

中英口筆譯  •  TAIWAN  •  [email protected]


2019 - 2020 中英口譯與筆譯文憑/ 加拿大西蒙菲莎大學(Simon Fraser University) 

2017 - 2018 比較文學/ 加拿大艾爾伯塔大學(University of Alberta) 

2015 - 2017 對外華語教學學程/ 輔仁大學(Fu Jen Catholic University) 

2013 - 2017 西班牙語文學系/ 輔仁大學(Fu Jen Catholic University) 



  • 中文(母語)
  • 英文(TOEFL IBT 99, TOEIC 980)
  • 西文(DELE B2)
  • 台語


  • MS Office (Word, Powerpoint, Excel)
  • Adobe Acrobat
  • CAT Tool
  •  Photoshop 


NAI 500, Vancouver 

展場翻譯 |2019.10 



東滕有限公司 台灣
網站翻譯(英翻中) |2020.05 -2020.06 


*潤稿服務, 上海
中英雙語客服(CS Specialist) |2018.08 -2019.07 



*負責協辦小組team building


財團法人國際合作發展基金會 (ICDF), 台灣







影片字幕謄錄與翻譯|Simon Fraser University 






英語閱讀教練|Calgary Wee read 

擔任Edmonton Mckernan School的閱讀教練,每週固定唸書給兩位三年級小學生聽。            




我的名字是廖乙臻,英文名字是Vivi。兩個名字都是爸媽翻字典取的。取Vivi的原因是因為"Vivid"這個字代表「活潑」,而我也真如其義的個性外向開朗。至於中文名字呢,我永遠不會忘記小時候的我總是被同學嘲笑:「乙臻?為何不叫甲臻?這樣比較優秀呀!」滿腹委屈的我,還真以為爸媽給我取這名字是因為我不夠聰明,因此回家哭著問媽媽,得到的回答:傻孩子,「乙」是唯一,「臻」是完美。你是媽媽心裡最棒的寶貝呀。 由於爸爸是貿易商,國高中寒暑假總會到爸爸的公司幫忙,懞懞懂懂的我,開始寫起商業書信、學習填寫報價單、聽著公司員工們與客人的交涉談話。到了大學,爸爸開始帶我參加展覽,我很享受與客人互動並成功推銷後的成就感。媽媽是珠寶設計師,托她的福可以參加各式珠寶展覽。我想爸媽對我的影響之深,讓我從小就不害怕與陌生人談話,也在待人處事、說話藝術上學習到許多精髓。 


 我熱愛語言,大學畢業於輔仁大學西班牙語文學系、輔修華語文教學學程,並在加拿大艾爾伯塔大學(University of Alberta)修習英文比較文學學分,後來又到西蒙菲莎大學(Simon Fraser University,以下簡稱SFU)就讀中英口筆譯文憑。 從大學開始,我便積極找尋許多英語教育及英語口筆譯的工作機會。大學時期我當了三年的英語家教,指導從小學到高中生的英文。並曾在Oh! Study的教育展擔任英國雪菲爾大學與西班牙IE大學的中英口譯員。此外,感謝系上教授的薦舉,擔任台大醫院來台參訪的瓜地馬拉醫師與護士的中西口譯員,並且兩次擔任台灣國際發展合作基金會(ICDF)電子商務與醫療品質研習班的專案助理人員,協助確保課程與行程進行順利、負責交通場地與講者的接洽事宜與尋找合作夥伴等。 大學時期,我擔任中友會的輔導幹部與書記長以及系學會的公關長,舉辦多場多達200人的大型活動與迎新活動,如偏鄉關懷營隊與聯誼活動等。同時,我分別利用暑假時間參加AIESEC舉辦的環保志工計畫,前往馬來西亞協助當地NGO推廣環保教育與前往西葡自助旅行。這些寶貴的經驗歷練了我創意思考、團隊合作、行銷推廣與活動計畫的能力。 在加拿大讀書的光陰裡,為了更精進英文能力,我參加艾爾伯塔大學創意寫作研習班,並且通過徵選擔任Mckernan小學閱讀教練。在西蒙菲莎大學時則是獲得老師推薦擔任溫哥華投資協會(GCFF)的展場口譯,並兩次擔任SFU推廣影片的字幕謄錄與翻譯。除此之外,我成為班上唯一一位尚未畢業就先錄取美國翻譯公司Languageline Solution的電話口譯員。工作內容為替美國的醫療、政府、銀行、金融保險與社會服務等機構等提供中英語與台英語的電話口譯服務,也讓我意識到「台語」的稀有性與會講台語的珍貴。我也同時 擔任台灣的東滕有限公司(TOUKE)做網站翻譯(中翻英),負責從接案到翻譯、尋找編輯、潤稿、報價、品質控管與維護客戶關係等工作內容。這些珍貴的經驗讓我不只在學校吸收學術方面的知識、更幫助我累積許多文字工作的實戰經驗。 


