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經歷一,美商佰德管理顧問有限公司( 2020/02~ ) - 資深人力資源專員 

1. 維護公司內部人力資源之相關紀錄(如:員工個人基本資料、出缺勤紀錄、請假管理等)。

2. 處理公司保險業務(含勞健保、團保),並成立勞健保證號。

3. 薪資、資遣費用及獎金計算與發放作業。 

4. 各類所得、二代健保、年度公司薪資所得申報等相關作業 。 

5. 辦理入/離職作業及建檔、維護 。 

6. 負責年度公司健檢專案。

7. 協助年度就服評鑑。

8. 其他主管交辦之事項。 

經歷二,菲律賓公司( 2019/04~ 2019/11) - 高級人資專員 

1. 維護並製作公司非菲籍員工之人力資源相關紀錄(如:個人基本資料表、勞動合約書、出缺勤紀錄、請假管理、出勤報表、薪資報表、在職證明、離職證明等)。 

2. 負責公司非菲籍員工之薪資和税務計算及核發。

3. 撰寫並管理公司政策,並發布人事/假期/公司政策公告。 

4. 執行非菲籍員工之獎懲。

5. 管理非菲籍員工之員工福利。 

6. 辦理非菲籍員工之試用期考核、績效考核、年度調薪、專案調薪。 

7. 管理非菲籍員工證件,並追蹤其簽證進度。 

8. 辦理非菲籍員工之銀行開戶作業。 

9. 每季度員工福利規劃和執行,及每月健身房管理。 

10. 每月辦公室活動企劃和執行。 

11. 活動、福利等經費報銷。 

12. 其他主管交辦之事項。 

經歷三,賽福瑞資訊有限公司-公司歇業( 2018/02~ 2019/02) - 人資專員 

1. 維護公司內部人力資源之相關紀錄(如:員工個人基本資料、出缺勤紀錄、請假管理等)。

2. 辦理外國人簽證及報稅作業。

3. 負責公司招募作業。

4. 負責薪酬管理(薪資、資遣費、二代健保、公司代扣所得、所得稅申報等)。

5. 負責新進、離職、資遣(含大量資遣)等作業。 

6. 負責勞資會議(從選舉至成立)。

7. 負責檢視勞動法令並適時修改公司規章制度。

8. 員工關懷。

9. 人事行政作業。 

10. 主管臨時交辦事項。 

經歷四,時來國際科技股份有限公司(2017/05~2018/01) - 人資專員

1. 維護公司內部人力資源之相關紀錄(如:員工個人基本資料、職務輪調、出缺勤紀錄、請假管理等)。 

2. 負責公司招募作業(最高紀錄曾一個月招募10幾位,且皆通過試用期,目前已任職超過2年,留任率高)。 

3. 負責薪酬管理(薪資、資遣費、二代健保、公司代扣所得、所得稅申報等)。

4. 擬定公司規範(公告管理、請假流程、假別管理、升遷制度等)。 

5. 員工關懷。 

6. 人事行政作業。 

7. 主管臨時交辦事項。 

經歷五,壹零壹管理顧問股份有限公司 ( 2016/03~ 2017/04) - 專員















經歷六,高雄市衛生局 ( 2011/07~ 2012/12)

1. 100年7月至12月-擔任莫拉克風災業務助理- 

  (1) 辦理災後重建心理人員志工專業訓練。

  (2) 建立志工名冊。 

  (3) 製作災後心理重建文宣單張。

  (4) 協助建立災後心理重建SOP流程。 

  (5) 主管臨時交辦事項。 

2. 101年1月至12月-擔任社區精神個案關懷員- 

  (1) 訪視社區精神個案。

  (2) 提供社區精神個案處遇。

  (3) 心理衛教及連結資源。

  (4) 辦理特殊個案研討會。

  (5) 主管臨時交辦事項。 

經歷七,雲林縣外籍配偶家庭服務中心 ( 2009/10~ 2011/05)






經歷八,西合實業股份有限公司 ( 2008/10~ 2010/12)





Alice , Wang

HR  • Taipei,TW  •  [email protected]

I am willing to accept challenges and learn new knowledge. I have a gentle personality, empathy and patience. I have four years of experience in recruiting, attendance, accounting, reporting income and handling foreign-level  visas and reporting income. In the future, I will be able to apply relevant professional skills and strive to make breakthroughs.

Work Experience

Philippine company – HR , Apr 2019~Nov 2019

1. Maintain and produce human resources related records of non-Philippine employees (such as: personal basic information form, labor contract, absence record, absence management, attendance report, salary statement, employment certificate, certificate of departure, etc.)

2. Responsible for the salary and tax calculation and issue of non-Philippine employees of the company. 

3. Write and manage company policies and issue personnel / holiday / company policy announcements. 

4. Reward and punish for non-Philippine employees. 

5. Manage employee benefits for non-Philippine employees. 

6. Apply for probationary period evaluation, performance evaluation, annual salary adjustment and project-based salary adjustment for non-Philippine employees. 

7. Manage and track for non-Philippine employees ID and visa.  

8. Open a bank account for non-Philippine employees. 

9. Plan and execute quarterly employee benefits. 

10. Planning and execution of monthly office activities. 

11. Reimbursement of activity costs. 

12. Ad hoc projects assigned by HR manager.

Sapphire Information Ltd. – HR , Feb 2018~Feb 2019

1. Responsible for recruitment and selection.

2. Staffing:

   • Develops Personnel Announcement and conducts boarding procedure 

   • Creates staff handbook portal account once newcomer is on board 

   • Responsible for internal staff transfer, movement and resignation. Conducts staff exit interview and analysis  staff turnover monthly/quarterly

   • Organization chart update monthly.

3. Responsible for employee relations.

4. Responsible for labor conference.

5. Responsible for payroll management.

6. Performance management system.

7. Ad hoc projects assigned by HR  manager.

Grand Fortune Information Ltd. – HR , May 2017~Jan 2018

1. Responsible for recruitment and selection. 

2. Staffing:

   • Develops Personnel Announcement and conducts boarding procedure 

   • Creates staff handbook portal account once newcomer is on board 

   • Responsible for internal staff transfer, movement and resignation. Conducts staff exit interview and analysis staff turnover monthly/quarterly  

3. Responsible for employee relations. 

4. Responsible for develop company specifications.

5. Responsible for payroll management. 

6. Performance management system.

7. Ad hoc projects assigned by  manager.

壹零壹科技管理顧問股份有限公司  – Specialist ,  Mar 2016~Apr 2017

1. Project Management .

2. Responsible for the attendance of the project personnel.

3. Responsible for training for departments and projects.

4. Responsible for the write-off of project costs.

5. Responsible for educational training.

6. Responsible for performance appraisal.

7. Serve as an intern supervisor.

8. Ad hoc projects assigned by manager.

Department of Health,Kaohsiung City Goverment  – Project Assistant  , Jul 2011~ Dec 2012

Jul 2011~Dec 2011-As a morakot disaster mental health project assistant

Dec 2011~Dec 2012- As a community  mental are worker