
Sr. Software Engineer

I have six years of software development experience and one year of user behavior tracking experience. I am passionate and interested in new XR (VR/AR/MR) technologies and have collaborated with various engineers and designers, maintaining excellent communication and teamwork skills.


phone: 0921374985

mail: [email protected]


2010 - 2012


Master of Science (M.S.) 資訊工程學系

2006 - 2010


Bachelor of Science B.S. , 資訊工程學系


四月 2017 - Present

Sr. Software Engineer  趨勢科技 TrendMicro

I develop AR/VR applications, write software plugins, and modularize core technologies for reusable implementation. I am familiar with software development practices, unit testing, CI/CD, version control, user behavior tracking, and more.

  • SpaceWalker
    • It's VR content that provides players with a simple VR game experience of interplanetary flight while educating them about the universe through fun facts. Once developed, this game will tour multiple schools, bringing a unique experience to children in rural areas. 
    • I am primarily responsible for the development of advanced features and assisting in testing and debugging. .
    • https://store.steampowered.com/app/705860/SpaceWalker/
  • DailyOVR
    • It's PC VR application that captures screen information from the user's desktop and projects it into the VR environment, ensuring that users do not miss important information while playing VR games. It also allows users to interact with other multimedia while gaming in VR. 
    • My main responsibilities include implementing screen capture technology, the process of projecting content into the VR environment, UI presentation within VR, and managing user profiles (addition, deletion, and modification). 
    • Upon completion of development, I establish the framework, collect user behavior data, and analyze and explore user behavior. Relevant tools used include Google Analytics and AWS Kinesis. 
    • https://store.steampowered.com/app/793190/Daily_OVR/ 
  • audience
    • I develop a streaming SDK that enables live streaming of VR gameplay to audiences by transmitting a low-latency, 360-degree view. This allows viewers to have an immersive experience similar to the streamer. Viewers can watch the stream using VR headsets or mobile devices and can interact with the streamer in real-time, including sending expressions. 
    • My main responsibilities involve the C/C++ plugin interface, utilizing encoding/decoding functionality, and implementing streaming features. I also write a Command-Line Interface to simplify interface invocation and testing. 
    • In the second phase, I package the interface into a Unity SDK to make the core technology compatible with current games, such as the VR game Beat Saber. Once validated, I seek opportunities to collaborate with more games and developers to incorporate the core technology. 
    • I am also responsible for user behavior tracking using the Matomo tool. 
    • https://www.meta-audience.com/en-us/
    • https://github.com/meta-audience/BeatSaber_audience
    • https://github.com/meta-audience/audience_sdk_unity_project

十二月 2012 - 四月 2017

Software Engineer  XPEC Entertainment Inc.

I develop mobile games for Android and iOS platforms as well as console games using Unity. 

七月 2021 - 二月 2022

Independent contracting 

Developing Microsoft MR applications using MRTK-Unity


  • Unity3D
  • C#
  • Unit Test
  • C/C++
  • AWS
  • VR/AR


  • English — 中階