
Legal counsel

Leo Huang 
(07) 710-6500
駕駛執照 :機車、⼩型⾞駕照

一、就學期間(大學、研究所工讀):      大學就讀文化法律系財經組、研究所就讀銘傳大學法律系科技法律組,主修專利、商標、網路法、個資法等科技法領域。研究所期間曾進入《華新科技股份有限公司》擔任專利工讀生,主要負責專利檢索,並與專利事務所接洽,追蹤專利申請案件進度。碩士論文題目為《新聞自由與隱私權之衝突,以少年犯罪報導為中心》,研究領域為憲法以及個人資料保護法。 二、德律科技股份有限公司 ( 2015 年 2 月~ 2015 年 8 月) :      代理法務專員,半年約聘職,於2015年8月31日結束聘,在德律讓我對上市公司及科技產業運作模式有初步了解,主要工作內容為:各式合約審閱(對象包含全球客戶之中英文合約)、合約文件管制、專利檢索、專利資料庫的維護、公司內部智慧財產權教育訓練。於此期間,透過分享智財新知、專利檢索與維護工作,讓我對智財領域成長不少,也深刻體會到作為法務人員工作應有的素養、專業知識的更進一步提升,及堅持細節的嚴謹作業方式。 三、微風廣場實業股份有限公司(2015 年 10 月~ 2018 年 9 月):      主要負責中英文合約審閱及協商:包含專櫃(場地租賃)契約、商品買賣契約、工程承攬契約、廣告行銷合作契約、商標授權契約..等。以及對外公文書(函)撰寫:如支付命令、假扣押、聲明異議及各式公司函文。此外,也需要隨時應對各種突發事件,如消費爭議、客訴案件、專櫃與公司間糾紛等等的法律意見提供,著實考驗我應變能力以及處理事情的圓融。      隨著年資增加,賦予更多專案,如各式民刑事訴訟案,和解協商階段等,進入訴訟階段則偕同律師處理。及公司重大投資、合資專案之法律諮詢、合資協議審閱,對外代表公司協商條款修訂,偕同公司高層與日本人面對面逐條洽談合資協議,讓我除了一般的審閱能力外,更加強公司治理與商業、法律談判的職能。       且處理專案需掌握時效性,公司高層或對方提出意見,往往一個工作天內必須有效回覆,每日的例行事務依舊,同時也養成我對時間的掌控以及發現問題的精準度。透過不斷的高壓磨練下,我除了跨部門溝通能力大幅度提升,掌握案件癥結點,並有效處理問題的能力也隨之提升;另外由於英文法律文件審閱皆由我負責,因此大量的接觸英文合約也著實提升了我的英文能力。 四、集思國際會議顧問有限公司(2018 年 12 月~ 2020 年 4 月):     進入集思會展事業群。作為集團唯一法務人員,除了日常的合約審閱,及台中花博專案的大量政府公文回函、爭議調解程序以外;也直接參與公司最高決策單位會議、處理各項公司規章、人力資源等法律咨詢。這使我做事的眼界更深、更廣,了解經營者的思維模式,並提供適當的法律意見。進入集思沒有蜜月期,我發揮快速適應的能力,處理各項重大爭議案件,包含訴訟、調解案件最終取得金額不小的實績,為公司爭取最大利益,敦促我更快速的進步。   參與各式政府標案審閱,如《南港瓶蓋工廠》從評估、備標到簽約、開幕營業階段,參與法律文件評估、與機關人員議約,在政府部門生硬的流程間,爭取公司最大利益,使我職能更增添了過去較少接觸的公部門文件審閱能力及對公部門的應對方式。 五、香港商果翼科技(股)(Pinkoi) - 法務顧問 - 2020 年 4 月至今 :   首次踏入電商產業,面對龐大的資訊量,且因跨境電商,各種品類都在發展中,相關的物流合作、行銷宣傳等異業合作、除了要因應各國家、新型商業模式,擬定制式合約;同時也需要進行大量的合規研究。除徵詢本國/外國律師、自行研究、提供意見以外,亦主導網站上商品規範修訂/制定、內外部政策宣導、以及智財侵權案件的處理。尤其是時常要與海外團隊討論不同地區的合約、商品/活動合規性,都更加擴張我的國際視野,也加強我的效率。另外,承辦民事訴訟案於二審獲勝,為公司捍衛權益避免蒙受商業損失。   於日本商標申請案,從前期商標代理人的陌生開發、詢價,最終委任了日本代理人,為公司商業需求進行布局,跨海與首次合作的事務所接洽,需要了解當地制度、與代理人充分溝通、議價、確保流程及公司權益,不斷以書信、電話往返溝通決策、並順利遞交申請書並取得商標權,是相當難能可貴的海外商標經驗。 

