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6 Mar 2024

11 Jurusan Menjanjikan yang Banyak Peluang Kerjanya!

cepat di berbagai sektor perusahaan, didukung dengan semakin canggihnya teknologi membuat setiap perusahaan harus melakukan transformasi digital . Oleh karena itu, sarjana IT akan paling banyak dicari di masa mendatang. Berbagai pekerjaan untuk sarjana jurusan ilmu komputer, adalah: Game designer / developer Web designer / developer Application developer Application analyst Cybersecurity analyst Software engineer Konsultan IT 3. Jurusan Sistem Informasi Sistem informasi merupakan salah satu jurusan yang mempelajari cara merancang sistem untuk kepentingan bisnis perusahaan. Jurusan ini biasanya akan memberikan bekal ilmu komputer
6 Mar 2024

Winning Web Developer Resume Guide [+ Examples & Tips]

While web developers construct websites by writing codes, web designers contribute to style the websites. Web designers need to think creatively and customize the websites’ visions. They usually focus on UX(User Experience) and UI(User Interface) designs, and, as web developers, some designers do both UX and UI designs. Web developers then use the coding languages mentioned above to functionalize websites. How to craft the perfect web developer resume To apply for the position, it is essential to write
6 Mar 2024

“Haves and “Have Nots” for Resumes – 11 New Rules

the “Professional Summary.” You can put an engaging headline at the very top of your resume, and yours will grab some initial attention. Of course, your headline must relate to your career and/or the position for which you are applying, such as “Web designer with a Creative Edge.” Have that Resume Somewhere Online and Coordinate Everything: Maybe several places. If you have a website, it should obviously be there; it should be on your LinkedIn profile. And they should
Cover Letter
6 Mar 2024

Computer Science Cover Letter: Cracking the Code for Your Path to Success

and is currently considered to be in high demand in the job market. The job prospects for this field are projected to grow by 21% from 2021 to 2031. The most popular jobs for computer science major include: Software Developer Web Developer UX Designer Mobile App Developer IT Project Manager Information Security Analyst Systems Analyst Penetration Tester Data analyst Machine Learning Engineer Writing a good computer science cover letter and resume for your job search is more important than anything

How to Design a Portfolio for Students [+ Ideas & Tips]

t be stressed enough. A powerful portfolio for application can help increase the chance of achieving your goal in such cases as: Building personal branding Looking for freelance or part-time jobs in creative fields (i.e, graphic design, photography, web developer, content creator, etc.) Applying for an academic program with a major in art, design, costume, and film production Whether your future company or university requires a portfolio for application or not, this is a professional and effective way
Industri & Profesi
6 Mar 2024

Mobile Developer: Intip Tugas, Skill, Jenjang Karir Sampai Gajinya!

dari seorang mobile developer? Tugas mobile developer adalah sebagai web and mobile developer dan mobile app developer . Namun, diluar dua tugas ini masih ada tugas tugas lain dari seorang mobile developer, berikut adalah berbagai job description seorang mobile developer . Mobile app development : tugas utama dari seorang mobile developer adalah dalam bidang mobile application development , men- develop atau mengembangkan mobile application atau aplikasi yang diutamakan untuk perangkat mobile yang bekerja optimal dan sesuai kebutuhannya. Web and mobile development : salah satu tugas
6 Mar 2024

Best College Application Resume/CV with Examples [Resume Writing Guideline]

Five Steps to Write a Resume for College Application What to Put on an Academic Resume for College Application Tips for Writing the Best College Application Resume for High School Students How to Pick the Best Resume Template for College Application College Application Resume Example Five Steps to Write a Resume for College Application Step 1: Conduct research on the desired school and the major. Applicants should gain more information before initializing the application processes via the internet. Browse web

How to Create a Web Developer Portfolio

for the gaming industry. 2. Bruno Simon Web Developer Portfolio by Bruno Simon Simon has fully adopted a game based portfolio to showcase his web developer portfolio projects. Although unconventional, Simon embraces his skills as a developer. 3. Brittany Chiang Web Developer Portfolio by Brittany Chiang  Brittany Chiang’s web developer portfolio design provides a straightforward approach to showcasing her portfolio examples. 4. Gift Egwuenu Web Developer Portfolio by Gift Egwuenu Gift’s web developer portfolio website shows that she
Manajemen SDM
6 Mar 2024

A Complete Guide to Hiring Offshore Software Development Teams

Created by CakeResume In this article, we'll cover: What Is Offshore Software Development? When to Hire Offshore IT Services How to Hire Offshore Software Development Teams What to Consider When Offshoring It can sometimes be hard for companies to keep up with the speed they grow. Projects can be too demanding sometimes; therefore, outsourcing some tasks becomes a helpful alternative. Thanks to globalization, even offshore outsourcing has become a lot easier nowadays. There are three common types of outsourcing
Tool Karier
29 Mar 2024

Firebase Adalah: Pengertian, Fitur, dan Kelebihan Menggunakan Firebase

Proses pengembangan aplikasi web maupun mobile melibatkan berbagai aspek penting. Salah satu aspek penting dalam pengembangan aplikasi adalah backend . Firebase adalah platform yang dikembangkan untuk membantu menangani segala urusan backend aplikasi. Lalu apa itu Firebase? Firebase adalah suatu platform yang menawarkan berbagai fitur dalam pengelolaan backend suatu aplikasi. Beragam jenis aplikasi dapat memanfaatkan layanan Firebase, termasuk aplikasi yang berjalan di platform Android, iOS, maupun web. Lalu, apa saja fungsi Firebase dan bagaimana cara kerja Firebase? Berikut adalah ulasan selengkapnya tentang

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