Robin Choi

Full Stack Developer

I am a Full Stack Developer who specializes in Ruby on Rails to transform ideas into user-friendly websites.   Knowledgeable in JavaScript frameworks and libraries like AngularJS and ReactJS.  Confident and able to learn new technologies to improve and grow as a developer. Previously, I managed a restaurant to become one the best Korean restaurants in the greater Seattle area.


206-696-0799     Seattle, WA

Experience                                                                                          Skills

Latchel, Dec 2016 - Feb 2017

Front-End Engineer - 2-month Contractor 

 Rebuilt a pricing calculator based on the number of units managed and price per unit 
Eliminated a monthly expense from a 3rd party calculator by building an in-house calculator

Stone Korean Restaurant, Dec 2011 - Jun 2015

Manager / Server   

Increased sales by 30% by restructuring item prices based on popularity 

Partnered with a delivery service company to increase lunch sales by 40% 

Responded to customer complaints by altering order to meet their needs

Web Design - HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, jQuery, AJAX, AngularJS, ReactJS

DataBase Systems - MySQL, PostgreSQL, ActiveRecord

Version Control - Git workflow in agile development (Kanban)

Test Driven Development (TDD) - RSpec, Capybara, Jasmine

MVC Frameworks - Ruby on Rails, Django, Sinatra

Languages - Ruby, Javascript, Python


Golf Skins,  Jan 2017 - Feb 2017

I built this web application that is mobile friendly because I go golfing a lot with my friends and we get confused on who owes who at the end of the round. By using Angular 1.x, HTML5, CSS3, and Bootstrap, I created a quick and easy way to keep track of friendly golf wagers with your friends! Enter all the skins, pars, birdies, and more into the fields and it will calculate who owes who in real time. No more staring at the scorecard trying to do all the math in you head

Shop n Stop,  Apr 2016 - Jun 2016

Shop n Go is an e-commerce website I created for buying products using the Stripe API. I have implemented Elasticsearch to help you find your items as well a category section to help narrow down your search. Primarily built with node.js, express.js, HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery connected to monogoDB database.

PickUp,  Nov 2015

My group and I built a web application to connect people by playing sports. From one-on-one to groups activities, PickUp finds events nearby based on your location using the Google Maps API. Primarily built using Ruby on Rails and Javascript with PostgreSQL on the backend. jQuery and AJAX to make the site dynamic and interactive.  

Flapper News, Oct 2015

Flapper News is a single page application my friend and I created to post interesting articles we find around the internet. The main purpose of this project was to learn AngularJs and the basic fundamentals to build powerful front-end applications. We learned more about directives, two-way data binding, controllers and much more. 

Education                                                                                             Achievements

Dev Bootcamp, Full-Stack Web Development, Jul 2015 - Dec 2015

1000+ hours in an intensive 19-week curriculum focused on building web applications with JavaScript, Ruby on Rails, jQuery, SQL, HTML and CSS
Collaborated daily by pair-programming to help each other understand concepts
Maximized productivity in teams with agile methodologies 
Implemented giving and receiving actionable, specific, and kind 360-degree feedback to improve weaknesses and pad our strengths

HolidaySurvivor.Ninja - Hack the Dot Seattle (1st place) - Dec 2016 

We created built a funny functional website based on the domain name at a 2 hour Hackathon. The website features like clicking a button to randomize and display a funny holiday tip along with a picture. You can add a tip with an URL to the picture associated with it. Built with HTML/CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery.