Lin Wei, 林葳

I'm a 2-year experience software engineer, have been working at AOI department (Automated Optical Inspection) in semiconductor equipment company. I'm responsible for improve the inspection process, provide solutions for issues of device inspection  or other requirements, developing new machine software by using C++ and  Visual Studio. Now is looking for C++ software engineer opening.

 Education: Institute of Information Management, NCKU 
   Location: Taipei, TW

   Phone: 0912611448
  Mail: [email protected]

  Interest: Skate Board, Mahjong, Capybara

Profile 04 00@2x

Work Experience

ASM Pacific, Software Engineer, Oct 2019 ~ Now

Department - Automated Optical Inspection (AOI)

Improve the semi-conductor inspection flow and maintain machine software

Develop new machine software (Visual studio, C++)

SEMI Equipment Communication Standard/​Generic Equipment Model (SECS/GEM)

provide solution for costumer request and resolve software issue


Educational background

NCKU - Information Management, Master degree, 2016 ~ 2018

National Cheng Kung University (NCKU)

Average score: 88.37GPA: 4.03 (Highest 4.3)
Thesis - eye-tracking research

Guiding the college student for programming subject

Served as a computer room assistant

The 2nd TSC marketing competition 

TOEIC: 760 (Listening: 410, Reading: 350)


TKU - Information Management, Bachelor's degree, 2012 ~ 2016

Tang Kung University (TKU)

Top10% of the department, GPA: 3.694 (Highest 4.0)
Awarded at project competition for graduation

Served as a coach of lifeguard at TKU lifesaving club, improve the life saving skill and communication skill through the club activity.

Part time job at Ogilvy, introduce customer products in Public relations  activities.


New Taipei Municipal Bbanqiao Senior High School, 2009 ~ 2012

Acting as a class representative, planing school activity.

Join the school club and participate in volunteer services and host various activities
Part time job at FAIGO English Cram School, introduce courses to students by phone call


Skill Tree

Programming Language

Currently developing machine software in C++, good at objective oriented programming concept like inheritance, encapsulation and polymorphism. I have also learned C, java and python before.

Data Structure & Algorithm

Understand data structure like hash, stack, queue, heap and tree, as well as some basic sorting search algorithms.


Have experience in multi-threading and event handing to improve the inspection flow on machine software. It's necessary to understand parallel processing and event waiting between different inspection items.


Frequently using dynamically allocated data structures for software implementation. Therefore, i'm familiar with container like std::map and std::set to improve memory allocation and memory access time.


Using Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) to design the machine software, familiar with Window API, message-handling and Graphics Device Interface(GDI).

Version Control

Using PVCS version manager at the beginning, then turning to use Azure DevOps Server (TFS) as version control tool. Understanding  pros and cons between TFS and Git.

Flow Chart

To avoid misunderstanding the entire process flow, and speed up the tasks schedule, using flow chart tools to clarify the processing  when designing a workflow or maintaining multi-thread process. 

Semiconductor Background

Having knowledge of semiconductor device such as Lead, Die & Substrate...etc,  familiar with optical inspection flow and SECS/GEM (the semiconductor's equipment interface protocol).


Revise the open source to save the AOI recipe to XML file, familiar with its standard structure and the API in order to save and load the XML files.

Other Experience

Using C# to Develop website project based on ASP.NET framework. 

Designing relational database and using SQL syntax.

Have learn machine learning by using scikit-learn before.

About Me

Background and personality

        My name is Lin Wei, graduate from Information Management Institution of National Cheng Kung University. On top of taking course and  writing thesis during the semester, I also served as a tutor to help an undergraduate student pass the programming language subject. During the period of University, I have learn programming language(C, JAVA), database design(SQL server). When I developed the website project with my teammates, I also prepared for the graduate school entrance examination simultaneously. I have to arrange appropriate effort for these two items, just like project management. In spite of spending lots of time on this, I still took some times for leisure activities and gatherings with friends to keep myself in the best status. As the result, we got the awarded at project and I also admitted to the graduate school.

