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thg 3 6 2024

Southeast Asia Meets Taiwan: A Recap of CakeResume’s Event for Career Advancement

shrinking workforce, the Taiwanese government announced in September last year its intention to attract approximately 400,000 foreign workers over the next few decades . To achieve this goal, improving the retention rate of immigrant workers, especially those with vocational and university qualifications, is crucial. In alignment with these strategic contours, CakeResume, a thriving global talent platform, orchestrated a Talent Connect event at its headquarters in Taipei, Taiwan, on August 9, 2023. The event aims to encourage Southeast Asian students to

Crafting an Outstanding Biodata: Format Tips and Sample Templates

make the perfect biodata for marriage? Check out the latest matrimonial biodata format on CakeResume! Boidata Sample - Shah Rukh Khan (Created by CakeResume, Click to view complete resume and download) What Is a Biodata Format? Should you check the Cambridge University Dictionary, you’ll learn that the official definition of the biodata is “information about a person’s life, work, and career accomplishments.” You’ll also come across other descriptions like “Biographical data that gives facts about the life and

9 Ciri Lingkungan Kerja Toxic dan Cara Menghadapinya, Perlukah Resign?

Kerja Toxic Sebaiknya Resign atau Bertahan? Apa Itu Lingkungan Kerja Toxic ? Lingkungan kerja toxic adalah situasi tempat kerja tidak sehat yang terbentuk dari interaksi negatif antar karyawan, budaya buruk, hingga sistem yang korup. Menurut Direktur New Workplace Institute di Suffolk University Law School, David Yamada, lingkungan kerja toxic dapat melibatkan pelanggaran etika dan hukum, seperti pelecehan seksual, diskriminasi, rasisme, dan bullying. Kenapa Lingkungan Kerja Bisa Toxic? Lingkungan kerja toxic dapat muncul karena berbagai faktor yang bervariasi, mulai dari budaya perusahaan
Về đối tác
thg 3 6 2024

如何成為跨足國際的產品經理? — 專訪 OZK Labs AI 產品總監 Gordon

品總監- Gordon Chang 看看Gordon 的履歷: Gordon 大學時期就讀臺大資訊工程學系,隨後於加拿大的 UBC(the University of British Columbia)修習碩士學位(Master of Computer Science),專精領域為人機互動介面(HCI,Human-Computer Interaction)。 HCI(Human Computer Interaction,人機互動)是一個
Cover Letter
thg 3 6 2024

How to Write a PhD Cover Letter – Tips and Template

I have a bachelor’s degree in Psychology, and I’m interested in exploring the effects of intergenerational trauma. My combination of education and experience makes me a strong candidate for this role. While completing my degree at Best City University, I discovered my enthusiasm for trauma and its prevalence in certain populations. It is my intention to pursue this subject at University of New Town. This research is valuable in helping us understand how genetic vulnerabilities are triggered across

What Is a Growth Mindset? 8 Steps to Develop One for Success

Growth Mindset? To understand how to have a growth mindset, we need to start with the basics: what is a growth mindset? Since there are misinterpretations of the growth mindset definition, let’s head over to Dr. Carol Dweck. Stanford University professor and the pioneer of Growth Mindset as a field of interest, Dweck defines having a growth mindset in HBR as believing that your “talents can be developed (through hard work, good strategies, and input from others).” This includes

Success Secrets 101: A Guide to Career Development for Students

What Is Career Development & Why Is It Important? As the name suggests, ‘career development’ is all about preparing for your future career. While it can start as early as middle school, career development advice for students in high school and university is usually more common. This is because, by that point, students should already have an idea of what makes them tick. It is these personal interests, skills, strengths, weaknesses, and personality that will define what your future career might

Want to Study in Taiwan? Here’s What You Need to Know

range of degrees in many disciplines. 📍 National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan National Tsing Hua University is located in Hsinchu, and is a research university with a focus on STEM studies. There are 30 graduate departments at Tsing Hua University, a good option to check if you are studying for a Master or PhD in Taiwan. 📍 National Cheng Chi University, Taipei, Taiwan National Cheng Chi University (NCCU), is located in Taipei. NCCU is an esteemed research university with

Licenses & Certifications on a Resume - An Easy Guide

right certification shows that you have taken the time to polish your skills. Certifications are not the same as online courses. They come from reputable sources that show you have specialized knowledge and skills. While online courses are similar to university courses, it's important to make sure that the provider is reliable. Since many employers use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to screen job applications. Having a certification section on your resume increases the chances of your resume being read

100+ Key Hard Skills to Put on Resume [+ Listing Tips for Maximum Impact]

Created by CakeResume You may have heard a lot about the importance of the skills section in a resume. However, you might have not heard of hard skills to put on resumes which are different from soft skills. To put it simply, hard skills are teachable and measurable abilities that an individual can acquire through practice, repetition, and education. When going over the hard skills on your resume, employers can grab a quick idea of your expertise and see whether

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