Yi-Hsuan Lee

 [email protected]    v61265 

A two-year experience programmer in developing and maintaining websites using Nuxt.js and Next.js. She is proficient in integrating data through GraphQL and Restful APIs. She has collaborated with reporters and designers to produce more than three interactive special features.

Keeps learning and exploring programming knowledge.


  • HTML5 / JavaScript ES6 / jQuery
  • RWD / CSS Frameworks (Bootstrap) / styled-components
  • React / React Hooks / Redux / Next.js / Keystone JS
  • Vue2 / Nuxt.js
  • Git / GitHub / GitHub flow
  • using npm and publishing npm packages
  • Node.js (Express.js) / Sequelize ORM / PHP 
  • MySQL DB / phpMyAdmin
  • fetching third-party APIs through GraphQL and Restful APIs
  • RESTful API design 
  • GA / GTM for tracing data / integrating third-party ADs


Programming Center Fronted Engineer

Mirror Media • 2021.6 - now

  • Developed and maintained 4+ mid-large level websites using Nuxt.js and Next.js
  • implementing 3+ interactive projects, by collaborating with 5+ reporters and designers
  • Maintained CMS with 100+ users based on Keystone JS and Next.js
  • Improved SEO by adjusting meta data and Core Web Vitals
  • Actively joined study circle and shared web-techniques with co-workers

Mentor-Program-4th, Front-End and Back-End Trainee

Lidemy  • 2020.6 - 2020.12

  • Studied advanced Front-End, Back-End skills and networking fundamentals 50+ hours per week for 26 weeks consecutively
  • Compiled a technical blog with basic JavaScript to help other developers
  • Developed programming ability and mindset to bring users an excellent user experience.

Soochow University 2015 - 2019 

  • Bachelor of Science In Psychology

 Interactive Projects

【VR 實境體驗】房間:流亡港人的臺北記憶 Link

Developed @readr-media/full-screen-video and generated embedded code. It will detect and display videos in different sizes. It also has a button to control sound. 

我(好像)確診了怎麼辦? Link

Co-created a vaccine query platform with reporters to provide users with convenient and interactive guidelines based on local vaccination rules, filling gaps in government's incomplete website.

立法院時光機:政治角力下,那些年被卡關的法案 Link 

非洲豬瘟如何攻破臺灣:關鍵1000 天 Link

溫馨接送情還是恐怖情人,「跟蹤騷擾法」管什麼 Link

Side Projects

Imaginary-friends platform 

Collaboration Project | Backend

A member-only system for novelists to write and review each other's works and host conferences to sharpen their skills.

Frontend Repo  Backend Repo

  • Used GitHub flow to manage work with remote teams and be familiar with the development process.
  • Front-end used React, Redux, Redux-toolkit, redux-thunk, and React-router.
  • Back-end used Express.js with Sequelize ORM to access MySQL DB.

Technical Blog  LINK

Digested what I’ve learned, I reorganized it in my own words and shared it on my blog as a resource for other learners.