
陳 亭 亘




[email protected]  • 0988-424-131  •  台灣, 新竹市


國立交通大學 資訊工程系 2013/09 ~ 2017/06

國立交通大學 資訊科學工程研究所 2017/09 ~

Honors & Awards

梅竹黑客松 盟創科技組 第二名 (MitraStar Inc, 2nd place)  -  2014, 12

梅竹黑客松 玉山銀行組 第二名 (MitraStar Inc, 2nd place)  -  2015, 12

大專生研究計畫 (College Student Research Project)  -  2016, 03

題目:以Android Kernel為基礎的行為分析與重建系統

資訊工程專題競賽 優等 (Computer Science Project Competition, 2nd Place)  -  2016, 05

題目:以Android Kernel為基礎的行為分析與重建系統

資心專題獎學金 (CS Project Scholarship)  -  2016, 05

題目:以Android Kernel為基礎的行為分析與重建系統

梅竹黑客松 合勤基金會組 第二名 (MitraStar Inc, 2nd place) - 2016, 12


  • Python
  • Linux
  • C/C++
  • Git


  • 計算機系統管理    -     總成績前三高

  • 計算機網路管理    -     總成績前三高
  • 嵌入式系統設計與實作     -     與他人協作


In the past four years in NCTU, I took many different field of courses. I always have positive attitude to learn something new. Especially when there is a coding homework or experiment, I would try my best to finish all the requirements. These experience make me change from an coding-inexperienced freshman to a programmer.

When I was a sophomore, I took two courses which are System Administration and Network Administration. This was the first time that I got to know about Linux operating system. We learn how to install the Linux operating system at the beginning, and then get familiar with CLI, write shell scripts, and deploy many kind of servers. These courses make me know how to solve problems by myself, and also lay the foundation for participating in hackathon. 

Regarding to programming language, I'm good at Python and C/C++. I used cross-compiler to compile my C program to work on FPGA in Embedded System and Design course. In Network Programming course, I used C++ to implement a simple remote shell server; In addition to ordinary coding homework that I usually use Python to finish, I once utilize django-rest framework to write a backend RESTful API and cooperate with frontend team member.

Although I have taken many courses in NCTU, I still don't have a specialized field, and hesitate about which field I should work hard for. Therefore I hope I could put what I have learned into practice, enhance my skills, and looking for future working field.


大二時修了系統管理與網路管理,這兩門課是我第一次接觸Linux作業系統,從如何安裝系統開始,接著摸索各種基本的command line tools、寫寫shell script,到後來開始架設各種伺服器,讓我學會了自主學習,也奠定了日後參與一些比賽的基礎;在軟體方面比較熟悉的語言有python、C/C++,在嵌入式系統這門課中曾用C實作程式碼並使用cross-compiler讓它可以在FPGA上運作,在網程設中用C++實作出簡單的remote shell server;除了各種大大小小的作業我通常都是用python實作以外,也曾使用django-rest寫出網頁後端API與負責前端的組員合作。
