Avatar of Georg Byron.

Georg Byron

writer with a writingleader.com
I was born in London on April 22, 1998, and studied and graduated from the University of Cambridge.
University of Cambridge
London, UK



Work experiences

Writingleader feature


Feb 2019 ~ Present
In 2020 I became a newspaper reporter. I cover debates in parliament, write artistic and scientific articles. However, most of my knowledge, which I use in my work, I take from life observations. My work allows me to hone my natural sense of language and develop the skills of realistic character descriptions. I have several of my manuscripts working with the Writingleader.com team.


University of Cambridge

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

2014 - 2018
Activities and societies
The main advantage of master's training is the focus on the formation of the widest possible scientific and managerial worldview of the future professional. Balanced in terms of socio-humanitarian and professional training and contains a sufficient selective component for specialization. This provides an opportunity to gain basic knowledge in the disciplines of general vocational and special training.
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