 如今,我已順利完成學業,回到台灣準備好迎接下一份工作挑戰。我相信我的求學與工作經驗、細心負責的態度、一顆充滿熱忱想要學習的心與能夠適應環境變化快的韌性,將會讓我在此職位有所發揮,為貴公司有所貢獻。 謝謝您們耐心閱讀! 



CS Service • Translator  •  TAIWAN  •  [email protected]


2019 - 2020 Translation and Interpretation Diploma, Simon Fraser University 

2017 - 2018 Comparative Literature, University of Alberta, Edmonton 

2015 - 2017 Teaching Chinese as a Second Language Program, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan 

2013 - 2017 B.A., Spanish Language and Literature, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan 



  • Mandarin (Native)
  • English(TOEFL IBT 99, TOEIC 980)
  • Spanish(DELE B2)
  • Taiwanese


  • MS Office (Word, Powerpoint, Excel)
  • Adobe Acrobat
  • CAT Tool
  •  Photoshop 


NAI 500, Vancouver 
Booth interpreter |2019.10 

- Translated between the Canadian company and Chinese investors

- Successfully attracted new investors and promoted the brand awareness

TOUKE, Taiwan
Website Translator|2020.05 -2020.06 
- Translated the website from Chinese into English

- In charge with the customer communications

- Proofread the translated article

- Provided excellent customer service 

LanguageLine Solutions
Telephone Interpreter (Mandarin/ Taiwanese)|2020.03 -2019.09 
- Provided telephone interpretation for various industries like healthcare, emergency services; 911, police services, border control, immigration services, government agencies, social services; bank and insurance company, financial institutions; utility services, cable and telephone services, consumer products, travel, etc.

International Cooperation and Development Fund (ICDF), Taiwan
Medical/ Business Conference Project Assistant and Interpreter|2018-07 
- Interpreted Chinese into English and Spanish in daily conversations 

- Organized and managed the schedule and events

- Assisted foreign guests with any kind of living problem in Taiwan.


Video Subtitle Translator &Transcriptionist / Simon Fraser University 

Tourism Blog Translator/

Elementary School Reader/ Calgary Weread

Spanish Chinese Interpreter/ National Taiwan University Hospital              

Senior Companion/ Miller Crossing Long Term Care home

Mandarin Tutor/ Fu Jen Catholic University


My name is I Chen Vivi Liao, and I am a trained Mandarin-English interpreter and translator from Simon Fraser University, Canada. I got my bachelor's degree in Spanish Language and Literature at Fu Jen Catholic University, with a Minor in Mandarin Teaching. 

 "A Person Who Knows Two Languages is Worth Two People." 