Work experience and skills

       Currently serving at ASM Pacific, a manufacturer providing equipment, tools and materials used in the semiconductor industry. This is my first job starting at Oct. 2019, I was sent to Singapore for training with my colleague after onboarding. My responsibility is to optimize the automated inspection process and user experience of the machine software, and providing solutions for various user requests. Therefore, it is necessary to discuss with colleagues for different solutions and submit test software to process team for verification. Consider the inspection item of semiconductor materiel including Lead, Die and substrate...etc., we need to be familiar with the proper lighting setup, inspection flow, the bottle necks of different modules and converting the unit between physical distance and image distance for measurement. We also need to upload the inspection result and relative parameters to client server by SECS/GEM (the semiconductor's equipment interface protocol).

    Machine software is developed by C++, in order to improve the reliability,  maintainability and usability, our department is developing new machine software by using a brand new class structure currently. Therefore, I'm more familiar with class design, MFC (Microsoft Foundation Class) and STL (Standard Template Library). I also need to improve parallel processing between different modules to reduce inspection time and fix some timing issues, so the knowledge of multi-threading, event handling is also required. 

Motivation and Vision

        I improve my software design ability and domain knowledge of Automatic Optical Inspection due to this job. Although there are still many things to learn, I have already got lots of  hands-on experience and also work with my colleagues joyfully. I think I could start to find other software engineer opening after two years of work experience, contributing and learning at different position to get a better pay. Another motivation is about the location. I now working in Taoyuan City but my hometown is Taipei, so I'm looking for job opening located in Taipei. In this way, it's more flexible to arrange my own time and have a stable work life.



目前於半導體設備商的自動光學檢測部門擔任軟體工程師,使用C++在Visual Studio開發機台軟體,協助機台檢測流程的自動化,對於不同的晶片模組檢測提供不同的解決方案。在求學階段除了研讀在校修習的課程,也利用網路資源自主學習程式相關的技能,培養自我解決問題的能力。

Looking for C++軟體工程師

 學歷: 成功大學資管所畢業
   地點: Taipei, TW

    電話: 0912611448
  信箱: [email protected]

  興趣: 滑板、麻將、水豚

Profile 04 00@2x


ASM Pacific 自動光學檢測部門, 軟體工程師, Oct 2019 ~ Now

優化半導體封裝的檢測流程並維護機台軟體 (Visual Studio, C++)




內政部空中勤務總隊, 替代役, July 2018 ~ July 2019




成功大學, 碩士學位, 資訊管理研究所, 2016 ~ 2018

平均學期成績85分以上GPA達4.03 (滿分4.3)。
碩士論文 - 眼動儀相關研究。


擔任電腦室助理,負責硬體基本維修、軟體安裝、資產管理處理 平常檢查設備運作是否正常


多益測驗760分 (聽力410, 閱讀350)。


淡江大學, 學士學位, 資訊管理學系, 2012 ~ 2016

年度成績班級排名前10%,GPA達3.694 (滿分4.0)。




板橋高中, 2009 ~ 2012


高中畢業期間於飛哥英文補習班擔任招生電話工讀生,透過電話吸引學生試聽課程 學習如何用話術技巧讓別人引起興趣,達到「陌生開發」。



Programming Language


Data Structure & Algorithm

了解hash, stack, queue, heap與tree等資料結構,以及各種排序搜尋演算法的運作原理


改良機台軟體的檢測流程,需了解不同檢測模組之間的平行處理與事件等待,具備multi-threading和event handing的經驗。


實作上常需要使用動態配置的資料結構,因此熟悉vector, map, set等動態存取容器,使存取速度與記憶體配置得到一定的優化。


使用Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) 設計機台軟體,使用物件導向的方法來呼叫Windows API,熟悉message-handling與Graphics Device Interface(GDI)。

