
Ting Han Kuo



Starting from September 2022, I have been honing my web development skills . I have extensive experience in developing  web pages that feature login systems, third-party logins, and database CRUD operations, using node.js/express.js, MongoDB, and MySQL for both client-side and server-side rendering. Additionally, I worked as a full-stack engineer on a team project to develop a social networking website using React and Node. This experience has enhanced my collaborative skills and ability to work in a team environment. With these experiences and skills, I am now well-prepared to function as a team player and pursue a career as a backend engineer in the upcoming year.

HTML/CSS, Bootstap, JavaScript, React, Node, GraphQL,  MongoDB, MySQL, Docker, Git, Github, VS code

  • familiar with some network principles, algorithms, and data structures.
  • Skilled in teamwork, with good logical thinking and excellent communication skills.
  • English — medium

development experience  Sep 2022 - now

Simple twitter reactRepo  nodeRepo

  • Develop web pages using React (deploy on GitHub)
  • Manage the database using MySQL and Postgre/Sequelize
  • login mechanism using JWT
  • Collaborate with the team in the roles of project manager, frontend engineer, and backend engineer.

Reading List reactRepo nodeRepo

  • Building a GraphQL server using Express.js
  • Fetching data from the GraphQL server using Apollo-client
  • Managing the database with MongoDB/Mongoose

Accounting program nodeRepo

  • Using Express. to build server-side rendering application
  • RESTful routes and the MVC architecture
  • login mechanism using cookie-session

POST system nodeRepo

  • Implementation of a Redis-based session login system
  • Configuration of an NginX proxy server.
  • Development of the project using Docker for containerization.


M.S., Department of Biological Science and Technology, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University 2018 - 2021

Poster presentations, SFN ( one of the largest scientific conferences in the world) 2022

Poster presentations, Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Academia Sinica - National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Joint Symposium on Recent Advances in Biomedical Sciences (Institute of Biomedical Sciences is the top academic institution in Taiwan, ROC). Honorable Mention Award 2021

B.S., Department of Biological Science and Technology, National Chiao Tung University 2014 - 2018

Science competition, The International Genetically Engineered Machine competition (The worldwide  competition). Group Gold Medal 2015