
Svetoslav Ninov

+359 988978110   •  Sofia, BG  •  [email protected]

I'm good at fast learning, multi-tasking and communicating with people. I'm able to handle stressful situations because I love problem solving and helping others.

Work Experience

Bartender - April 2018 - November 2018

- Worked with people from different nationalities and gained strong work ethics

- I'm able to accordingly follow all required processes to ensure a high level of customer satisfaction.

- Worked different types of shifts including night shifts with ease in a dynamic environment .

Trader at CSMS ltd.  - September 2019 - May 2020



Graduated from 32nd Language High School of Sofia, Bulgaria 2013-2018 

- ''A highly intelligent bi-lingual student, doing extra school activites and societies in support of course and subject areas and personal interests."

Completed a Character Design course in Adobe, Photoshop 

Worked with a wide range of computer programs and learned a lot of fundamental knowledge about their use.

Studying in the National Academy of Arts 

Second year of  graphic arts and printmaking


- Intermediate level of the English language including writing and speaking.
- Computer and Internet literacy

- Highly motivated and ready to embark to my next step in my professional success.

- Able to effectively peform any given tasks on a Windows based computer machine.

- Positive attitude and a great teamplayer fully ready to enchance the work environment.


Readings 00 00@2x

Animal Farm
by George Orwell

“His answer to every problem, every setback was “I will work harder!” —which he had adopted as his personal motto.”

Readings 00 01@2x

Mother Night 
by Kurt Vonnegut

“Society is more concerned with material possessions than it is with the true love and compassion of another human being.”