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Resume & CV
Mar 6th 2024

How to List Self-Employment on Your Resume (+Samples)

like "CEO." This adjustment emphasizes your direct alignment with the job and enhances your suitability for the role. Skills When emphasizing skills in your self-employed resume, prioritize showcasing your specific abilities . In the competitive landscape of self-employment, hard skills tend to carry more weight. Whether it's technical proficiency, project management, or industry-specific expertise, make these skills stand out prominently. However, don't underestimate the significance of soft skills . While hard skills may grab attention, soft skills
People Operations
Mar 6th 2024

Product Manager Interview Questions and Tips

something simpler, like a last-minute change to a deadline or goal. In the product manager interview, give an example in detail and be sure to describe your critical thinking process and how you came to a solution. 🎯 Communication skills Since product managers work with an entire team of people, communication skills will inevitably come up in the product manager interview. Soft skills like empathy and approachability are important, but you also need to communicate information effectively and directly
Resume & CV
Mar 6th 2024

Simple resume format for freshers: examples & tips for different jobs

should be concise, strong and relevant to the job position you are applying for.] Relevant Professional Experience Write your work experience in reverse-chronological order. Talk about achievements rather than responsibilities. Use quantified (numbers) results to make them more specific. Skills [ Include hard/soft skills, computer skills, or language skills that are applicable to the job position.] Education [ Major and degree] | [Institution name] [The city and country] [Time of study] [List GPA, relevant coursework, or academic honors] Optional Sections Certificates
Resume & CV
Mar 6th 2024

Editor Resume Examples & Template [w/ Must-Know Resume Dos & Don'ts]

make sure you write your editor skills on the resume right and effectively. Let us show you how: Review the job description of the editing job you’re applying for Identify what skills are required and preferred Note down all soft and technical skills you have and match them with those from the job ad Check below for essential skills for writer and editor resumes : Soft skills Hard skills Strategic planning Time management Teamwork Creativity Research skills Microsoft Office G
Career Planning
Mar 6th 2024

Active Listening: Why Is It Important and How to Improve It

your knowledge Last but not least, active listening helps you to learn more effectively. Learning is a process of internalizing information. Listening is one of the two ways that you can learn information. How to Become Better at Active Listening Skills? Active listening may sound simple, as listening comes so naturally to us, but it actually involves many different useful and equally important soft skills. To become better at effective listening, consider honing the following skills. Paying attention Withholding judgment
Resume & CV
Mar 6th 2024

14 Contoh Soft Skill dan Hard Skill dalam CV yang Disukai HRD!

dengan lebih banyak pelanggan dari berbagai belahan dunia. Contoh Soft Skill dalam CV Kebanyakan dari pelamar kerja menuliskan keterampilan teknis atau hard skill pada CV, namun melupakan salah satu hal yang paling penting, yaitu soft skill. Padahal, dikutip dari National Soft Skills Association , studi dari Harvard menunjukkan bahwa 85% kesuksesan seseorang berasal dari memiliki soft skill dan juga kemampuan berinteraksi dengan orang lain, dan hanya 15% datang dari pengetahuan dan keterampilan teknis atau hard skills. Apa saja soft skill dalam
Resume & CV
Mar 6th 2024

Tax Accountant Resume Examples & Guide

the tax accountant job description, you can identify what skills the employers are looking for and provide them with key information to assess whether or not you obtain the skills needed. Example of essential skills for a tax accountant : Hard skills CCH and RIA Checkpoint Account analysis Revenue projections Account reconciliation Profit and loss Soft skills Analytical skills Time management Deal with tight deadlines Stay calm under pressure Critical thinking Further reading: Check out this comprehensive resume skills guide to
Resume & CV
Mar 6th 2024

Quality Engineer Resume Examples: Templates & Formats

a quality engineer resume is ideal for students or freshers with little to no experience. Combinational resume format The combinational resume format combines a chronological format with a functional format and highlights experience along with strong quality engineering hard and soft skills. It’s suitable for a senior quality engineer resume, as long as the content is concise and not repetitive. Step 3: Start your quality engineer resume with contact information. You should list these: Full Name Email Address Phone
Resume & CV
Mar 27th 2024

How to Put Freelance Work on Your Resume—From Amateur to Master

How to Put Freelance Work on Your Resume Nowadays, it is no longer uncommon for an individual to be an expert in their field while simultaneously working a 9 to 5 job at the office and outside personal projects as a freelancer . Therefore, the need to skillfully put freelance work on a resume is gradually gaining popularity among talented freelancers. Whether you're a graphic designer who has shaped brand identities or a writer who has crafted compelling stories, each
Recruitment & HR
Mar 6th 2024

Cara Membuat Jobdesk yang Efektif dan 10 Contohnya!

Salah satu hal yang wajib dan tidak boleh dilupakan saat ingin mengunggah lowongan pekerjaan adalah mencantumkan job desk pekerjaan. Penulisan job desk yang tepat bukan hanya membantumu mendapatkan kandidat yang relevan dan memiliki kualitas tinggi, namun juga akan membantu para pelamar untuk mengetahui ekspektasi perusahaan terhadap pekerjaan tersebut. Dilansir dari Journal Management, Business, dan Accounting Vol. 21 karya Nidyawati tahun 2022, job description dan kepuasan kerja berpengaruh sebesar 76% terhadap peningkatan produktivitas kerja karyawan. Artinya, penulisan job desk yang tepat

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