Industry & Job Overview
3月 6日 2024

10 Pekerjaan Bidang IT yang Paling Dicari dan Gajinya!

layar, misalnya server database. Full-Stack Developer : mencakup semua tugas front-end dan back-end, sehingga posisi paling banyak dibutuhkan karena memiliki kemampuan yang lebih komprehensif. 💻 Cara Mendapatkan Pekerjaan Web Developer: Banyak web developer memperoleh gelar associate dalam pengembangan web atau bidang IT lain yang relevan. Beberapa mungkin memperoleh gelar sarjana di bidang IT atau bidang bisnis. Bagi kamu yang mencari lowongan kerja bidang it lulusan SMK, tidak perlu berkecil hati karena kamu dapat mengembangkan keterampilan desain web/ web
3月 6日 2024

15 Best Free Portfolio Websites (w/ Pros & Cons, Pricing, Key Features)

exposure, which helps with your personal branding. Creators everywhere are now in the market for online portfolio makers or website builders for their portfolios. Now, making an online portfolio is no longer such a daunting task which requires coding or web design skills. There are various portfolio sites that offer various portfolio creator tools as well as different pricing ranges. Depending on what type of portfolio you will create - artist portfolio, graphic designer portfolio, web developer/designer portfolio, photography portfolio
Resume & CV
3月 6日 2024

Entry-Level IT Resume Examples: Complete Writing Guide

emphasize software, while others emphasize hardware or computer system maintenance. For those writing an entry-level IT job resume with no experience, it is better to confirm interest in which type of entry-level IT. Moreover, be careful not to apply for jobs demanding skills exceeding your abilities. For instance, a web developer is different from a software engineer. Although both include programming knowledge, the latter works as a team and on a larger-scale project, and the former requires
Career Tools
4月 19日 2024

15 Rekomendasi Aplikasi Coding yang Cocok untuk Belajar bagi Para Pemula

Pemula 1. Sublime Text Sublime Text merupakan coding app yang memiliki kompatibilitas cukup baik karena bisa diakses pada beberapa sistem operasi yaitu Windows, macOS, dan Linux. Namun, di antara ketiganya, Linux adalah sistem operasi yang paling cocok dengan Sublime Text. App coding yang satu ini menawarkan performa yang optimal dengan tampilan antarmuka yang sederhana dan mudah dipahami oleh pemula. Software untuk coding ini memiliki berbagai plugin yang cocok untuk para programmer, terutama programmer web. Sublime Text tersedia dalam versi gratis
Resume & CV
3月 6日 2024

Computer Technician Resume Example (Complete Guide with Cover Letter Tips)

demonstrate its usage, and troubleshoot when users encounter any problems. Update system software when necessary. Set up and resolve problems with computer network systems, cabling, and wireless networks. Configure email accounts through POP3, Outlook, and IMAP. Set up equipment for web conferences and other events using computers and their peripherals. Computer technicians are believed to be a competitive job market due to the high number of job seekers. So if you want to get hired, you'll need a job
Resume & CV
3月 6日 2024

Send Resume in Word or PDF Format? Let's Uncover the Best Choice

security - you can determine whom to read Cons: The link might contain some virus Requires a stable internet connection to open the file Inconvenient to download 5. Plain Text Pros: Useful when you choose to share your resume on a web portal directly Works well with searchable databases Easier for ATS to read and scan Cons: Lacks the visual appeal to compete with other candidates Unsuitable for creative jobs Hard to impress employers 3 Tips on How to Choose the
Career Development
4月 12日 2024

React là gì? React là gì? Mô tả công việc và kỹ năng của React Developer

trình viên xây dựng và tái sử dụng các thành phần giao diện một cách linh hoạt và hiệu quả. Đặc biệt, React nổi bật với khả năng cập nhật thành phần mà không làm tải lại toàn bộ trang web khi dữ liệu hoặc trạng thái của thành phần thay đổi. Điều này giúp tạo ra trải nghiệm người dùng mượt mà và tăng hiệu suất cho ứng dụng web. Ví dụ, lập trình viên React có thể dễ
Industry & Job Overview
3月 6日 2024

Mengenal Apa Itu Cloud Engineer, Tugas, Skill, dan Gajinya!

mengembangkan, dan merancang software dan aplikasi berbasis cloud Mengelola lingkup cloud dan mengatasi debug selama pengembangan Bekerja & berkolaborasi dengan tim teknis untuk mengidentifikasi masalah dan mengimplementasikan solusi cloud Memecahkan masalah dan isu-isu berbasis cloud Merancang dan membangun berbagai layanan web dalam lingkungan cloud Migrasi data sistem yang sudah ada ke aplikasi berbasis cloud Mengikuti trend industri, aplikasi baru, dan layanan berbasis cloud Paham akan AWS (Amazon Web Service), Google Cloud Platform, atau Microsoft Azure Jenis-jenis Cloud Engineer Cloud
Job Search Tips
3月 8日 2024

Upwork là gì? Tìm việc và kiếm tiền trên Upwork như thế nào?

Tìm việc và kiếm tiền trên Upwork như thế nào? Mục lục: Upwork là gì? Cách sử dụng Upwork cho người tìm việc Upwork có những công việc gì? Upwork là gì mà luôn nằm trong top các trang tìm việc uy tín đối với dân freelancer. Phát sinh từ nhu cầu tuyển dụng ứng viên và tìm kiếm công việc trên toàn thế giới, Upwork đã được “khai sinh” như một nền tảng thứ 3 giúp kết nối doanh
Resume & CV
3月 6日 2024


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