Shih Chen

Location  Yilan    +886-910-452-311

I'm Rodney Chang. Currently working at Gigastone International Electronics Co., Ltd. I'm a 3-year experienced graphic designer. Responsible for the implementation of domestic and foreign 

E-commerce banners(B2C). E-commerce such as Amazone, MOMO, PChome, Yahoo. There are many intractable diseases in life, and using design thinking to solve them is the goal. I want to realize more different areas of knowledge. In the future, I can learn much more and explore more fields. I hope that I can make more progress in the future and make more contributions to the design industry. 


Ming Chuan University, Commercial Design  2011 ~ 2015


Assistant Graphic Designer in Evergreen Resort Hotel (Jiaosi) , Nov 2017 ~ Mar 2019

Promotional production for quarterly projects . Advertising banners, DMs, EDMs, quarterly magazines, merchandise and event photography, and in-house layouts in hotel.

Freelancer &VTC frontend and backend training,  Mar 2019 ~  Mar 2020

Freelance case work and learning front-end and back-end skill.

Customer Service in HongHwa International Corp.  Mar 2020 - Dec 2020

A telephone customer service specialist who is responsible for responding to telephone failures and network failures throughout Taiwan, and giving suggestions and comfort.

Multiple-Designer in Tzu Chi Foundation  Dec 2020 - July 2021

The interactive installation responsible for the production of "Tzu Chi Taiwan Chronology".

Graphic Designer in Gigastone Corp.  July 2021-Now.

Currently working at Gigastone International Electronics Co., Ltd. I'm a 3-year experienced graphic designer. Responsible for the implementation of domestic and foreign E-commerce banners(B2C). E-commerce such as Amazone, MOMO, PChome, Yahoo. There are many complex tasks in life, and using design thinking to solve them is the goal. I want to realize more different areas of knowledge. In the future, I can learn much more and explore more fields. I hope that I can make more progress in the future and make more contributions to the design industry.