


+886 979-828-911 

[email protected] 



- 文藻外語大學 日本語文系 


- 日本 關西學院大學 文學部 交換生  


  • 中文  Chinese(Native)
  • 英語  English(TOEIC 855/990)
  • 日文  Japanese  (N1)


  • MS Office
  • TBSA 商業企劃能力檢定初級


日本 福島大學 國際關係學部,Fukushima University


  • 獲得日本 JASSO 計畫獎學金,並擔任台灣致詞代表
  • 在日本福島物產展,與日本學生共同策展、規劃攤位,販售台灣特色美食。3小時內,總營業額達到8萬日幣以上
  • 規劃台灣習俗體驗活動(春聯製作等),宣傳台灣的特色及文化,深化日本學生對台的認識及理解

日本 關西學院大學 文學部,Kwansei Gakuin University

交換生,2019.03 - 2019.07

  • 通過日文 Level 5 綜合能力(聽說讀寫)課程,能流暢發表自己的看法
  • 在調查・報告課程中,透過問卷訪問超過30位日本大學生調查對於台灣特色甜點的看法(以珍珠奶茶為例),並利用Excel做圖表分析,提出對應之未來展望的全日文報告書

上海 海峽盃,兩岸青年創新創業成長營

台灣代表學員(台灣代表共100位),2017.07 - 2017.08

  • 與上海大學及上海交通大學的代表學生,組隊構思創業項目,並對投資人進行成果發表
  • 榮獲領袖成長獎及該營隊活動費用全額補助,並代表錄製結訓感言


中華民國對外貿易發展協會,2020.03 - 04


  • 負責審核、登錄國內外公司的參展資料,並協助處理後續數據統計及整理
  • 利用英、日文商業書信往來,協助聯繫國外公司

文藻外語大学 USR計畫,2019.09 - 12



  • 與主管討論計畫活動方案並撰寫中英文宣傳稿 (於文藻舉辦小農市集系列活動)
  • 製作及採購活動相關用品
  • 負責活動現場執行及事前宣傳。在小農市集系列活動中,成功吸引每次活動參加人數高達約200人
  • 募集、聯繫廠商贊助。在小農市集系列活動中,成功募集小農廠商贊助特色產品,總共價值約5萬元
  • 協助進行活動金額申請及核銷等
  • 協助當地小農創立自有品牌,並為小農規劃尋找銷售通路(聯繫Costco等,開發銷售通路)
  • 與學校主管一同至公司協助進行合作開發計畫會議

北海道、沖繩日本展,2017.10 - 11 / 2018.01 - 02


  • 負責銷售及推廣公司相關商品,並創下單日銷售營業額7萬元
  • 協助日本商家處理相關事務

六角國際股份有限公司,2017.08 - 09

國際業務部門、行銷部門 實習生

  • 在國際業務部協助進行國際合約翻譯,並與海外顧客進行溝通聯繫
  • 參與行銷部門討論、設計,並協助文案撰寫。在Dcard 美食板上撰寫文稿,推廣公司旗下品牌,成功獲得超過600則關注

文藻書券獎,2016 - 2019


隊長,2016 - 2019

  • 2016年,代表文藻外語大學日文系於全國大日盃錦標賽獲得亞軍
  • 整合球隊,凝聚球隊向心力及技巧
  • 每週兩天系隊訓練,帶領球隊參加各式比賽



In the period of college, I aggressively attempted in a wide variety of things, such as international sales, promotion, and project planning. Also, I proactively participated in overseas activities to broaden my international perspective. also enjoyed of contacting with people in all kind. I regard myself as a highly flexibility, ambitious attitude with high sense of responsibility person . Willing to learn and attach importance to the interaction of  personal relations. For future, I'm willing to face the challenges and try hard without Limits. Hoping those splendid things that I have learned and experienced could make me grow step by step and have a better performance in work.  

+886 979-828-911 

[email protected] 



- Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages 

Japanese Department

International Business Management Credit Program

- Japan Kwansei Gakuin University 

Department of Literature 

(Exchange student)

Language proficiency


English(TOEIC 855/990) 

Japanese ( JLPT N1)


MS Office 

TBSA Certificate of Business Planning Proficiency ( Elementary )

Overseas Experience

Japan Fukushima University  (Exchange student)

- Department of International Relations | 2020.02

  • Received Japan's JASSO project scholarship, and served as a representative of Taiwan to give a speech.
  • Co-hosted the Taiwan Products Exhibition in Fukushima, with local Japanese students to sell Taiwanese specialties, and created more than 80,000 yen revenue in 3 hours. 
  • Organized a Taiwanese traditional cultural experiencing activities to promote Taiwanese culture so that to improve Japanese students’ understandings of Taiwan. 

Japan Kwansei Gakuin University (Exchange student)

- Department of  Literature | 2019.03 - 2019.07

  • Passed Japanese Level 5 course and be able to express own idea fluently.
  • Completed a Japanese survey project in which 30 Japanese students were investigated to express their opinions about Taiwanese specialty desserts (pearl milk tea as an example). And Excel charts were used to cope with the future prospects. 

Shanghai Start-up Leadership Camp

- Taiwan Student Representative100 representatives from Taiwan)| 2017.07 - 2017.08

  • Co-organized an investment project with students from Shanghai University and delivered a presentation to interested investors.
  • Received a Leadership Camp Prize with full-funding and served as a representative to give an acknowledgement for that Camp.

Leadership and Special Experience(Intern/extracurricular activities)

Taiwan External Trade Development Council | 2020.03 - 04

- Auditor

  • Responsible for reviewing and logging in exhibit materials of domestic and foreign companies and data collection and statistics.
  • Responsible for contacting foreign companies by English and Japanese business letters.

Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages | 2019.09 - 12

Project Assistant

Activity related:

  • Responsible for drafting an activity proposal and writing English and Japanese campaign.
  • Responsible for making and/or procuring related supplies.
  • Responsible for on-site execution of the event and prior promotion. In the series of small farmers ’market activities, it successfully attracted up to 200 participants in each event.
  •  Responsible for recruiting sponsors for sponsorship. In a series of small farmers' market activities, successfully recruited small farmers to sponsor special products, worth a total of about NT 50,000.
  • Responsible for event expense application accounting claim.

Marketing development :

  • Assisted local small farmers to create their own brands and find sales channels for small farmers planning (contact Costco, etc. to develop sales channels).
  • Accompanied school supervisor to participate in a cooperative development planning meeting.

Hokkaido、Okinawa Food and Product Exhibition | 2017.10 - 11 / 2018.01 - 02

- Part-time Sales

  • Responsible for sales and promotion of company-related products, and created a single-day sales turnover of 70,000.
  •  Assisted Japanese merchants to handle related administration

La Kaffa International CO., Ltd | 2017.08 - 09

- International Business Department Intern

  • Assisted in international contract translation in the international business department, and behalf of communicating with overseas customers.

- Marketing Department Intern

  • Participated in marketing department about discussions, design, and assisted with copywritings. Write a draft on the Dcard food board to promote the company's brand, successfully received more than 600 followers' attention.

Academic Excellence Award |2016 - 2019 

Basketball Team | 2016 - 2019

- Leader

  • Represented Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages to won the second place in the Japanese Department Tournament Basketball Championship in 2016
  •  Integrated team, consolidate team's centripetal force and skills 
  •  Leaded the team to participate in all kinds of competition.