
黃文 Wen Huang

 Taipei, Taiwan 
 [email protected]


學歷 Studies

國立台灣大學|外國語文學系|學士班 2016. 09 - 2021.01

National Taiwan University

Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures; Bachelor 2016-2021

工作經歷 Working Experience

Catherine Makeup Studio|主管特別助理(2021. 02 - 2021. 05)

【文案整理與平台成效分析 Assistant Copywriter and Platform Analyst】 研究各社群平台數據與分析競爭品牌經營,規劃新業務相關的合作專案,找尋適合的KOL人選、附註合作方向並上呈
Analyze competitors' marketing strategy and organize new collaboration projects, searching adequate key opinion leaders with cooperation details to the supervisor.

【技術文件翻譯 Translation】 
Translate relevant technical contract.

LFP 香料香水實驗室|內容行銷兼銷售人員 Content Marketing  & Sales Specialist(2020. 08 - 2020. 12)

【內容行銷與文案Marketing and Copywriting】 
 Primarily, my position covers social media maintenance (on our website, Facebook, Instagram, Pinkoi) and overall content marketing campaign, also responsible for copywriting. I was blessed to participate a curation of a collab exhibition. 

【專案管理與執行 Project Management】 
 I organize workshops and special events, having experience in formulating a concrete and detailed proposal for global accelerator program as well as a crowdfunding project.

 【銷售與客戶服務 Sales and Customer Service】 
Other than customer service, I also handled complaints, assisted to claim refunds and after-sales service. 

Arete 亞瑞特數位行銷公司|企劃行銷實習生 Marketing Intern(2019. 02 -2019. 09)

 【得獎廣告作品分類建檔 Report of Awarded Campaigns 】 


Responsible for categorizing and presenting the finalist of London International Awards and SpikeAisa awards.

 輔助企業行銷提案 Completion of External Proposal】 

協助主管處理對外提案,含括欲涉及領域的背景資料搜集、 KOL 推薦、文案撰寫、簡報美化、 Instagram 互動文案分析、競爭品牌分析、客戶品牌活動支援、協助公司參與國際廣告大獎。

Provide assistance to my supervisor to complete proposal to our clients, including doing background research, recommending KOL or influencers on social media, copywriting, organizing slides and presentations, analyzing user habits on Instagram, finishing competitive analysis, supporting brand activities, etc.

Felicé Cafe|門市人員 (2018. 06 -2018. 09)

 【顧客服務 Customer Service】 


Help increase the number of coffee and meal set sales, managing long-termed customer relationship


Maintain merchandise displays, and help costumers make decisions 

 【輔助店務管理 Store chores】 


Checking the stock of drip bag coffee and ingredients of meals 


Process coffee beans for baristas, and assist cook to prepare meals

課外活動 Extracurricular Activities

臺灣大學熱舞社|活動長 Event Coordinator(2017. 06 - 2018. 06)

【組織社團人力、活動規劃 Organization of personnel and special events 】 


Mainly arranging courses and supervise the shifting and propose to reform certain out-dated structure of work force planning into a clearer form when I found contradictories. Selected as the general coordinator of our welcoming performance in 2018 for the freshmen, being responsible for the progress of each choreography. 

【對外合作 External Cooperation】 


Having cooperated with NTNU and NTUST to hold competition and organizing contemporary workshops for members to get exposed to more dynamic and skills.

核心技能 Core Skills


  • 中文(母語)
  • 英語 TOEFL 105
  • 法語 DELF B2證書
  • 德語 約B1


  • Illustrator
  • Photoshop
  • Microsoft Office
  • iOS


  • 文案撰寫
  • 策展企劃
  • 行銷活動規劃

專案成就 Achievements

 LFP 香料香水實驗室|羅密歐與茱麗葉X玫瑰香水工作坊
     [Workshop] Romeo and Juliet X ROSE
          by Laboratory of Fragrance and Perfume
Projects 01 00@2x


[Increase customer participation in events by 333%, 

improving sales performance in October] 

  • 擔任工作坊企劃專案主理人, 帶領設計、行銷、門市同仁共同完成專案
         Event coordinator, leading the team to complete the project.
  • 行銷規劃從8月相關主題文案延伸,由工作坊結束整個主題企劃,提升顧客期待與品牌好感度
         Extending from the relevant copywriting theme, and ending with the final   
         workshop event; thus it enhances Brand favorability

 擅長活動規劃、團隊合作, 有領導才能,個性積極認真,鍾情於有挑戰性的事情,喜愛接觸人群,相處溝通。 

Adept at event-planning and project monitoring as a team player. With leader quality and diligence, I am fond of challenging tasks. Love to connect with others and be inspired. 

 重度社群媒體使用者, 經營社團紛絲專頁與活動頁,也會經營自己的生活、朋友圈。 

Heavy Social Media User; other than running my own personal platform on Instagram and Facebook, I do assist copywriting and basic customer service online.