Avatar of 劉成熙.


Bachelor of Science
我是今年五月(2021-05)美國麻州 University of Massachusetts Amherst 應用數學系應屆畢業學生。 從小學至高中均在台灣完成教育,有幸得到獎學金赴美留學,在UMass Amherst主修應用數學系電腦運算組。在統計學應用、數值分析應用和程式設計開發中修習了許多的課程。我對機器學習、人體辨識和密碼學頗感興趣,未來希望成為軟體工程師。 由於COVID-19疫情的影響,去年開始(去年九月)無法返美,改為在台北晚上線上授課,經過疫情生活一年,現已順利畢業。多出了很多時間,這一段時間我除了在上網課,學習日文,希望未來能在軟體研發領域中有實務經驗。若有機會到貴公司學習增長見聞,是我的榮幸。 My name is Chenghsi Liu. I am an undergraduate of the University of Massachusetts Amherst U.S.A. graduated in 2021/05. Because of COVID-19, I decided to stay in Taiwan for my classes. Studying remotely instead of campus life under strict public health behavioral restrictions since last year is quite a challenge for me. I’m major in Mathematics – Computing. I learned mathematical and statistical skills and problem-solving skills, especially those with knowledge of computer programming, statistics, and applied areas such as differential equations and numerical analysis. I have experience in Python/Java/C++. I decided to pursue a career as a software engineer in the future. As for diversity, I worked as an intern for Microsoft Taiwan Co, Ltd. Being a Microsoft Student Ambassador in 2018 Computex, I promoted and presented new products to internal customers. Learned technology of Windows Theater/Windows App/Windows Device/ Holo Lens/Gaming/IoT. Trained by the Microsoft marketing team, I got accepting formal international courtesy training. It gave me an immense sense of achievement and fulfillment was an invaluable experience. I am taking a Japanese course now. I am eager to enrich myself with multicultural and multinational perspectives. Given progressively, optimistic, diversity, I hope I could make myself a valued position and the company.
Microsoft Corporation
University of Massachusetts
Taipei, 台灣


Numerical Analysis
Algorithms and Data Structures


Native or Bilingual
Native or Bilingual

Work experiences

Microsoft Student Ambassador in 2018 Computex

Microsoft Corporation

May 2018 ~ Jun 2018
2 mos
• Worked with Marketing Team, promoted and presented new products to international enterprise representative. • Learned technology of: Windows Theater/Windows App/Windows Device/ HoloLens/Gaming/Internet of Things


University of Massachusetts

Bachelor of Science (BS)
Applied Mathematics-Computing

2017 - 2021
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