Avatar of Maxime Coignus.

Maxime Coignus

Front-End Developer @ FSB Technology
I have over 2 years of experience as a Front-end developer, I will be happy to help you on your web projects. A hands-on experience with Backbone.js gave me a strong knowledge of javascript frameworks and the aptitude to learn quickly any new framework. Alongside my professional experience, my curiosity drove me to use modern frameworks such as React to build side projects available in my portfolio. Last but not least, I have been recently learning Back-end stuff using Express, Node and MongoDB (MERN stack) to start creating Full-Stack applications on my own.
FSB Technology
Icadémie Paris
London, UK



Work experiences

Front-End Developer

FSB Technology

Jul 2018 ~ Oct 2020
2 yrs 4 mos
FSB Technology is an actor of the Gambling Industry building and maintaining websites for bookmakers like Quinnbet, Toals or Bet600, and also providing point of sales for casinos. - Developed and maintained Front-End applications using Backbone.js framework and Marionette JS library - Added styling with SASS preprocessor - Made API calls using Jquery - Fetched sports events data using JSON format - Integrated live data using WebSocket - Maintained an in-house Custodian with our own CMS with the help of ExtJs framework Technology: Backbone.js, Sass, JSON, Ajax, Jquery

Java Developer

Capegmini France (Client: La Poste Mobile)

Apr 2016 ~ Aug 2017
1 yr 5 mos
Capgemini is a French multinational corporation that provides consulting, technology, professional, and outsourcing services. I worked for almost 18 months for the French telco operator La Poste Mobile, ensuring software evolution and system maintenance. - Used Java, Korn shell and a bit of C++ in order to perform automatic tasks all around BSCS software from Ericsson - Set-up search and indexing engine from Exalead (Product of Dassault Systems) - Evolution and maintenance of La Poste Mobile’s CRM Technology: Java, Exalead, Shell, C++

ETL Developer

Capegmini France (Client: Veolia Water)

Oct 2015 ~ Mar 2016
6 mos
Capgemini is a French multinational corporation that provides consulting, technology, professional, and outsourcing services. I worked for 6 months for the water supplier Veolia, ensuring data migration from existing customer’s CRM toward the Salesforce brand new one. - Developed Asynchronous ETL flow with Talend - Redefined data model for Veolia Water Technology: Talend, Java, Shell


Icadémie Paris

Master’s Degree
Software engineering

2015 - 2017

Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines

Bachelor’s Degree
Networks and Telco

2012 - 2015
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