

This is Voиteq Oso who have been mainly developing android project and cross-platform for at least 5-year. 

He is familiar with Java, kotlin and the way to use android Studio. Also the cross-platform

(cordova-ionic-angular framework) is known to Voиteq due to his almost 3-year developing experience.

Voиteq is communicative and up for developing with team member or just himself. Besides, he is a dedicated person, moreover, he always willing to give learning a go.

Above all of these,Voиteq has the experience about developing of project from beginning to release.

Thus, he is responsible for maintenance and optimization the application via the feedback as well.  

He have developing and maintaining a wide variety of projects, such as IOT smart-speaker, router, e-wallet and application related to video. 

Mobile App Developer
[email protected]


android 工程師 光碩資訊  
2022 7/19 ~ 在職中
任職中,主要任務是維護既有影視相關的專案,採用MVVM架構且利用coroutine + retrofit 非同步串接後端資訊

1.在view pager2中開發,有遇到滑動過於靈敏(左右滑動野會觸發上下移動)的問題。之後使用了內部提供的代碼,給出了固定的參數讓viewpager2會加大滑動的幅度再做方向感應. 
2.圖片上傳下載各一次且各有壓縮加密,導致回傳圖片模糊失真, 後來調查後在GLIDE套件裡面將長寬複寫回原來尺寸即可解決 。

 My main responsibility is to maintain existing project which relates to video type application, using mvvm,flow and coroutine architecture with multiple third-party lib. special work: 1.implement viewpager2 slide too sensitive, I create a extension funtion to make the class related to viewpager2 use the funtion and developer just set an Int as parameter so that the slide sestive will be downgrade 2.the image will be blury due to Encryption when upload to server and download from server, we use override function in the Glide to keep the image its original size. 
 副工程師 TEAM+ 互動資通


 I am responsible for developing the e-wallet from beginning via kotlin and mvvm architecture. it implemeted with multiple lib like WYSIWYG RichEditor, bar code generator and lottie animation,etc. (concatenation to backend via retrofit2 inside app.)
 Android開發工程師 智同科技 
 android Engineer 
 2017年11月 - 2021年10月・4 年 0 個月 
 開發範圍包括多款路由設備、智慧音響。 路由設備以android java實作。 
 智慧音響則由跨平台cordova core進行實作架構(包含angularjs & angular)。
 智慧音響從0開始至上架,串接了HTTP,UDP SOUCKET BLE,ZWAVE,並結合雲端伺服器以及多語系實作。 

2.利用completablefuture-chain 加快30% API讀取速度並新增畫面進度顯示 

 3-year experience of android develope with native and ionic-angular framework.
 (ionic-angular for Smart-speaker and Native for router).
 I am responsible for developing the project from beginning to release and concatenating multiple communication protocol(HTTP,UDP SOUCKET BLE,ZWAVE). Besides,the service for cloud server and Localization was implemented in app.

special work: 
1.binding the physical volume controller for remote our speaker within the app 
2.implemnet completablefuture-chain for getting 30% faster response from router and adding the progress bar

 //----- android app released: 

//----- // IOS APP


國立台北商業大學, 工商管理學士(BBA), 應用外語系, 2014 ~ 2016

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