Avatar of 陳履軒.


趨勢科技 Cloud Engineer in Test
I am a highly self‑motivated software engineer with a deep‑seated enthusiasm for software development with three years of experience in collaborative programming. I’ve actively contributed to diverse open‑source projects, including sse2neon and simdjson. My primary expertise lies in system software, evident through my submitted patches to the Linux Kernel following comprehensive source code and documentation analysis. Furthermore, I’ve played a pivotal role in enhancing sse2neon by optimizing precision and correcting inaccuracies in its reciprocal square‑root conversion.
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Logo of National Central University.
National Central University
Taipei, 台灣


Parallel Programming
Research Project
Image Processing


Native or Bilingual

Work experiences

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Cloud Engineer in Test


Sep 2021 ~ Mar 2023
1 yr 7 mos
Taipei City, Taiwan
1. Quality Assurance in File Storage Security team. * Use Jenkins for CI/CD. * Use TestRail for test case creation and archiving. * Create remove idled resource pipeline to reduce database usage by 20%. * Create Azure shared library to make operation on Jenkins pipeline with ease. * Cooperate with developers to conduct UI and E2E test on GCP protection unit deployment manager/ Terraform deployment. * Deploy product onto AWS STS version 2 region. * Conduct test and write document for suggestion of choosing GCP Cloud Storage location for best performance. * Handle on-call cases for solving the issues that customer encounters. * Review and test post-scan action plugins.
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Research Assistant


Feb 2020 ~ Aug 2021
1 yr 7 mos
Taipei City, Taiwan
1. Create Seismic-wave analysis program (min-max, FFT, gap, overlap) with following charasteristics: * Use libmseed to manipulate miniSEED 3.x format data. * Outperform SAC when encountering data with gaps. 2. Create TAPs website for sharing seismic-wave data. * Frontend backend separation. * Django as backend. * GraphQL as backend API. * Vue as frondend with better UI/UX. * MySQL as database. * Dranatiq as worker process manager. * Prometheus as system monitoring. * Grafana as system monitoring visualization. 3. QSIS-Data-Acquisition-System * Use RaspberryPI to create low-cost seismometer which only costs 5,000 NTD. * Use qemu-user-static Reduce firmware update time from ten to three minutes.


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National Central University

Master of Science (MS)

2017 - 2019
• Courses: Linux Operating System, Computer Attack and Defense – Create a Linux kernel module to measure context switch counts between CPU and IO‑bounded processes. – Implement attacks to gain root privilege on flawed application with vulnerabilities such as buffer overflow and XSS. • Diploma thesis: ”Fish Image Segmentation and Classification System Design Based on Deep Learning” – Recognize 41 Taiwan commonly seen fish species with 85% Top‑1 accuracy. – Propose a two‑stage system implemented with Keras.
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National Central University

Bachelor of Engineering (BEng)

2013 - 2017

Licenses & Certifications

CUDA programming Masterclass


Credential ID: UC-7IB4ZIXR
Issued Nov 2019
No expiration
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