Justin Huang

Being an iOS developer with 6+ experience and a Flutter developer for 1+ experience.
The iOS team leader who do code reviews, mentor and recruit junior developers.
I am also an internal project manager who do cross-functional communications, lead the team to brainstorm features and deliver spec in the meantime of being a developer.

  Taipei City, Taiwan



iOS Development

- Programming Language: Swift
- UI Development: Modularize Custom UI with StoryBoard, Xib, AutoLayout, Programming.
- Data Storage: CoreData, Realm, UserDefault KeyChain.
- Design Architecture: MVC, MVVM.
- Design Pattern: Delegate, Coordinate.

Flutter Development

- Programming Language: Dart
- Design Pattern: Synchronize UI and cloud data with observer pattern.

Work Experience

December 2018 - Present

iOS App Developer  Noodoe 拓連科技股份有限公司

[Ionex User] iOS APP for urban electric scooter APP
Ionex scooter users are able to search for battery-swapping refueling platforms, personal tariff plans, battery-swapping records, monthly statements and online payment service with the APP.
- Develop iOS APP with Swift and Apple UIKit.
- Implement an encapsulations of navigation logic with coordinator pattern.
- Implement delegation pattern using MVVM.
- Optimize performance of MapView to display massive battery-swapping refueling platforms.
- Implement analysis tool of Firebase Analytics.
- Reduce server load for specific API by installing EventTab and API usage records.
- Resolve crash incidents by implementing Firebase Crashlytics.

[Ionex Battery Cabinet] iOS APP for maintenance of battery cabinets.
Ionex maintenance engineers are able to log into maintenance mode of battery cabinets with the APP by scanning QR code on each cabinet.
[Ionex Battery-Swapping iOS / Android APP]
Ionex operators are able to search battery-swapping refueling platforms on the map, and can also effectively bind the user account with QR code scanning on the battery.
- Develop iOS and Android dual applications by Dart and framework Flutter.
- Synchronize UI and cloud data with observer pattern.
- Resolved QR code scanning incidents for integrated cameras of iOS and Android.

[Noodoe EV CarPlay] iOS APP for electric cars with CarPlay
Electric car owners are able to search for charging stations and user navigation functions with the APP which is connected with CarPlay.
- Develop iOS APP with Swift and CarPlay framework
- Build up logic of navigation map to optimize functions of CarPlay framework.
- Implement delegation pattern using MVVM.

April 2017 - December 2018

iOS App Developer  庫網金融科技股份有限公司 Findata

[iParking iOS APP] iOS APP for auto-payment of urban parking fee.
iParking users are able to add credit card to the APP, and the APP will pay the parking fee with a discount automatically.
- Developed iOS APP with Swift and UIKit.
- Refactored UI with Storyboard and Autolayout.
- Implemented delegation pattern by using MVVM.
- Implemented CI & CD by using Fastlane.
- Implemented analysis tool of Firebase Analytics and Fabric Analytics.
- Reduced server load for specific API by installing EventTab and API usage records.
- Completed push notifications redirect to specific UI.
- Optimized UX by memorizing credit cards instead of inputting credit card info. every time.
- Completed a large scale UI revision.

September 2016 - January 2017

iOS App Developer  ALPHA Camp

[MeatMe iOS APP] iOS APP for identifying succulent plants.
MeatMe users are able to identify succulent plants by image recognition, and the APP will also search for related information to users.
- Developed iOS APP with Swift and Apple UIKit.
- Applied image recognition function Google Vision to the APP.
- Defined API specification.
- The recognition ratio of succulent plants is 65%+.


2007 - 2011

National Ilan University

Electrical Engineering