Version Control

工作初期曾使用pvcs version manager,開發新機台軟體後則是使用Azure DevOps Server(TFS) 作為版控工具,了解與git相對應的操作以及兩者的優缺點。

Flow Chart


Semiconductor Background

了解晶片上的元件模組(e.g. Lead, Die & Substrate...etc.),以及半導體封裝的檢測流程,利用SECS/GEM(半導體設備的溝通協定)處理機台與伺服器之間的溝通


RapidXML是能快速存取XML檔案的open source,改寫其內容並將半導體元件檢測的recipe寫入XML,熟悉其標準格式以及API以將其應用在機台軟體上。

Other Experience

具備ASP.NET Web Development的經驗,以Code Behind 開發模式使用C#設計網頁,嵌入SQL語法,與Microsoft SQL Server資料庫串接並擷取資料

曾利用scikit-learn學習Machine Learning的基礎原理



        我的名字叫林葳,畢業於成大資管所,在碩班的期間除了修習課程與撰寫論文,也一邊幫助大學部的聽障生加強計算機概論以及程式語言的科目,除了備課也訓練自己的表達能力,算是一個家教的的經驗。大學則是在淡江大學資管系,除了在主修科目學習了程式語言(C, JAVA)、資料庫設計(SQL Server),也在當時的畢業專題以ASP.NET的架構實作網站開發,一邊和同學們合作製作專題,同時也在準備研究所考試,由於這兩個項目都需要花許多時間來準備,無形之中培養了時間管理的能力,除了製作專題以及研讀考試科目,也會安排平時的休閒活動與聚會,讓自己保持良好的狀態。最後大學的畢業專題拿到了佳作,也順利考上研究所。


       目前就職於ASM Pacific,是一間製造及銷售半導體工業所用之機台、工具及物料的公司,於2019年10月進入公司AOI部門一,這也是我第一份工作,入職後就到新加坡總部受訓,工作內容主要是協助自動化的檢測流程使其更順暢,優化機台軟體的使用流程,完成各種使用者需求,因此需常常與新加坡的同事討論各種解決方案,並反覆測試。晶片的檢測項目主要包含Lead, Die, wire, substrate...等,針對不同項目使用不同的燈光抓圖,再將參數與圖片交由vision library處理,檢驗晶片是否有缺陷,因此需要熟悉打光與抓圖的流程,各模組間平行處理的瓶頸,檢測項目的圖片像素單位與實際單位之間的轉換。除了檢測流程,也要使用SECS/GEM(半導體設備的溝通協定)讓機台上的檢測結果與相關參數會上傳到客戶端的server。目前部門正在進行新機台的軟體開發,除了讓使用者操作UI更順暢,也考慮延展性與未來更容易維護,將現有流程以新的class架構設計。

      機台軟體使用C++開發,為了讓使用者操作UI更順暢,也考慮延展性與未來更容易維護,目前部門正在研發新的機台軟體,將現有流程以新的class架構設計,對於Class Design、MFC (Microsoft Foundation Class)和STL (Standard Template Library)更加熟悉,在維護檢驗流程的過程中,因為不同檢測模組之間需要平行處理以減少檢驗時間,也常常需要處理Multi-threading、Event Handling的問題,遇到複雜的問題時,也會透過製作Flow Chart來釐清整個流程的架構。


        我在這份工作上在Software Design的能力和Automatic Optical Inspection的專業知識方面都得到了提升,雖然還有很多東西正在學習,但已經步上了軌道,和同事們也都合作愉快,經過了兩年的磨練覺得自己可以開始尋找其他software engineer的職缺,在不同領域繼續學習,也能有更好的待遇;另一個動機,是由於現在的公司位於桃園華亞科技園區,但自己的家鄉與生活圈在台北,因此正在尋找台北的職缺,如此可以有更多時間精進各方面的能力,也能安排自己的休閒活動,擁有穩定的工作生活。