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Cover Letter
Mar 6th 2024

Software Engineer Cover Letter Guide: Unlock Your Journey w/ Examples & Templates

qualifications, please have a look at my resume and work portfolio attached below. I look forward to speaking with you soon. Thank you and best regards, Catherine L. Garnette 📚Further reading: How to Lean in and Become a Software Developer Software Developer Cover Letter Via Email Subject: Application for the position of Software Developer at Soma Dear Hiring Manager, My name is Sean, and I would like to apply for the position of Software Developer as advertised on ITjobs
Job Search Tips
Mar 6th 2024

9 Critical Mistakes to Avoid When Applying for a Job in IT

portfolio of your previous work. Even if it's your first development job, work on personal projects or contribute to open source software as you're learning development to be able to showcase your skills to future employers. Having working web applications or software can go a long way to getting you an interview with a team. Full-stack If you only have limited front-end or back-end experience and have never worked in a full-stack environment, you
Resume & CV
Mar 6th 2024

Hướng dẫn tạo CV editor - kèm mẫu CV video editor: Nên và không nên làm gì?

khảo các mẫu CV video editor : Việc xem xét các ví dụ về CV được soạn bởi chính những người trong ngành sẽ giúp bạn hình dung về cách tiếp cận hợp lý nhất cho CV của mình. Nộp kèm portfolio : Portfolio là một tài liệu hay trang web cá nhân trình bày các dự án và sản phẩm nổi bật bạn đã hoàn thành. Đính kèm portfolio trong CV xin việc video editor sẽ là một công cụ đắc
News & Updates
Mar 6th 2024

CakeResume vs. Resume: The Resume to Land Your Dream Job

find ways to go beyond this world of ‘texts’. CakeResume allows you to build your own personal site by embedding texts, links, images, videos and even maps. It helps you to advertise your assets and abilities with an impressive virtual portfolio and guide your potential employers to the heart of your profile. Responsive Web Page Sharing online contents is the most convenient way to reach your audience today. Unlike a regular resume, CakeResume is a highly responsive webpage. Nothing can
Resume & CV
Mar 6th 2024

3 Contoh CV UI/UX Designer Serta Tips & Cara Membuatnya

informasi. Deskripsi diri. Pengalaman kerja. Proyek UI/UX yang relevan. Pendidikan dan sertifikasi. Keterampilan. 2. Bagikan Detail Kontak Profesional Usahakan untuk membagikan semua kontak yang ingin dilihat oleh perekrut, seperti: Nama. Gelar. Lokasi. Nomor telepon dan email. Tautan ke situs web portfolio. Contoh detail kontak informasi CV UI/UX designer ❌ KURANG TEPAT Jerry Li  UX designer  [email protected] ✔️ BENAR Jerry Li | UI/UX designer [email protected], 081-234-567, Taipei  Jerryliuiuxdesignerportfolio.com UX designer
Job Search Tips
Mar 6th 2024

How to Work Remotely? 13 Efficient Ways to Find Remote Jobs Online

s own team of 110 employees are distributed all over the world. The company endeavors to connect the top 3% of the world’s software developers with the best tech companies for remote work. Arc.dev . Arc.dev crawls the web to find every remote job and gives you a personalized list of jobs you can actually land. Additionally, if you become a verified developer, you can skip the early interview stages and get hands-on recruitment support & community exclusives
Mar 6th 2024

5 Contoh Portofolio Programmer Menarik untuk Inspirasi Kamu!

portofolio programmer: Alamat email (wajib) Profil LinkedIn Profil GitHub Sosial media Ingat bahwa kamu mencantumkan informasi ini untuk rekruter, oleh karena itu pastikan bahwa alamat email atau profil sosial media kamu terlihat profesional. Langkah-langkah dibawah ini juga merupakan cara membuat portofolio web developer, portofolio software engineer, dan untuk portofolio programmer lainnya. Cara Membuat Portofolio Programmer 1. Pilih Platform Seperti yang telah disebutkan sebelumnya, kamu dapat membuat portofolio programmer dalam dua bentuk: Membuat situs web sendiri untuk dijadikan portofolio programmer...

10 Pekerjaan Bidang IT yang Paling Dicari dan Gajinya!

dalam pengembangan web atau bidang IT lain yang relevan. Beberapa mungkin memperoleh gelar sarjana di bidang IT atau bidang bisnis. Bagi kamu yang mencari lowongan kerja bidang it lulusan SMK, tidak perlu berkecil hati karena kamu dapat mengembangkan keterampilan desain web/ web design melalui program sertifikat atau pembelajaran mandiri. Untuk menarik perhatian rekruter, sering kali diperlukan pengalaman dan portofolio programmer . 💰 Gaji Web Developer: Dilansir dari Indeed.com, rata-rata gaji pokok Web Developer di Indonesia per bulan berkisar Rp

Apa itu Web Developer? Tugas, Jenis, Cara, dan Gajinya! [+Contoh CV]

Daftar isi: Apa itu Web Developer? Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab Web Developer Skill yang Harus Dimiliki Web Developer Cara Menjadi Web Developer Setiap situs web atau perangkat lunak yang kita gunakan dibuat oleh website developer (pengembang web). Karena pekerjaannya yang semakin diperlukan, hampir setiap perusahaan yang kita temui sekarang membuka lowongan pekerjaan untuk website development. Bahkan, kamu bisa membaca artikel di situs web ini juga karena adanya tim web dev. Mungkin bidang website development (pengembangan web) terlihat rumit, membingungkan, dan
Resume & CV
Mar 6th 2024

All You Should Know about GitHub to Improve Your Resume

Created by CakeResume In this article, you'll learn about: What is GitHub? Should You Include Your GitHub Profile in Your Resume? How to Include your GitHub Profile in Your Resume Tips for Including GitHub in the Resume We are all living in the digital era. The increased presence of technology in our lives and the influence of the internet have changed the labor market. There has been an increased demand for coding jobs. For example, companies are looking for

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