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Mar 6th 2024

Why Networking Helps You Land a Job: 6 Easy Ways for College Students

it doesn’t guarantee an offer, but it raises the chance of actually being seen in the first place. Overview What is social networking? Why is networking important? How does networking work? 6 ways for college students What is social networking? Networking is, essentially, building human connections via interaction. Talking to brand new faces in events, one-on-one coffee chat with a colleague, exchanging social media profiles, all count as networking. Broadly speaking, networking can be divided into two
Interview Skills
Mar 6th 2024

How to Find Recruiters on LinkedIn - Unlocking Your Career Connections [+ Tips]

ve been finding a similar job for a while but haven’t seen any openings. When high-ranking or unique job positions aren’t posted publicly, getting the help of a recruiter on LinkedIn can give you access to valuable networking, career change or advancement opportunities such as in the scenario above. With millions of companies on LinkedIn across the globe, an alarming ninety-five percent majority use the platform to source candidates. Although there are plenty of recruiters and
Resume & CV
Apr 12th 2024

Pengembangan Diri untuk Mencari Potensi Diri: Pengertian, Manfaat, Tips, Dll.

kamu bisa mempelajari berbagai macam ide baru serta mengerti bagaimana berkomunikasi dan bekerja sama dengan beragam tipe individu. Dengan bertemu banyak orang baru, kamu pun secara tidak langsung sedang membangun network , hal ini juga adalah salah satu cara mengembangkan potensi diri. Beberapa contoh tempat untuk membangun relasi (networking): Bursa kerja ( job fair ) : CakeResume Virtual Career Fair, Indonesia Career Expo Networking Platform: CakeResume Meet, Linkedin Seminar/webinar: Business networking seminar Workshop: Online Workshop Untuk Berkarir Organisasi: Organisasi dalam Universitas, Organisasi Volunt...
News & Updates
Apr 18th 2024

New Release: Introducing Cakeresume Meet—the Speed Professional Networking App You Need

pandemic happened in 2020, networking has become even more challenging. Before COVID-19, many professionals relied on local networking events to expand their connections. However, post-pandemic, over 77% of event planners have struggled to attract attendees to in-person networking events. Effective networking goes beyond mere connections; it's about cultivating genuine relationships and leveraging them for career advancement. Realizing these challenges and the growing demand for innovative networking solution, our team at CakeResume is excited to release CakeResume
Job Search Tips
Mar 6th 2024

What is LinkedIn & How to Use It for Your Career Progression

the Best Use of LinkedIn? Why is It a Good Idea to be on LinkedIn? 6 Steps to Get Started on LinkedIn What is LinkedIn? Since its launch in 2003, LinkedIn has been helping millions of people with job search , career development, and networking . LinkedIn allows people to display their resumes and corporations to better introduce their products, services, values, and culture to the world. How does LinkedIn work? It’s a social networking site. Similar to other social networks
Career Planning
Mar 6th 2024

Looking to Become a Networking Expert? 10 Pro Tips

of the global pandemic, online networking has become increasingly popular and used by various companies and organizations. They both certainly have their pros and cons: online networking provides flexibility in attendance from anywhere and accessibility to participants, whereas in-person networking, however, allows for deeper personal connections and physical interactions. In terms of online networking, some examples include virtual open house events, online information sessions and virtual skills workshops. On the other hand, in-person networking are, for instance, career
Career Development
Mar 6th 2024

Career Development vs. Career Growth: How to Achieve Both

the forefront of many workers’ aspirations, the short term skill building, networking and experience required to reach career goals is known as career development , and is equally as important. We will discuss what the key differences between career growth vs career development are, as well as how you can work on both to achieve your professional goals. Table of Contents: What Is Career Growth? What Is Career Development? Career Development vs. Career Growth Why Career Growth and Career Development Are
Mar 6th 2024

Virtual Career Fair CakeResume 2023, Cari Loker di 50+ Perusahaan Top Indonesia

Proses mencari kerja dan membangun karier tidaklah mudah, namun tidak mustahil. Ada banyak hal yang bisa kamu lakukan sekarang juga untuk menyukseskan perjalanan kariermu, yakni mengikuti webinar/workshop, networking , mencari tahu tentang pekerjaan dan perusahan impianmu, membuat career plan , dan juga mengikuti berbagai macam career fair . Hal-hal ini mungkin terkesan ribet dan sulit. Tetapi jangan khawatir! Dalam rangka menyukseskan pengembangan karier generasi muda Indonesia, CakeResume menyelenggarakan acara Virtual Career Fair 2023 dengan tema “ Connecting Talents and Companies for a
Mar 6th 2024

Virtual Career Fair CakeResume 2023 Sukses Digelar, Intip Keramaian Acara Disini!

tidak hanya memberikan akses bagi profesional muda terutama fresh-graduates ke informasi lowongan kerja dari 50+ perusahaan terkemuka Indonesia, namun juga memberikan kesempatan bagi mereka untuk berinteraksi secara langsung dengan perusahaan-perusahaan yang diminati, mendapatkan wawasan dari ‘orang dalam’, dan networking dengan para profesional. Tertarik untuk mengikuti keseruan acara Virtual Career Fair 2023? Yuk, intip ringkasan dari CakeResume! 50+ Perusahaan Ternama Aktif Merekrut di VCF Dalam event Virtual Career Fair CakeResume 2023 ini, CakeResume menghadirkan lebih dari 50 perusahaan pilihan
Mar 7th 2024

CakeResume's Psychological Career Quiz—What Cake R U Has Taken Over Instagram Over the Past Few Weeks

CakeResume has collaborated with DCard, Taiwan's largest social media and networking platform, to create a pixel art-style career quiz called 'What Cake R U?' Since launched, the quiz has quickly gone viral all over the internet, especially among job seekers community, attracting millions of participants. The quiz was first launched in 2023 in Mandarin , reaching hundreds of thousands of Taiwanese young people. Following its success, as of 2024, we have released different versions in English , Bahasa Indonesian , and

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