的到
People Operations
3月 6日 2024

Topgrading Interview: What Is It and How to Conduct A Topgrading Interview

One of the key responsibilities of a recruiter is to ensure top-quality candidates are sourced for any open positions available at the company you are recruiting for. Often, it can be challenging to know whether the candidate you have found is the best possible hire for the role, as it can be difficult to judge competencies such as vision, intelligence, and integrity. There are numerous ways to go about it, like resume/CV screening, traditional phone interviews, group interviews
Interview Skills
3月 6日 2024

How To Answer “What Are Your Strengths” for Job Interview

bragging or too modest, if not practiced properly. Therefore, this article shares what strengths to say in an interview, along with some of the best answers for “wWhat is your strength?”, to help you prepare for your next interview. Why Recruiters Ask “What Are Your Strengths” Interview Question Interviewers ask this question in job interviews mostly to explore the following 4 things about you. To know your skills/ability. Recruiters are most interested in whether what you’re good at
Interview Skills
3月 6日 2024

Interview Question: Why do you want to work here? Sample Answers & Tips

Created by CakeResume In this article, we will cover: Why Recruiters Ask “Why Do You Want to Work for Us?” How to Answer “Why Do You Want to Work Here?” Tips on How to Answer “Why Do You Want to Work with Us?” “Why Do You Want to Work Here” – Answer Samples When preparing for an interview, most candidates don’t miss out on the question “why do you want to work here?”. Since “why do you want to work
Resume & CV
3月 6日 2024

How to List Education on Resume|Examples, Templates, Writing Tips

Education is a fundamental section of a resume that offers recruiters a holistic view of your qualifications for a position, alongside work experience and skills. Some job roles may necessitate a particular degree, and failing to appropriately showcase this information could impact your chances of making a positive impression on a potential employer. In this article, we will show you how to correctly list education on your resume, regardless your background: graduate with an honor degree, not yet graduated or
Resume & CV
3月 6日 2024

Best Resume Layouts and How to Format Them [Examples, Guide & Tips]

Created by CakeResume A CV or resume is the first impression the recruiters will obtain from applicants. It is important to know that the main purpose of a CV or resume is to get yourself an opportunity for an interview. Since most recruiters only spend limited time scanning for piles of resumes, it is even more important to make your resume stand out from the rest. And a key to a well-structured and eye-catching resume mostly depends
Resume & CV
3月 6日 2024

13 Contoh Daftar Riwayat Hidup yang Bikin HRD Tertarik Menghubungi Kamu

Daftar Riwayat Hidup adalah salah satu dokumen penting yang akan di screening oleh recruiter untuk menentukan kualitas calon pelamar. Well, selama ini kamu pasti mengira kalau surat Daftar Riwayat Hidup dan CV itu sama, kan? Padahal, CV dan Daftar Riwayat Hidup berbeda , lho. Biasanya, Daftar Riwayat Hidup masih digunakan oleh negara-negara seperti India, Pakistan, Bangladesh sebagai syarat melamar kerja di bidang militer atau pemerintahan. Di Indonesia sendiri Daftar Riwayat Hidup juga masih diperlukan untuk melamar kerja di beberapa pabrik

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