
Gordon, Hsu

I have over 3 years of experience as a Web Application Developer and System Analyst. 

本人有3年的 Web 程式開發經驗,此外亦熟稔系統開發需求分析、架構規劃、異質系統整合等各項工作。


Front-End / Back-End / Full Stack Web Developer
City, TW
[email protected]

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Familiar with DB design, DB normalization, r/w split structure, stored procedure。



Familiar with Linux Ubuntu, Windows


熟稔Linux Ubuntu 以及 Windows Server。目前各類專案主要是使用Oracle VirtualBox 建立 Ubuntu 虛擬機。

Data Manipulation

Familiar with Excel, Excel VBA, Google Sheet, Sheet API

熟稔Excel、Excel VBA、Google API。並有專案實作後端 (Nodejs) 與Google Sheet API 溝通,使用者與網頁填寫資料後,除存進資料庫外,亦立即填寫於Google Sheet上。

System Analysis

Familiar with User Interviews Excution,  Requirements Analysing, MVP (minimum viable product) Design, POC Excution.


Web APP System Design & Develop

Familiar with Restful API, SPA (Single Page Application), Front/Back -end System, Micro Service Architecture Design.



Experience with AWS EC2, AWS RDS, GCP (Google Cloud Platform)


Familiar with User Interviews Excution,  Requirements Analysing, MVP (minimum viable product) Design, POC Excution.



Familiar with Restful API, SPA (Single Page Application), Front/Back -end System, Micro Service Architecture Design.


Experienced with schema design and DB development.



Familiar with User Interviews Excution,  Requirements Analysing, MVP (minimum viable product) Design, POC Excution.

熟悉 Nginx 代理伺服器設定,以及和WAF配合設定。實作過 Nginx 流量負載平衡架構(load balance)。

Work Experience

Taiwan Film and Audiovisual Institute (TFAI), IT Office

Nov 2017 ~ Present 

System Analyst, Web Developer 

National Dong Hwa University, Department of Natural Resources and Environment  

2016 ~ 2017

Research Assistant

National Museum of Natural Science, Department of Anthropology  

2013 ~ 2016

Research Assistant, IT Technician


Personal Project. It's a react package project, published on NPM. Some of my web projects utlilize an UI that user could drag and drop sub-windows, like Photoshop or Autocad, so I decide to re-code those functions to an independent package, which could be re-use and apply on different projects. 

NPM: https://www.npmjs.com/package/dnd-box 

Github: https://github.com/sosonian/dnd-box 

Demo (with Three.js): https://sosonian.github.io/demotest/ 

Drag & Drop Box 是我的第一個個人網頁前端相關的 side project, 是一個發布在 NPM 和 Github上開源的 react package (網址請見上方)。 這個project起源於個人建置的幾個管理系統,

Collection Search System- TFAI 

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 CMS TFAI (TFAI 藏品檢索系統)

This sites is built for TFAI (Taiwan Film and Audiovisual Institute )
See this Site 

Taiwan Chinese Movie Database

Personal Project. This is a Web APP that offers info of chinese movies in Taiwan (not all movies). User could do basic search- fulltext search or advance search- muitple condition and specific field search.

This Web has it's control panel, administrator could do management like: edit event, publish or unpublish event, search visitor record, etc.

Those web are deployed on Netlify, and it might be lag when first time visiting, please wait for 10 sec for the loading . I would  improve performance by using Next.js or other server-side-render solution on next version.


Taiwan Chines Movie Database : https://gifted-wiles-b9b018.netlify.app/Projects 01 00@2x

Control Panel : https://angry-minsky-d8d669.netlify.app/ 

 account for Control Panel: colleague01 ~ colleague10 

 password: test

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CMS (Collection Management System) - RFID Module

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TFAI Project. For improving the collection management workflow of TFAI (Taiwan Film & Audiovisual Instition), I decide to adopt the RFID-Tag solution to help the warehouse in/out workflow.

In this project, I refine the C