Since I can remember, I have always been fascinated by languages, multi-lingual people, and culture. Therefore, I started to learn English since I was five, and I chose to major in Spanish and minor in Mandarin Teaching at Fu Jen Catholic University, thinking to become a language professional that speaks proficient English, Spanish, Chinese, and Taiwanese Hokkien. I took whatever chances I have to practice my language skills. During university, I worked twice as an English - Mandarin interpreter in the international study affair, partnered with the University of Sheffield and IE University. Furthermore, I was recommended by my professor to serve as a Spanish medical interpreter in NTNU hospital for 3 Guatemalan doctors and nurses, and twice as a project assistant and English - Spanish interpreter for the business and medical workshops held by ICDF (國合會). Not only did I assist them in interpretation, but I was also in charge of the schedule planning. Everyday after the workshop, I performed as a student ambassador to introduce the beauty of Taiwan to all the foreign guests, which has successfully captured their hearts. Up till today, we still keep in touch and share things from each others countries, I realize this is the most precious friendships, and it is languages that connect all of us together. 

 "If You Talk to a Man in a Language He Understands, that Goes to His Head. If You Talk to Him in His Own Language, that Goes to His Heart." Nelson Mandela. 

 Since I realize how capable can a person be with multi-language skills, I once again assured that I would like to become a language professional. Language and culture go hand in hand, both of them define a person, their perspective, and pretty much everything about their life. Therefore, in order to profoundly learn English, I made a bold decision to leave Taiwan and move to Canada to study a term at the University of Alberta as I felt this would strengthen my understanding of North American society and culture. While studying Comparative Literature, I prioritized my time at the writing center and in my professor's office to improve my linguistic fluency. I also volunteered as a reading coach at McKernan Elementary School, as a teaching assistant at Michael A. Kostek Elementary School, and at Miller Crossing Long Term Care Home to gain a better understanding of North American culture, vocabulary, and lifestyle. When I was in Canada, I received an offer from, one of the top 5 OTAs. It's an English-Mandarin Customer Service Representative position in Shanghai. I accepted the offer and started my new adventure.  I used to handle 50 to 60 calls, 10 to 20 emails per days in solving problems and improving customer experience. I got two consecutive exceed on my KPI and I was then assigned by my manager to train the new coming specialists. Thanks for this experience, I am trained to become a multi-tasking, problem-solving, and detail-oriented person. 

   "An Investment in Knowledge Pays the Best Interest." - Benjamin Franklin. 

After a year of hard work, I realized in order to let my language skill become more native, the most efficient way is to do immerse learning. I came back to Canada, but this time it's a new city for me, Vancouver. As a student in the Interpretation and Translation Program at Simon Fraser University, I not only built a strong foundation for the knowledge of translation and interpretation but also gained professional hands-on interpreting and translation experience. We have interpreted for several topics in many occasions, such as medical, legal, political, real estate, LGBTQ, mining, agriculture, immigration, etc, which has extended my knowledge toward North American culture.  Outside of school, I was recommended to work as a booth interpreter for Global Chinese Financial Forum (GCFF), and successfully attracted new investors and built good relationships between the Canadian company and the Mandarin-speaking clients. Meanwhile, I served as a Taiwanese Interpreter for LanguageLine Solutions, one of the biggest online interpretation companies in the USA, and a website translator for a Taiwanese company TOUKE. 

 "Traveling - It Leaves You Speechless, Then Turns You into a Storyteller." - Ibn Battuta. 

I found how traveling can reshape a person's mind and life, and I believe great things never came from comfort zones. In the past 5 years, I planned a journey every summer. I volunteered in Malaysia for 2 months as an environmental protagonist, helped the local NGO to educate the locals regarding environmental issues. Apart from working, I backpacked every weekend to different cities in Malaysia and Singapore, which I found is the best way to know a country profoundly. In 2016, I backpacked across Spain and Portugal, visited 21 cities in 66 days with only TWD 100K budget. Travel makes me a more tolerant, independent, creative, and courageous person, and it is the thing that makes me richer, from the inside out. 

 "You Can Make Anything by Writing."-C.S. Lewis 

I love to read and write. Writing is a sense of recording and creating, it develops my logical thinking and critical thinking skills. To be able to make a positive impact on others from my writing is my biggest satisfaction. With my infectious attitude for learning, a committed work ethic, and willingness to take on challenges, I believe I have the qualities and characteristics to make a huge difference in the world around me.