  Taipei City, Taiwan


Legal counsel  •  Pinkoi HK Limited, Taiwan Branch Taipei

. Handle litigation and dispute matters; research the compliance issues, legal risk assessment, and facilitate communications with external counsel and internal stakeholders/CEO
. Provide legal advisory to various business functions and affiliates/revised the website policy.
. Reply/draft other legal documents such as official letter against reporter in the report cases, IP infringement, and consumer dispute.

Key achievements :
1.《Civil litigation》
Draft Petition, Answer to the Complaint, which led the litigation won.

2. 《Legal assessment/Optimization the policy in compliance of various regional Law》
. Research the various regional Law, consult the external lawyer to give advices for compliance issue.
. Formulate the policy to comply the law due to expand business model/product for example : Cosmetics, experience, traveling, alcohol and adult products .

3. 《Provide Legal assessment of governmental tender projects》
. Give advice for tender project which conduct the internal Governmental relationship department to negotiate with the association/government.

4.《Trademark Application in Japan》
. to ask the local agency for trademark application, which includes inquiry, clarify the application scope and communicate with agent.
. Finalized registration.

四月 2020 - 二月 2022

Senior Specialist  •  GIS Group

. Handle litigation and dispute matters; research legal issues, legal risk assessment, and facilitate communications with external counsel and internal stakeholders/CEO
. Provide legal advisory to various business functions and affiliates.
. Review and draft contracts and other legal documents such as internal regulation revision, official letter.

Key achievements :
1.《Taichung World Flora Exposition》
Provide legal support to project manager and senior management, which avoid the violation of agreement/Lead the arbitration procedure against government which result in take back the Accounts receivable

2.《Criminal suit and human resource advices》
. Led team to investigate the evidence and support external counsel to file a lawsuit, which resulted in prosecutor prosecute the defendant.
. Support human resource to compliance with the Labor Standard Law, including revise the hiring documents and internal regulations.

3.《Legal assessment of governmental tender project - POPOP TAIPEI》
. Provide legal compliance report and advises to project manager
. Research legal issues, legal risk assessment, Contracts negotiation with government.

十二月 2018 - 四月 2020

Specialist  •  Test Research Inc

. Give advices to internal departments with proper and lawful analysis and suggestions.
. Review contracts and support negotiations.
. Support IP patent, trademark management, including patent application filing, OA handling, and
filing countries assessment.
. Research and track exist or potential competitor's patent application.

二月 2018 - 八月 2018

Specialist  •  Breeze Development Co., Ltd Taipei

. Handle litigation and dispute matters; research legal issues, and facilitate communications with external counsel and internal stakeholders.
. Provide legal support to various business functions and affiliates; draft, review, and negotiate contracts and other legal documents
. Give advices to internal departments with lawful analysis in customer compliant, tenant counter, and vendor dispute cases.

. Regularly updating all contracts with related parties.
. Coordinate approvals and execution of contracts and other legal documents.
. Coordinate and manage trademark filings, Including research regarding trademark availability and related issues.
. Manage the legal matters of a new set up business unit, including contract drafting, review, coordination, negotiation with external partners.

Key achievements :
1.《Breeze Atre Nanshan JV business project Smith & Wollensky JV business project 》
Provide legal support to senior management, draft, review, negotiation and modify JV agreement, shareholder agreement, or any other relevant legal document. to reach smooth cooperation each parties and grand open.

2.《A-sha Noodles America affiliate set up》
Review legal document, coordinate with CFO and give lawful and strategy analysis in Taiwan

3. 《IP right, civil, and criminal suit》
Coordinate internal to investigate the evidence and support external counsel to file a lawsuit, which result in each parties to reach reconciliation or final judgement.

十月 2015 - 八月 2018


Apr 2018 - Jan 2020

Chinese Culture University

Bachelor of Law in Finance and Economics

Apr 2018 - Jan 2020

Ming Chuan University

Master of Science and Technology Law


  • Infringement
  • Cooperation
  • Potential
  • Litigation
  • Judgement
  • Communications
  • Coordination
  • Negotiations
  • Arbitration
  • Give Advice


  • English — 中階
  • Chinese — 母語或雙語