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Working from Home Starter Pack: Freelancing 101

the day. That’s how a decently good day should start like, and that could be your reality if being a freelancer is what you hanker for, a more flexible work schedule and many other perks await. Further reading: 20 Working From Home Tips From Visme’s Remote Team Freelancing, like SOHO or piecework, offers freedom and flexibility. You’re your own boss, everything is in your control. You get to say enough is enough. Unlike typical desk jobs, freelancing

How to Be Efficient While Working from Home? 5 Best Productivity Apps (Free!)

The most common problem remote workers encounter while working from home is the difficulty in separating work from life, as they are no longer bound to the constraints of an physical office . The situation makes time and project management all the more important. After collecting feedback from various users, CakeResume has sifted through and selected several handy productivity tools that can effectively improve time management and increase productivity. Here we share them in hopes to help procrastinators free themselves from
产业 & 职位介绍

Seeking Jobs You Can Do from Home? Here’s All You Need to Know!

Created by CakeResume In this article, we’ll cover: Tips for Getting a Work-From-Home Job 15 Work-From-Home Jobs Companies Hiring for Remote Jobs Part-Time Work-From-Home Jobs When COVID-19 first disrupted the office working culture around the world, the entire society was forced to do their jobs online from home. Now that two and a half years have passed by, companies and businesses worldwide have acknowledged that working from home and flexible working

Work From Home Resume Guide & Ready-To-Use Examples 2024

also join this new way of working. Don't worry if you know nothing about making a remote job resume, we are here to guide you with all the necessary information, providing comprehensive insights and practical tips, accompanied by work from home resume samples in this article. Stay tuned! Table of Contents: Work From Home Resume Examples How to Write a Work From Home Resume? How to Find Work From Home Jobs? Conclusion Work From Home Resume Examples “How do

Virtual Assistant Cover Letter with Example [Cover Letter Writing Guideline]

In this age of technology, finding a job across the world has never been easier! All of a sudden, working from home has become a norm for many, and the range of job opportunities is virtually limitless! A career that has been rising in popularity, in particular, is that of a virtual assistant. As the name implies, a virtual assistant provides administrative and clerical assistance remotely. Still, to pursue a career as a virtual assistant, you will need to write
Career Development

Hybrid Working: Ketahui Kelebihan, Kekurangan, dan Jenisnya! [+Cara]

Daftar Isi: Apa itu Hybrid Working? Jenis-jenis Hybrid Work Models Kelebihan dan Kekurangan Hybrid Working Cara Menerapkan Sistem Hybrid Working di Perusahaan Hybrid Working Adalah Pandemi Covid-19 telah mengubah kebiasaan masyarakat dalam berbagai aspek, termasuk cara bekerja. Aturan pemerintah yang mewajibkan masyarakat mengurangi aktivitas di luar, membuat hampir seluruh perusahaan di Indonesia menerapkan sistem Working from Home (WFH), atau bekerja dari rumah. Setelah pandemi berlalu, tren WFH ini sepertinya semakin berkembang menjadi bekerja fleksibel di mana saja dan

How to Work Remotely? 13 Efficient Ways to Find Remote Jobs Online

before, then you know what it means to work remotely. You can wake up at 5:00 am, prepare breakfast, take a quick shower, go back for another cup of coffee then head out to your home office to start working. There is no morning rush hour to contend with. Unless you head downtown and have your morning brew at your favorite coffee shop. And while you’re there, you can work too. Further reading: Working from Home Starter Pack

15+ Best Online Collaboration Tools Used in 2024

that everyone is on the same page, facilitate project management, and foster a culture of transparency and accountability. This, in turn, leads to increased productivity, improved employee engagement, and ultimately, business growth. 📚Further reading: How to Be Efficient While Working from Home? 5 Best Productivity Apps (Free!) What is the Most Common Collaborative Tool? Among the myriad options available, ranging from video conferencing tools to project management apps to many other collaboration tools, they play pivotal roles in today
Career Development

Webinar untuk Tingkatkan Kesuksesan: Jenis, Cara, dan Contohnya

Kemajuan teknologi mendorong setiap aktivitas untuk turut menyesuaikan dengan perubahan digital. Salah satunya adalah dengan mengikuti aktivitas webinar melainkan seminar. Webinar bukan sesuatu yang baru lagi di dunia digital, kamu pun pasti pernah menemui webinar di berbagai platform. Apa sebenarnya arti webinar? Webinar artinya seminar maupun presentasi yang dilakukan tatap maya secara online. Peserta dari latar belakang apapun bisa mengikuti webinar, mulai dari pelajar hingga pekerja. Dari segi biaya, webinar tidak selalu berbayar, ada pula webinar yang gratis dengan menghadirkan

Qualities of a Successful Freelancer [+Tips]

It’s cliche to think that freelancing is only for stay-at-home parents who aren't able to commit to a full-time job; or introverted individuals, who’d rather sit at home alone without expending effort to build camaraderie with their colleagues. In fact, freelancing has now become a lifestyle by choice, ushering in a new life of mobility and versatility. In the previous Freelancing 101 , CakeResume covered a series of freelancing pros and cons. By now you


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