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Steve Chen

Steve is the NVIDIA Certified Instructor and currently leading a team delivering AI Train & Coach Program, helping companies apply AI Machine Learning Tools to solve their industries problems, ranging from AOI+AI defects inspection to finding critical factors causing low yield rate and recipe prediction.

Project Manager/Founder, NTUT Industry 4.0 Consulting Group

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AOI+AI Solutions to lower overkill rate

Apply Python with Keras => Data Curation / Train, Validate and Test models using Transfer Learning / Data Augmentation / Fine-tuning Models / Optimize and Deployment using NVIDIA Jetson AGX Xavier in PCBA Industry.

Big Data Analysis in Quality Control

Apply python and autoML to (1) find critical factors causing low yield rate (2) forecast the quality of final products (3) predict recipe.

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Best R&D Award in 2019 Nvidia Competition @Taiwan

In PCBA Industry, with fine-tuning NVIDIA Jetson AGX Xavier to obtain the model generating outstanding accuracy and latency, Steve, second from left as the team lead, receives the Best R&D Award in 2019 Nvidia Competition @Taiwan


Master of Industrial Engineering, State University of New York at Buffalo, New York.

Industry Expert/Adjunct Lecturer, Department of Industrial engineering and Management, National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan.

NVIDIA Certified Instructor

NVIDIA Developer Certifications: Computer Vision, CUDA Python, Multiple Data Types, JETSON NANO

AI Projects

06/2019 【NexStore Smart Self Checkout Kiosk】 Train products recognition to help customers save time during the checkout process in the retail store.

04/2019 AOI+AI defects inspection for PCBA Industry

10/2018 LED substrate defects inspection using AI technology.

06/2018  Plastic injection molding defects inspection

AI Courses

3/2018 ~ current teach AI Courses in various institutes: Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan Textile Research Institute and China Productivity Center.

1/2019 ~ current teach AI Train & Coach Program in various industries.

1/2012 ~ current conduct all English-taught courses in TamKang Univ. TOEIC Score: 906