Stephen Roegge

Social Worker in Grand Rapids, Michigan

Stephen Roegge has worked as a social worker in the public school system in Grand Rapids, Michigan, for more than 20 years. In addition to providing individual counseling to help students master new concepts, he guides students in setting personal goals and monitoring their own progress. Acting as a liaison between the school and students, Stephen Roegge also implements individualized educational plans for students with special education needs.

In addition to his work in public schools, Mr. Roegge has spent the past 6 years in private practice, offering psychotherapy and crisis intervention to clients aged 12 to 75. His specific areas of interest include drug and alcohol dependencies.

Mr. Roegge holds a bachelor of science in psychology and a master of science in social work from Grand Valley State University, where he earned membership to the Phi Beta Kappa honor society. When he is not helping clients deal with mental health challenges, he enjoys hunting and fishing. An avid traveler, he has visited most of the 50 states in the United States, as well as international destinations like Paris, Buenos Aires, and Aruba.

Grand Rapids, MI, US

Work Experience

Jan 2021 - Present

School Social Worker
Public Schools


Aug 1998 - Apr 2001

Master of Science (MS)
Grand Valley State University
Master's in Social Work

Grand Valley State University


Kenyon College
