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Personal Development
Mar 6th 2024

Apa itu Self Management: 7 Contoh Skill dan Cara Meningkatkannya!

skill yang sangat penting dan dibutuhkan dalam dunia kerja, apa pun profesi kamu. Tidak hanya dalam dunia kerja, self management skill juga berguna dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Ketika kamu ingin melamar pekerjaan, perusahaan akan melihat apakah kamu memiliki aspek dalam self management atau tidak. Karena dengan adanya self management skill, dapat membantu seseorang menyelesaikan masalah serta mengatur kehidupannya. Tidak hanya saat melamar pekerjaan, tapi saat kamu sudah berada pada jabatan tertentu, self management skill masih sangat diperlukan. Contohnya jika kamu
Career Development
Apr 3rd 2024

Beyond IQ – The Power of Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace

to accurately assess their strengths and weaknesses , leading to improved self-confidence and decision-making. For example, if you easily get frustrated by certain conversation topics, being able to acknowledge it and catch yourself before it becomes an issue demonstrates self-awareness and is a real benefit of emotional intelligence in the workplace. Self-management Self-management encompasses regulating and controlling one's emotions effectively. Individuals with high self-management skills can adapt to change, remain calm under pressure , and
Career Development
Apr 12th 2024

Pengertian Mentoring dan Cara Menjadi Mentor yang Baik!

Sebaliknya, mentee adalah orang yang di-mentor atau menerima mentoring. Contohnya, seorang pegawai senior di sebuah perusahaan melakukan mentoring terhadap para pegawai junior. Pegawai senior bertindak sebagai mentor, sedangkan para pegawai junior merupakan mentee. 📚 Baca juga: Apa itu Self Management: 7 Contoh Skill dan Cara Meningkatkannya! Mentoring vs Coaching vs Counseling Kalau begitu, apa perbedaan mentoring, coaching, dan konseling? Perbedaan Mentoring dan Coaching: Mentoring lebih mengarah ke kegiatan berbagi pengalaman dan membantu mentee melakukan pengembangan diri, misal untuk skill
Cover Letter
Mar 6th 2024

Secrets of Writing Successful Upwork Cover Letters

I organized 5 welcome parties and 3 career orientation workshops for first-year students. I was also in charge of managing the Facebook page of my department (International Business F12 - Texas A&M). These valuable experiences have honed my task management skills, self motivation and discipline as well as the thorough attention to detail. In addition to English, I can also speak Vietnamese fluently, which I believe could add much value to your project since you aim to attract Vietnamese
People Operations
Mar 6th 2024

Competency-Based Interview Questions and Answers [+ Tips]

definition of effective communication. In some cases, interviewers will also ask follow-up questions to investigate further and get a more well-rounded picture of candidates' backgrounds. A great candidate must be able to offer practical examples of how his skills can help companies achieve their vision. Below is the list of ten possible skills that might be asked about in a competency-based interview: Teamwork Decision-making skills Communication skills Problem-solving skills Leadership Self-management abilities Professionalism Flexibility
Resume & CV
Mar 6th 2024

Game Developer Resume Examples, Templates, Formats [Top Tips!]

BOO. Solid knowledge of the 3D arts, including 3dsmax, Modo, Blender, Cinema 4D. Spectacular at efficiently integrating resources in the Asset Store. Examples of soft skills for a game developer resume: Exceptional pre-production planning ability. Sociability. Innovative problem-solving skills. Superb self-management and development ability. Solid mathematics foundation. Step 4: Tailor the resume to a specific job. Game developing is a specific role requiring narrowed skills. The more keywords you include in your game programmer resume, the higher
Job Search Tips
Mar 6th 2024

Working from Home Starter Pack: Freelancing 101

further improve and invest in yourself. 3. Multi-Faceted Exposure Self-employed entails you have to take control of your work. It is bittersweet, and there’s also no better way to dip toes into various jobs and foster comprehensive skills, such as interpersonal skills, crisis management, self-discipline and self-management. A one-man job requires freelancers exposing simultaneously to various fields and domains, be it marketing, advertising, and sales. You have to wear many hats. At the end
Career Planning
Mar 15th 2024

Master 101 Essential Job Skills for the Modern Workplace

and the general digitalization of many industries have ushered in a new phase of the modern workplace, taking many jobs out of the traditional office setting and into the home. This change has led to an increased demand for job skills related to digital collaboration, adaptability, flexibility, and self-management. Professionals now need to navigate virtual work environments effectively, have the know-how for a range of digital work and collaborative applications, collaborate seamlessly with team members across the country
Career Planning
Apr 4th 2024

How to Work Abroad Tips for 2024: A Practical Guide for Global Job Seekers

A Practical Guide for Global Job Seekers Working abroad can be an exciting and rewarding experience for anyone who wants to broaden their horizons, learn new skills, and explore different cultures. However, working in a foreign country also comes with its own set of challenges, such as visa and legal issues, language barriers, cultural differences, and homesickness. In this article, we will share some tips on how to work abroad, tips that will help you prepare and plan for your
Resume & CV
Mar 6th 2024

Operating Room Nurse Resume Examples (Resume Writing Steps & Tips)

Created by CakeResume You'll learn: 5 steps to draw up a killer operating nurse resume What will be the right operating room nurse resume format? How to create a professional operating room nurse resume template? Top 10 Dos and Don'ts when writing an operating room nurse resume Operating Room Nurse Resume Sample Operating room nurses, also called perioperative nurses, are registered nurses who provide care for patients before, during, and after operations. They are also responsible for keeping

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